The following abbreviations have been used throughout the Leverstock Green Chronicle when giving specific references :
A2A – Access to Archives on-line database found at http://www.a2a.org.uk/search/index.asp , then search on Leverstock Green. This constantly updated national data-base gives references to material held in nationwide archives. Generally where the A2A reference is given, I have as yet NOT referred to the original documents. [N.B. October 2018 - it would seem that the A2A website no longer works as it did a decade or so ago. The reference still stands, as that is where I obtained it. However I would suggest visiting http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ which will instead give access to a great many archives. They state "Find records from The National Archives and over 2,500 archives across the UK"
Cha.News - Chambersbury News ( Parish magazine for Chambersbury. Give dates for publication with individual sources.)
HALS - Hertfordshire Archive and Local Studies - previously known as the Hertfordshire Record Office. The reference usually is followed by the individual reference number used to locate the document or documents for use in the Sources room. Occasionally where a document is of particular importance, it will also have its own S number giving an idea of what the document contains.
HRO - Hertfordshire Record Office. These references should all have been altered to HALS references, (see above) but the occasional one may have slipped through the net.
HTLG – Holy Trinity Church Archive – currently in possession of Barbara Chapman and catalogued 2005. References used will have the HTLG No included e.g. HTLG 1 refers to the Churchwardens’ Account Book for 1850-1890
Echo - The Evening Echo, publication dates given at each reference.
Express - Hemel Hempstead Express; the Express is the free paper produced by the H.H.Gazette. Date of publication given with each extract.
Gazette - Hemel Hempstead Gazette - NOW KNOW AS THE GAZETTE & HERALD, (ON-LINE AS HEMEL TODAY) I will give publication dates with individual sources
GORHAM - Schedule of Manorial Records - Gorhambury Collection. This refers to information taken purely from the catalogue of documents from the Gorhambury Estate, held at HALS rather than from the specific document(s). If the document itself has been used to obtain information then it will have its own source reference detailing the reference number at the Hertfordshire Record Office.
H.Adv. - Herts Advertiser - date of publication given with each extract.
HHH&P - The Hemel Hempstead Herald and Post, publication dates given at each reference.
Kel.Dir.- Kelley's Directory of Hertfordshire. The following years’ records were consulted:
1850,1860,1870,1878,1882,1886,1890,1898.1902,1908,1910,1912,1917,1922,1926,1929, 1933.
LGVA - Information obtained from various Leverstock Green Village Association publications and documents, and including advertisements for events displayed in the Village Hall and the various shops in the Village Centre.
MAIL - Hemel Hempstead Mail, publication dates given at each reference.
VCH - Victoria County History for Hertfordshire, with volume and page reference where applicable. The extracts are reproduced by permission of the General Editor.
S - The suffix given to each individual source, other than those prefixed by one of the abbreviations above and followed by a number from 1- infinity and allocated in strict numerical order according to the time when a source was originally referenced. E.g. S1 was consulted originally before S53 etc. This list of references is continually being added to as new additional sources are consulted. The intention being that anyone reading the Leverstock Green Chronicle text can see immediately from whence any item of information was gleaned according to the reference given in square brackets. [ ] e.g. The following two entries show that the first information came from the Victoria County History, and the second from the Leverstock Green School Log Book.: February 25th, 1900 - Nathaniel Wishart Robinson bequeathed £500 to be invested, and the income to be applied in lighting, warming and repairing the Church. [VCH vol.. 2 p230 ]
Individual References according to their S number:
S1 - History of Hemel Hempstead - Hemel Local History Society.
S2 - Holy Trinity Church, Leverstock Green - A Brief History and Guide; by Tony Baillie and Michael Abbott.
S3 - 1949 O.S. map of Hertfordshire showing the administrative boundaries.
S4 - 1888 O.S. map index of Herts, and including civil boundaries.
S5 - 1746 Herts. Co.. map ( in local library )
S6 - 17?? map by Robert Morden of Herts. Co..
