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July 5th 1875

Commenced duties as Mistress of Leverstock Green School.

Dora J. Lowe.
The Rev. G. Finch present at the opening.
July 6th - Mrs. Finch visited school in the afternoon, heard children sing.
7th - Rev. G. Finch visited school in the morning, stayed half an hour watching children at their lessons. Examined children in needlework found lower standards rather deficient in the art.
8th - Several children absent on account of market at Hemel Hempstead.
12th - Rev. G. Finch visited the school in morning.
14th - Jessie Jago P.T. absent from school on account of Choir Festival at St. Albans.
15th - Attendance very bad on account of wet weather.
20th - Rev. G. Finch visited school in the morning took elder girls to Scripture.
21st. - Attendance very bad only 37 chi: present, very wet indeed.
23rd - Jessie Jago, Pupil Teacher away with permission.
26th - Mrs. Finch & lady friend visited in the morning.
29th - Half-holiday on account of Sunday School Treat.
30th - Rev. Finch visited school took elder girls to Holy Scripture.
August 2nd - Taught Standard I myself, found them very backward.
6th - Closed the school for 3 weeks holiday.
30th - Commenced school duties after holiday.
Sept. 1st - Rev. Finch visited school in afternoon.
3rd - Attendance very bad the whole week on account of children gleaning
8th - Mrs. Finch visited school in afternoon.
Sept 18th - Notice of Scripture Examination. Rev. Finch visited school.
Sept. 20th - Attendance bad owing to fair held at Hemel Hempstead.
21st - Rev. Finch visited in afternoon heard children sing several new songs.
22nd - Examined Standard II in arithmetic, found them very backward and dull, taught them simple division.
23rd - Standard I still very backward in reading.
24th - Taught 1st class girls to cut out a pinafore.
27th - Re-admitted four children.
28th - Rev. Finch visited in morning took 1st class for Holy Scripture.
29th - Admitted three new children. Rev. Finch visited took 1st class for Holy Scripture. Examined Standard II in Arith: slight improvement.
Oct. 4th - Scripture Inspector examined chil: Rev. Finch visited.
7th - Examined Standard I in arithmetic,
...found slight improvement.
8th - Rev. Finch visited. Taught 1st Class Holy Scripture.
11th - Attendance poor weather being bad.
15th - Rev. Finch visited Taught 1st class Holy Scripture.
18th - Readmitted two boys that had been working in fields all summer.
19th - Attendance poor , very wet weather.
20th - Still very wet, several children away gathering acorns. Five children away through sickness.
Taught a new school song (The Echo) in play time it being so wet children could not go out. Allowed children to go home at a quarter to twelve & commenced at quarter to 2 as evenings begin to get dusk.
21st - Examined Standard III in arithmetic found improvement. Ordinary progress throughout the week.
29th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning. Attendance poor owing so many children acorning.
November 1st - Commenced school at half past one as evenings draw in.
3rd - Examined Standard II in arithmetic - found slight improvement.
4th - Jesse Jago away half day with permission.
5th - Rev. Finch visited in morning tyook elder children for Holy Scrips:
8th - Taught Standard III com: long division.
Several children still away acorning one boy with a broken arm.