S7 - 1766: Topographical map of Hartfordshire ( their spelling ) showing everything remarkable! by Andrew Dury and John Andrews. Reproduced by Hertfordshire Publications. This was the first large scale map of the county ever undertaken, and was obviously considered to have been well surveyed ( although not to the standard of modern O.S. maps.) Relief was shown by shading ( method used later in the first O.S. maps.), and land use was also shown by 18 different kinds of shading. Individual field boundaries are given. I now have my own copy of this map.
S8 - Roman Roads in Britain by Ivan D. Margery
S9 - Survey of Sir Samuel Grimston's Estate, dated 1696. The original can be viewed at the Hertfordshire Record Office, Reference no: I A 68
S10 - The Hertfordshire Landscape by Lionel M. Munby
S11 - Chambersbury News, Jan 1994 - article by Peter Ward.
S12 - Geology and Scenery in England and Wales by A.E. Trueman
S13 - O.S. Geological Map of Great Britain, Sheet 2
S14 - O.S. map for 1872 , 6" to the mile
S15 - O.S. map for 1899 , 6" to the mile
S16 - O.S. map for 1897, 1" to the mile
S17 - O.S. map for 1897/8, 1: 2500 ( 50 " to the mile approx.)
S18 - O.S. map Sheet 166 ( Luton & Hertford) 1:50 000, 1974
S19 - Dacorum Within Living Memory, by Cathy Simpson and Don Jackson.
S20 - The Grimstons of Gorhambury by Norah King
S21 - Hertfordshire by Gwennah Robinson.
S22 - Studies in Manorial History by A.E. Levett.
S23 - Place Names of Hertfordshire, by
S24 - Roman Roads in the SE Midlands by The Viatores
S25 - Hertfordshire Within Living Memory by the Herts. Federation of W.I.
S26 - A History of Hertfordshire by Cussans
S27 - The War History of the First Battalion Queen's Westminster Rifles, 1914 - 1918, by Major J.Q. Henriques, T.D
S28 - Kelley's Alphabet: 1965.1966,1968,1969,1971,1972
S29 - History of Hertfordshire, by Salmon
S30 - Electoral Register, 1965
S31 - The Buildings of England - Hertfordshire. by Nikolas Pevsner also, 2nd Edition, revised 1978.
S32 - Care of the Poor of the Parish of St. Michael's. a B.Ed. thesis by Eleanor Truwert. (In St. Albans Library)
S33 - Schedule of Listed Buildings of Special Architectural or Historical interest - St. Albans District, Civil Parish of St. Michael.
S34 - Schedule of Listed Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest - Dacorum Borough.
S35 - Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Freehold Estates. ( Document held in St. Albans Archives. doc. no.2072.) October 21st 1826.
S36 - The Hertfordshire Village Book by The Hertfordshire Federation of Women's Institutes.
S37 - Archives and Local History by F.G.Emmison
S38 - The Book of Hemel Hempstead and Berkhamsted. by Gwennah Robinson
S39 - The Living History of Our Hedgerows, by Lesley Chapman ( no relation) - A Guide to Dating Hedgerows
S40 - O.S. 25": 1 mile maps, 1st Edition, 1877
S41 - O.S. 25":1 mile maps. Revised, 2nd Edition, 1898
S42 - O.S. 25":1 mile maps, 3rd Edition, 1923
S43 - O.S. 25":1 mile maps, 4th Edition, 1947
S44 - Proposed Development Plan for Hemel Hempstead New Town
S45 - Herts & Essex Trades Directory, 1971-2
S46 - Around Hemel Hempstead In Camera, by Eve Davis
S47 - Hartfordshire Described, map by John Speede, early seventeenth century.
S48 - Nonconformity in Hertfordshire, by William Urwin, pub. 1884
S49 - Marlowes Baptist Church
S50 - HALS reference IIF7 ( from the Gorhambury collection ) Conveyance of Breakspears to Harbottle Grimston.
S51 - 1":1 mile Ist Edition O.S. map - sheet 71, (London) First published August 1st 1822
S52 - Hertfordshire Inns Part 2, by W. Branch Johnson. Pub. 1963
S53 - St. Albans and Its Neighbourhood - compiled by the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 1911
S54 - Information gleaned from talking to various members of the Leverstock Green Community
S55 - The Register of Electors for Leverstock Green Ward, 1993
S56 - 1":1 mile 1st Edition O.S. map - sheet 62 (Woburn) First published 1834
S57 - Leverstock Green Library Annual Report, 1974/75
S58 - Plan of Great and Little Cox Pond Farms, 1828. Surveyed by Creed & Griffin of Hemel Hempstead. ( HALS ref. AH 682 )
S59 - Hertfordshire County Sessions Books ( As these are numerous, and the date of each entry will be given anyway, I shan't numerate the volume.)
S60 - The Sessions Records of the Liberty of St. Albans, 1770 - 1840
S61 - Plan showing Great and Little Cox Pond Farms, early 19th century (later than S58 )
S62 - 1981 Census - Small Area Statistics.
S62 - 1991 Census - Key Statistics For Wards in Hertfordshire
S63 - Unusual Buildings at Wood Lane End, Hemel Hempstead Herts. by David S. Neal
S64 - A Sanctuary at Wood Lane End, Hemel Hempstead. by David S. Neal.
S65 - "Hertfordshire's First Completely New Motor Hotel." An article in Hertfordshire Countryside in 1966
S66 - Bleak House by Charles Dickens
S67 - Report of the Commissioner for the New Towns, year ending 31/3/69
S68 - Calendar of the Assize Records of Hertfordshire Indictments, James I.
S69 - History of Britain by Carter and Mears
S70 - The Peasants Revolt in Hertfordshire, 1381; A symposium, published by Hertfordshire Publications.
S71 - Deserted Medieval Villages in Hertfordshire, by K. Rutherford Davies. 1973 & 1982 editions.
S72 - 1843 Tithe apportionment and maps for Hemel Hempstead.
S73 - Original log books for Leverstock Green school, 1863 - 1973
S74 - The Domesday Book - England's Heritage Then and Now, Editor Thomas Hinde.
S75 - Notes given to me by Reg. Beacon.
S76 - Register of Burials at Holy Trinity Church Leverstock Green, 1850 - 1899
S77 - Letter from The National Society to Walter Ayre, 16/6/70
S78 - Hemel Hempstead Through the Ages by Brereton.
S79 - Hertfordshire Countryside, Summer 1950
S80 - Children of Straw by Laszlo L. Grof.
S81 - Charity Commission Document relating to the Leverstock Green Parish Hall Trust, dated 25th March 1992.
S82 - Hertfordshire Heritage by Carbery and Grey.
S83 - History of The Ancient and Royal Foundation Called the Abbey of St. Albans. (published 1795 ) by P. Newcombe.
S84 - Abbots Langley by S.G. Thicknesse; published 1946 by Staples Press, St. Albans.
S85 -The Parish of Abbots Langley - Official Guide.
S86 - Life and Death in Kings Langley - Wills and Inventories 1498 -1659; edited by Lionel Munby.
S87 - Abbots Langley - An Outline History - published by the parish.
S88 - The Church and Parish of Abbots Langley by Rev. Raymond S. Wilkinson.
S89 - Domesday Book - A Guide by R.Welldon Finn
S90 - Domesday Book - Hertfordshire, ed. by John Morris
S91 - Domesday, A Search for the Roots of England by Michael Wood.
S92 - The Endless Webb by Joan Evans
S93 - The Local Historian's Encyclopedia by John Richardson
S94 - A History of Hertfordshire by Tony Rook
S95 - The Victorian Schoolroom by Trevor May
S96 - 1840/43 The tithe map and apportionment for St. Michael's, held at HALS
S97 - 1839/43 The tithe map and apportionment for Abbots Langley, held at HALS
S98 - Will of Edward Griffith of Abbots Langley, proved Feb. 1651/2 HALS ref.. no: 78477
S99 - Transfer of Market Oak from Francis Dorrington to John Husser, 1671
HALS ref.. 78478
S100 - The Herts Genealogist & Antiquary Ed. by W. Briggs
S101 - The Herts Genealogist & Antiquary Volume II, ed. by W. Briggs.