I certify that I have carefully verified a sufficient number of the entries in the registers, and am satisfied of the accuracy of the return.
15th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning.
17th - Mrs. Finch visited in afternoon.
18th - Examined Standards II & III in morning found great improvement..... Standard II and careless working in Standard III. Examined Pupil Teacher's Standard I in arithmetic very dissatisfied with the result.
19th - Rev. Finch visited in morning taught elder children Holy Scripture.
20th - Deviated from Time Table giving upper standards grammar lesson instead of singing with very fair success. Examined Standard IV find them very dull and listless with their weights and measures.
22nd - Rev. Finch visited in the morning. Attendance better but several children still away with bad colds. Readmitted William Martin.
29th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
Dec. 4th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning.
7th - Attendance poor on account of the snow being deep 35 children present.
Dec. 9th - Examined Standard II in arith: found slight improvement.
11th - Weather still severe many children away in consequence.
13th - Examined Standard IV & V in arithmetic found improvement.
19th Rev. Finch visited in the morning took elder children for Holy Scripture.
23rd - Closed school for Christmas vacation.
January 10th (1876) - Reopened school after two weeks holiday. Rev. Finch visited in the morning.
13th - Attendance poor, very snowy weather. Gave Mrs. Finch twelve shillings for needlework sold.
14th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning.
18th Rev. & Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon. Attendance much better.
20th - Attendance much better during the week,work according to Time Table.
23rd - Mrs. Finch and lady friend visited in the afternoon heard children sing.
28th - Emma Tarbox away with cold. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
31st - Last day of the school year.
February 1st - Deviated from Time Table giving 1st & 2nd class arith: instead of writing. Commenced school at 2 p.m. closing at 4.15.
4th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning.
7th - Rev. Finch visited to take club.
8th - Deviation from time table giving 1st & 2nd classes arithmetic instead of spelling. Pleased with the order in Pupil Teachers class think there is an improvement in lesssons.
10th - Commenced at 1.30 on account of Sunday School treat.
14th - Rev. Finch visited in morning to take club. Attendance poor.
Feb. 16th - I have carefully verified a sufficient number of entries in the registers and am satisfied of the accuracy of the returns.
21st - Rev. Finch visited in the morning heard children sing the songs prepared for the inspection.
24th - Mrs. Finch and lady friend visited in the afternoon heard children sing.
25th - Annual inspection. Half holiday in the afternoon.
29th - Rev. Finch visited in the afternoon. Commenced to teach children new rules in arithmetic.
March 3rd - Rev. Finch visited in the morning gave children Catechism. Attendance better 60 children present.
6th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning to take club.
8th - Weather very snowy attendance poor in consequence.
14th - Ordinary progress.
16th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
17th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning taking elder children for Holy Scripture.
20th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning to take club.
23rd - Allowed girls to continue working the whole afternoon boys going on as usual according to the Time Table. Girls much improved in needlework.
25th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning taking elder children for Holy Scripture.
The following names were given:
Ashwell A. ,(pupil no. 223), Ashwell A. pupil no. 390, Ashwell E., Ashwell L., Atkins A., Atkins H., Child A., Child J., Child E., Cook W., Cooper H., Cooper J., Cooper W (a), Cooper W (b), Currel J., Currel S., Dell F., Dell E., Fickling C., George A., George H., George M.A., Harrowell M.A., Jackson A., Jury S., King W., Latchford J., Latchford A., Mardle E., Martin J., Martin M.A., Payne E., Peddar M.A., Sinfield W., Sinfield A., Sinfield A., Sleabben W., Slough E., Tarbox E., Turner F., Wheeler J., Woods G., Woods S., Woodward W., Young F.
PAGE 295

List of School Songs prepared for Examination 1876
1. Spring Time
2. The Pilot
3. The Foot Traveller
4. Don't Despair
5. Escape from The City
6. Christmas is Here
7. Sing for the Oak Tree
8. The British Grenadier
9. Glide along my bonny boat

10. Good Night to you all

11. Now steadily steadily let us all walk.

12. Now's the time to go to bed.
1. The Sparrow
2. Little Bo Peep
3. The Black Cat
4. The Drummer Boy
5. The Rabbit
6. The Fire Brigade

Report of H.M. Inspector
"The children passed a fairly good examination. More books are required."
J. Cooper having being returned last year as over six was disqualified by age for further presentation under article 19 (B/1). { Grammar

J.S.Jago { and
{ Geography.
Dora Georgina Lowe. Certified Mistress, Probationer
Jesse Sparkes Jago. Articled Pupil Teacher of the 4th year

George Finch, School Manager
March 27th - Jesse Sparkes Jago away from her duties with a bad arm. Admitted two children.
31st - Usual progress during the week.
April 3rd - Rev. Finch visited to take club.
5th - Mrs. Finch and lady friend visited in the afternoon, expressed themselves much pleased with children's singing.
6th - Unable to teach singing on account of the having a sore throat, let children........
........write out their grammar lesson in stead.
7th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning taking elder children for Holy Scripture.
10th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning to take club. Attendance not so good as usual so many little ones away on account of the wet. Allowed girls to work every afternoon in order to finish work before the Easter vacation.
24th - Commenced school duties after one weeks holiday. Attendance in the classroom much better.
26th - Rev. Finch visited in the afternoon.
28th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning gave elder children Scripture Lesson.
May 1st - Attendance poor being May Day.
4th - Rev. & Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon stayed while chi: had their singing lesson.
PAGE 298
5th - Rev. Finch visited to take 1st class for Scripture. Admitted ten infants this week, the school fee being lowered from two pence to one penny per week.
8th - Rev. Finch visited to take club.
9th - Taught needlework instead of writing to girls, boys going on as usual.
12th - Attendance better, Rev. Finch visited in the morning. Taught Standard II long division find great improvement in their reading.
15th - Rev. Finch visited to take club.
17th - Examined Standard III in arithmetic found slight improvement.
19th - Rev. Finch visited, examined children's writing also heard 1st class repeat their recitation.
22nd - Rev. Finch visited to take club.
24th - Rev. Finch visited in the afternoon.
25th - Half Holiday (Ascension Day ).
26th - Rev. Finch visited to take elder children for Holy Scripture.
29th - Attendance good - 25 children present.
30th - Lady visitor in the afternoon expressed herself much pleased with the singing and work of the children.
June 1st - Attendance still good although market day 71 child: present.
2nd - Closed school for one weeks vacation.
I have carefully verified a sufficient number of entries in the registers, and am satisfied as to the accuracy of the return.