S102 - Information given to me by the Chairman of the Leverstock Green Cricket Club.
S103 - Excavation of the Iron Age, Roman and Medieval Settlement at Gorhambury, St. Albans. ( English Heritage Archaeological Report No. 14 ) written by David S. Neal, Angela Wardle, Jonathan Hunn and Others.
S104 - St. Albans and West Herts News of 1890 - compiled and edited by John G.E.Cox
S105 - Letter from the Crown Estates Commissioners, dated 19th July 1994
S106 - Notes given to me by Dr. Chris Reynolds concerning "The War Journal of Bernard Joseph Brookes", a document held at the Imperial War Museum.Dr. Reynolds is currently drafting a book on Hemel Hempstead in the Great War, called "The Gunners Come to Town".
S107 - Letter from Sidney Dollimore dated 23/9/94 giving details of life in Leverstock Green in the 1930's.
S108 - St. Albans Quarter Sessions Rolls, 1784-1820, published by Hertfordshire Record Society 1991
S109 - Four County Maps of Hertfordshire ; Seller 1676; Oliver 1695; Warburton 1749; Bryant 1822. published by Hertfordshire Publications 1985
S110 - Letter from Sidney Dollimore dated 10/10/94, concerning public houses in the Green, various people who had lived in L.G. and the Cherry Orchard. He also included a potted autobiography.
S111 - Various poems and articles written by Sidney Dollimore, some of which have been published previously.
S112 - Letter from Sidney Dollimore dated 16/10/94 concerning Market Oak, some war time experiences and how he's viewed changes in Leverstock Green.
S113 - Map of Market Oak "As I knew it in the Thirties" by Sidney Dollimore
S114 - Map showing Houses and residents in Leverstock Green, c. 1930 by Sidney Dollimore
S115 - Copy of newspaper article headed "Memorial to Leverstock Green Old Boys". ( Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins )
S116 - Copy of Leverstock Green Coronation Sports Gazette, April 1937 (Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins.)
S117 - Copy of License for the Leather Bottle - October 1883 (Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins.)
S118 - Copy of License for Leather Bottle, dated October 1884 ( Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins. )
S119- Copy of Coronation Party Invitation (Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins.)
S120 - Copy of programme of First Annual Dinner of L.G. Football Club, May 7th 1921. (Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins.)
S121 - Copy of programme for Third Annual Dinner L.G. Football Club, July 11th 1952. (Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins.
S122 - Copy of Leverstock Green Coronation Celebration Programme, June 2nd 1953. (Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins.)
S123 - Copy of programme for Festival of Britain Concert, Holy Trinity Church, 18th October 1951. (Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins.)
S124 - Copy of Peace & Victory Celebration programme, May 125th 1946 (Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins.
S125 - Copy of Funeral Programme for Rev. Arthur Durrant, July 7th & 8th 1936 (Original property of Jill Ray nee Parkins.)
S126 - Copy of press cutting sent me by Mrs. Kelley nee Matthews concerning the accidental death of Willie Matthews, June 16th 1926.
S127 - Letter from J.T. Smith of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments to Dennis Bell-Taylor, dated 24.1.78, and giving a brief architectural history of Westwick Row Farm House.
S128 - Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. Volume 2, 1881-1883.
S129 Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. Volume 5, 1887-1889.
S130 - Hemel Hempstead development Plan (No. at Hemel Library.) Map of the Adeyfield Area, scale 1:2500, showing the forecast for the completion of New Town Housing, compiled 31st December 1958. (Base map drawn May 1955.)
S131 - Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. Volume 6, 1889-1891
S132 - "The Apothecary Rose", a Medieval Murder Mystery by Candace Robb. Published in paperback by Mandarin 1994. The first in the Owen Archer Mysteries based in 14th century York. An excellent read, but also contains some interesting historical notes.
S133 - Hemel Hempstead Development Plan ( No. 8 at Hemel Library.) Showing Development completed as at 31.3.57
S134 - Hemel Hempstead Development Plan (No. 9 at Hemel Library.) Showing development completed at 30.6.57
S135 - Hemel Hempstead Development Plan (No. 6 at Hemel Library.) Master plan for Hemel Hempstead, Revised August 1963
S136 - Hemel Hempstead Development Plan (No. 6A at Hemel Library) Outline Plan for Hemel new Town, July 1949
S137 - Hemel Hempstead Development Plan (No. 7 at Hemel Library). New Master Plan for Hemel Hempstead. August 1960
S138 - Hemel Hempstead Development Plan (No. 15 at Hemel Library) Open Land- undated.
S139 - Hemel Hempstead Development Plan (No. 16 at Hemel Library) Mat 1955
S140 - Hemel Hempstead Transportation Study, consultation document, published November 1994
S141 - Copy of Centenary Booklet produced for Holy Trinity Church, 1949. (Original property of by Madge Field).
S142 - The Baptist Quarterly, Volume 26 1975/6.
S143 - History of the English Baptists, by Joseph Ivimey. Vol II, published 1814
S144 - Notes to the Records of the Abingdon Association, published by the Baptist Historical Society.
S145 - Copy of notes made by Madge Field for a talk to the W.I.
S146 - Copy of programme for Three Plays given in the Village Hall by L.G.Players, November 1956. (Original property of Madge Field)
S147 - Copy of part of Holy Trinity Church, Newsletter No. 19, November 1973. (Original property of Madge Field.)
S148 - Copy of Holy Trinity Church Newsletter, No. 49, May 1976. (Original property of Madge Field.)
S150 - Copy of booklet produced by and about Leverstock Green Primary School in 1985, concerning the history of the school. This booklet was produced as the school prepared to move to its' present site in Green Lane.
S151 - A booklet entitled "Heritage Walk of Adeyfield." The exact date unsure, but the picture by Mr. Wagon on the front cover was dated 1980.( We must have purchased this when we first came to L.G. in 1981, as I found it in a box of assorted bits and pieces in our roof! I have no recollection of having done so however. B.A.C.)
S152 - Copy of Conveyance document for Land at Leverstock Green as a site for a Church of England School, 16th Jan. 1931 - additional memoranda dated: July 1839, 20th September 1972 and April 1987 (Original copy held at the school.)
S153 - Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, Volume 4 1885-87
S154 - Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, Volume 9, 1895-97
S155 - Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society Volume 10, 1897-99
S156 - Hertfordshire County Records Office Documents IK5A & IK5B relating to contracts for repair and building work at Wards (Kettlewell) 1668. Full transcriptions appear in a separate appendix.
S157 - Letter from Dr. Chris Reynolds re photographs of WW1 troops in Leverstock Green. Dated December 4th 1994.
S158 - Copy of the report of the Watford Natural History Society's Field Meeting to Boxmoor, Bennetts End and Nash Mills on 17th June 1876. (Watford Natural History Society later became the Hertfordshire Natural History Society.)
S159 - Letter from the Curator of Carisbrooke Castle Museum ( Isle of Wight) dated 22/12/94 concerning Wells and Well-houses.
S160 - Extract from the Carisbrooke Castle Guide concerning their Well-house.
S161 - Letter from Jonathan Hunn, landscape Archaeologist from Berkhamsted, dated 27/12/94
S162 - The Life of Christina of Markyate; ed. by C.H.Talbot, Oxford University Press 1959
S163 - Pamphlet Y213 in the St. Albans Archive, housed at St. Albans Library, concerning an auction at the Leather Bottle, September 11th 1789.
S164 - Letter from Joan Wilson, chairman of the Leverstock Green Flower Club, dated 8/894.
S165 - Programme for Wild Goose Chase, LADS production, 18th/19th November 1994
S166 - A Consultation Document Concerning the Future of Hobbs Hill Wood Junior & Infant Schools. Issued by the Governors and the Director of Education for Hertfordshire 20/1/95
S166a - Covering letter accompanying the above document.