George Finch, Manager
June 11th - Re-commenced school duties after one weeks holiday. Rev. Finch visited to take club. Attendance poor throughout the week particularly Thursday only 46 children present.
Thursday - Made a mistake in closing school, closing half an hour too soon through clock being wrong......
.....Commenced at half past 1 o'clock instead of 2 to make up for the lost half hour.
26th - Rev. Finch visited. Average for the week poor (59.8) so many children away hay-making.
July 3rd
- Rev. Finch visited in the morning to take club. Ordinary progress during the week.
7th - Rev. Finch visited to take club. Attendance poor so many chi: bird-keeping. Examined II, III, & IV Standard in Reading found improvement also II in grammar found children could readily pick out nouns. First class seemed very dull with geography.
11th - Made a change giving the Pupil Teacher the Infants not being satisfied with monitor's work order much better in the Infants' room.
14th - Rev. Finch visited to take 1st class for Holy Scripture; heard children repeat their recitation.
Order in the Infants' room much better.
Attendance not as good as it should be so many boys at work, and little ones away with blisters, measles and whooping cough.
19th - Rev. Finch visited in the afternoon.
24th - Ordinary progress.
31st - Rev. Finch visited in the morning to take club.
August 3rd - Half - holiday, Sunday School Treat. Attendance this week rather poor.
7th - Rev. Finch visited to take club, attendance not so good owing to St. Alban's fete and harvest work. Taught children two new songs, (The Shepherd boys) & (Come Celebrate the May ). Examined children throughout the school, find an improvement in writing and spelling not as much accuracy in arithmetic as there should be.
11th - Usual progress during the week. Close school for one months vacation.
September 11th - Re-opened school after one months holiday. Attendance fair during the week. Rev. Finch visited on Friday to take 1st class for Holy Scripture.
18th - Admitted four new children. Two children left gone into another neighbourhood.
27th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
28th - Attendance better, 67 present.
October 2nd. - Rev. Finch & Mr. Fisher (Scripture Inspector ) examined children in the afternoon.
9th - Dr. Gee visited in the morning to take club.
12th - Examined children throughout the school, find children much improved in writing and tables.
13th - Attendance not as good this week, so much wet weather. Examined Standard II in grammar find them much sharper in picking out the nouns than expected. Miss Pugh visited school in the afternoon examined girls needlework and boys writing.
16th - Attendance much better ( 63 ) present. Examined Infants found them rather backward owing to my being without a monitress for 13 weeks. Admitted two chi:
17th - 66 present.
20th - Taught children two new songs. (The Cat & (The North Wind Doth Blow) Attendance better. Examined writing throughout the school, find it much improved.
Monday 23rd - Tried home lessons again today being the four(th) time since I have been here with but poor success, children pleased to take them home but not allowed to do them by parents, their usual home task being plait. Two of the elder girls away basket making.
24th - Order in Infants room much better.
25th - Examined Standard IV in Arithmetic was pleased to find them much sharper. Standard II still rather dull.
26th - Gave a dictation lesson to 1st class instead of singing lesson.
27th 62 present in the afternoon.
30th - Numbers still good, average for last week 62.6.
31st - Continued teaching arithmetic to Standard III instead of Geography. Standard IV much improved in arithmetic. 66 present. Mrs. Finch visited, examined children's writing.
November 2nd - Numbers not so good being market day. Taught children a new song in afternoon,"Holidays".
3rd - Rev. Finch visited in the morning taking 1st class for Catechism.
6th - Several children away.
8th - Attendance poor, weather very cold 8 in 1st class should be 18.
9th - Market day, attendance not so good 57 present weather still very cold.
10th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning.
13th - Weather bad,attendance not so good. Rev. Finch visited to take club.
15th - Taught a new song in children's play time being very wet.
17th - Rev. Finch visited took first class for Catechism.
20th - Rev. Finch visited to take club examined children's writing. Weather still very wet attendance in consequence poor.
21st - Mrs. Finch visited in the morning.
23rd - Market day 52 present weather still bitterly cold, many little ones away in consequence.
24th - Mrs. Finch visited in the morning, heard children read 38 present in the afternoon very wet weather.
Dec. 1st - Rev. Finch visited taking 1st class for Catechism.
4th - Dr. Gee & Rev. Finch visited to take club. Examined Standard III in arithmetic very few sharp with long division. Allowed elder children to write in their copy books in recreation time the weather being very wet the whole week.
8th - Ordinary progress during the week.
11th - Rev. Finch visited to take club.
14th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
15th - Rev. Finch took 1st class for Holy Scripture.
18th - Rev. Finch visited to take club. Gave children an examination in arithmetic. Taught children a new song:"I Wish You a Merry Christmas"
20th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon, sold 10s 11d worth of holland work made by children.
21st - Rev. Finch visited in the afternoon examined 3rd class writing. Have had infants in the large room to let Church decorations go on in the Infants' room. 53 present, weather still very bad many of the infants away.
22nd - Close school today for Christmas vacation.