S167 - Reconstruction and Measurement of Landscape Change: A Study of six parishes in the St. Albans Area. British Archaeological Reports: British Series 236, 1994. by Jonathan Hunn. Published by Tempvs Reparatvm, Oxford 1994
S168 - The Monastery of St. Albans, by Gerald Sanctuary; produced jointly by the author and St. Albans City and District Council 1988
S169 - Letter from Chris Reynolds, dated January 29th 1995, concerning Soldiers in Leverstock Green.
S170 - The Great English Earthquake, by Peter Haining, paperback edition published 1991.
S171 - The Story of Prehistoric and Roman Britain told in pictures. by C.W. Airne; Published by Thomas Hope and Sankey Hudson Ltd.( 1950's)
S172 - A Companion to Local History Research, by John Campbell- Kease; published by Alphabooks Ltd. 1989
S173 - Hand-drawn maps of Leverstock Green, showing the occupants of the dwellings at the beginning of the 20th century. Drawn by..............Sears, now living in New Zealand and sent to Debbie Dix, February 1995.
S174 - Aerial photograph showing the construction of Hobbs Hill Wood Junior and Infant Schools. ( In possession of the school.)
S175 - Copy of Press Cutting from Gazette ( date unrecorded, but now known to be 5/10/73) featuring Fred and Nesta Buglass in their garden at "Green End".
S176 - Copy of document relating to Leverstock Green Farmhouse/ Blacksmith Cottages, dated 6th March 1934;
S177 - Copy of Deed dated 12th February 1953 concerning Three Hillside Cottages; signed by Gladys Irene Shuffrey
S178 - Copy of Conveyance dated 3rd January 1953 between James Orchard and
Hemel Hempstead Development Corporation for Nos 1 - 7 Blacksmiths Row;
includes 1:500 scale plan of Blacksmiths Row.
S179 - 1:2500 plan relating land belonging to Leverstock Green Farm, dated 27.5. 1958 and showing the land to be conveyed to LAING Housing Co. Ltd ( now the housing area known as "The Lake District". (This obviously part of a longer document!)
S180 - Indenture dated 14th January 1885 between Christopher Hume Tower and John Knox Hart for Leverstock Green Farm; Includes 1:25000 plan
S181 - Indenture dated 13th December 1905 for a mortgage between James Knox
Hart and Mrs. Janet Geddeds, secured on Leverstock Green Farm
S182 - Indenture dated 7th Dec. 1920 between John Knox Hart and Janet Geddes - mortgage fully repaid.
S183 - Copy of letter dated 8.4. 1926 from John Knox Hart to Captain A. Webber concerning the back of the stable at Leverstock Green Farm.
S184 - Copy of press cutting re award of BEM to Fred Buglass. Cutting unnamed and dated - ? Gazette, c. 1986
S185 - Copy of Letter dated 21st July 1972 to Fred Buglass re the LGVA
S186 - Information gleaned from talking to staff at Verulamium Museum, St. Albans
S187 - Time Team II - series of four programmes first broadcast on Channel 4 January/February 1995
S187a - Time Team II - accompanying booklet for above.
S188 - Letter to Time Team, dated 12/02/95
S189 - Letter to Jonathan Hunn dated 09/02/95
S190 - Letter from Mrs. E. Thomas, dated 17th March 1995
S191 - Letter from Marjorie Ashby, dated 16.3.95
S192 - HALS document XI2 - Being a detailed survey in English, undertaken in 1569 for Sir Nicholas Bacon, of all the manors and lands which he owned or of which he was Lord. This including the manor of Gorhambury, Westwick and Pray.
S193 - HALS document D/EV/P1 - being a map of the Gorhambury Estate drawn up in 1634 by Benjamin Hare.
S194 - HALS document D/EV/P2 - being a map of the Gorhambury Estate drawn up in 1768. This map measures approximately 18'x24' at a scale of aprox 9" to the mile.
S195 - HALS document D/EV. M39 - being the estate book to accompany D/EV/P2. (1768 survey)
S196 - A full page of the original publication "The Illustrated London News", dated November 10th 1849. Engraving and article on Holy Trinity Church. Original document given to me by Cynthia Groves. (Copy also framed in the Vestry.)
S197 - Memories of Life in the Village During the War Years, by Madge Field. An address given at the VE Day Songs of Praise 1995.