I have carefully verified a sufficient number of the entries in the registers and am satisfied of the accuracy of the return.

George Finch, Manager.
January 8th (1897) - Commenced school duties. Attendance fair. Admitted two children. Weather very wet during the week.
15th - Commenced the week well, a fine dry day.
16th - Very wet all day many little ones away. Examined 1st class in grammar find them very dull many forgotten even the definitions of the parts of speech in the holidays.
17th - Admitted a new scholar.
18th - Rev. Finch visited in the afternoon stayed to hear children sing the songs prepared for the examination.
19th - Rev. Finch visited taking 1st class to Catechism. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
22nd - Taught little ones "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
24th - Weather still continues wet many children away.
26th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning.
28th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning to take club.
30th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon examined girls needlework and heard little ones sing.
Feb. 2nd - Rev. Finch visited in the morning to take first class for Holy Scripture.
5th - - Rev. Finch visited to take club. Examined Pupil Teacher's examination work.
9th - Ordinary progress during the week. Rev. Finch visited to take 1st class for Holy Scripture.
12th - Rev. Finch visited to take club.
14th - Mrs. Finch visited in the morning. Attendance better this week in the infants class. Have infants in the large room as workmen are repairing the school wall.
15th - Mrs. Finch visited in the morning.
16th - Closed school today to attend my Dear Father's Funeral.
School Songs Prepared for Examination
1. Come cheer up my lads.
2. Come celebrate the May.
3. Oe'r the foaming billows
4. Strive to learn.
5. Holidays.
6. And now strike up a merry song.
Rounds 7.The bird that soars on highest wing
8. Call John the boatman.
9. The north wind doth blow.
10. Twinkle twinkle little star.
11. The mill by the rivulet.
12. Who on the wall is sealed.
20th - School inspection by H.M. Inspector, holiday in the afternoon.
23rd - Rev. Finch visited to take 1st class to Catechism.
25th - Rev. Finch visited in the afternoon, examined boys' writing. Weather fine and dry 72 present.
27th - Kezia Luck commenced her duties in the infants' room.
March 2nd - Rev. Finch visited to take 1st class for Holy Scripture.
5th -

Report of H.M. Inspector.
The discipline is satisfactory, but the instruction has lost much ground. The failures in the Elementary examination are far too numerous. The infants are not forward enough. The issue of a certificate to the teacher must be defered until better results are obtained in writing and arithmetic. More books should be provided.
{ arithmetic

J.S.Jago{ and
{ geography
Dora Georgina Lowe, Certificated Mistress, Probationer
Jesse Sparkes Jago, Articled Pupil Teacher, 5th year.

George Finch, School Manager
5th - Rev. Finch visited to take club.
9th - Taught Standard II multiplication. Ordinary progress during the week.
12th - Order in Infants'room not as good as it should be, teacher not as sharp or bright enough with little ones.
15th - Mrs. Finch visited in the morning. Taught girls in standard III stitching.
16th - Rev. Finch visited to take 1st class for Holy Scripture. Taught Standard IV girls herringboning.
21st - Attendance poor, weather wet.
23rd - Rev. Finch visited.
29th - Closed school in the morning for 1 weeks holiday.(Easter)
April 9th
- Recommenced school duties today.
11th - Rev. Finch visited in the afternoon.
12th - Issues certificates to two boys that they might work in the brick kiln. Taught children a new song, "Old John had an apple tree". Order and progress in infants room much better.
13th - Rev. Finch visited to take Holy Scripture.
16th - Rev. Finch visited to take club.
18th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
20th - Attendance better, school visited by the School Board Officer from Hemel Hempstead to know the absentees and cause of absence.
23rd - Examined Standard I in notation, find an improvement. Put pupil Teacher in charge of 1st class taking Standards I & II myself. Attendance this week much better.

I have carefully verified a sufficient number of the entries in the registers & am satisfied of the accuracy of the returns.

George Finch, Manager.
May 4th - Rev. Finch visited to take 1st class for Holy Scripture.
10th - Closed school for a half-holiday it being Holy Thursday.
17th - Weather very wet attendance poor.
18th - Closed school for one week.
28th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning to take club.
29th - Pupil Teacher carried on school work with Rev. Finch on account of the illness of the Mistress. Attendance good. Received forms from the Watford Guardians respecting the attendance of the children.
June 1st - Examined Infants find them much improved, the teacher painstaking & patient with them.
8th - Attendance still good, weather fine. Standard I show improvement in arithmetic.
12th - Closed school for half a day. Bishop of St. Albans enthroned.
15th - Rev. Finch visited to take 1st class for Holy Scripture.
22nd - Ordinary progress during the week.
27th - Taught children a new song "Come celebrate the May"
July 2nd - Rev. Finch visited to take club. Girls Standard III improved in stitching.
5th - Examined infants, find improvement both in lessons and in order, teacher painstaking and patient with the little ones.
11th - Taught children a new song "Cold's the wind".
13th - Rev. Finch visited to take 1st class for Holy Scripture.
18th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
20th - Mr. Heath, school Board officer visited to enquire for absentees. Rev. Finch & lady visitors visited stayed to hear children go through their singing lesson.
27th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon. Paid 10s 6d halfpenny for needlework sold.
Practised school songs in recreation time.
August 2nd - Closed school for the afternoon, Sunday School treat.
10th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning attendance good. Find improvement in the notation of Standard I.
17th - Closed school for the Harvest Holidays for one month.
Sept.17th - Reopened for school duties today attendance poor.
19th - Rev. Finch visited today in the afternoon.
21st - Many children away gleaning.
25th - Mrs. Finch visited to enquire about school needlework.
28th - Attendance still poor, many children away gathering blackberries, several little ones with whooping cough. Rev. Finch visited to give Holy Scripture lesson to 1st class.

I have carefully verified a sufficient number of entries in the registers & am satisfied of the accuracy of the returns.

George Finch
17th - Rev. Finch visited to take club. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon. Gave Mrs. Finch 2/11 for flannel petticoat sold. Taught children a new song (March)
19th - Close school today for the Christmas holidays for one week and two days.
31st - Re-opened school today. Rev. Finch visited brought papers of no. of scholars to be presented to fill up. Pupil Teacher asked for another days holiday.
January 1st (1878) - Pupil Teacher commenced her duties this morning.
7th - Attendance very fair during the week. Two children (infants) away with scarlet fever. Rev. Finch visited to teach Holy Scripture to 1st class.
I have carefully verified a sufficient number of entries in the registers & am satisfied of the accuracy of the return.
18th - Examined infants find improvement teacher painstaking and diligent.
22nd - Rev. Finch examined the Standards, 34 chi: presented in the three R's.
Result in Reading
& Arithmetic
Heard little ones sing.
25th - Rev. Finch visited taking 1st class for Holy Scripture.
29th - Half holiday. Musical entertainment in school room in the evening.
30th - Holiday. Workmen unable to clear school.
31st - End of school year.
Feb. 1st 1878
- First day of new school year. Rev. Finch visited in the morning.
4th -Pupil Teacher absent from school duties today; examined standard I in the afternoon in notation children when carefull do very nicely.
8th - Rev. Finch visited in the morning. Mrs. Finch in the afternoon. Three children returned to school this week; recovered from scarlet fever.
13th - Heard lttle ones in infant room read while first ans second classes went over their geography.
15th - Attendance not as good this week, weather very bad and wet and roads bad.
19th - Day appointed for inspection postponed until the 25th on account of illness of H.M. Inspector.
2nd - Average for the week 62.8
25th - School visited this day by H.M. Inspector. One child absent through illness. Two others away in London.

School songs prepared for examination
1. Colds the wind
2. The Apple Tree
3. The snail
4. The skaters
5. Far away
6. Some folks do.
7. March
8. The bell doth toll
1. When in the evening comes
2. The silvery moon
3. March
4. Old John had an apple tree.
______________________________ text.