S198 - Order of Service for the Songs of Praise, Sunday May 7th 1995 at Holy Trinity Church - VE Day. (50th)
S199 - The National Trust Guide, 1973 edition.
S200 - Handbook of Dates for Students of English History, Ed. by C.R. Cheney 1st published 1945
S201 - Dictionary of Archaic Words by James Orchard Halliwell. pub. by Bracken Books
S202 - Glossary of Terms - Historic Landscape and Archaeology, published by Bedfordshire County Planning Dept.
S203 - Notes on Ancient Tithe Barns by G.S. Hewins. (This is a rare book, and the copy at Herts. Local Studies Library is kept under lock and key!)
S204 - The Manor and Houses of Gorhambury, by J.C. Rogers. (Copy at Herts County Local Studies Library.)
S205 - Collection of documents held at the County Record Office relating to planning permission for, and the building of Ladies Toilets at The Plough PH in Leverstock Green, 1950 -1951. [HALS D/ELu B16]
S206 - HALS document PC619 - being a transcript/translation from Latin of document D/P47 29/1, A Survey of the Manor of Hemel Hempstead in 1520
S207 - HALS document 14397 - Being a manorial survey of Hemel Hempstead 1650.
S208 - HALS document 24069 - Being a letter dated 10th April 1800 concerning the will of Joseph Greaves and property in Leverstock Green.
S209 - HALS document 71528 - Being an Abstract of the King Henry VIII and King James Grants, including Chambersbury.
S210 - HALS document ASA 243 20/7 - Being a transcript of the Abbots Langley Parish Registers.
S211 - HALS documents 80740-80785 - Being a series of documents relating to Carpenters Farm (Leverstock Green Farm).
S212 - HALS reference 80911 - Being a survey of the Manor of Abbots Langley with lands and tenements 1544.
S213 - HALS reference AH243 - Being the will of Joseph Goodhall of Berkhamstead date 12th April 1786. (One of the items bequeathed was Northend Farm.)
S214 - HALS document IA68 - Being a Survey of the lands of Sir Samuel Grimston 1696 [N.B. I also seem to have entered this as S9!!]
S215 - Bibliography for the CAR (County Archaeological Record)
S216 - Computer printout from the CAR for the Leverstock Green and surrounding areas including Gorhambury.
S217 - Four O.S. map extracts (1:10000) showing the location of the CAR sites as covered in S216.
S218 - Letter from Alison Tinniswood, County Archaeological Resources Officer dated 21/6/95.
S219 - Buncefield Lane, Hemel Hempstead: An Archaeological Excavation, February 1995 by Cathy Walker. (The Herts. Archaeological Trust.)
S220 - Wood Lane End, Hemel Hempstead for Wilcon Homes, Midlands Ltd. As archaeological evaluation by Simon West Field Archaeologist, Verulamium Museum.
S221 - Copies of aerial photographs. CAR 3711
S222 - Latter from Alison Tinniswood, County Archaeological Resources Officer, dated 27/6/95
S223 - Copy of map showing RCHM(E) cropmark plot for Blackwater.
S224 - Copy of page re Leverstock Green from Morris Gazetteer.
S225 - Copy of OS record 495 re Bronze Age Hoard at Westwick Row.
S226 - Copy of p.24 from Archaeological Journal 11 (1854) re B/A Hoard Westwick Row.
S227 - A Guide to the County Archaeological Record. (HCC)
S228 - Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, Volume 14. 1909-1912
S229 - Reader's Digest History of Man, The Last Two Million Years
S230 - Principles of Physical Geography, by F.J. Monkhouse.
S231 - Geology and Scenery in England and Wales, by A.E. Trueman.
S232 - St. Albans Wills 1471-1500. Published by the Herts. Record Society. Vol IX 1993
S233 - HALS doc. D/EX 271 P1 - Reduced copy of the Abbots Langley Tithe map. 1839
S234 - HALS doc. D/EQa/P11 - Tracing on paper of the parts of the parishes (Hemel, Leverstock Green, Abbots & Kings Langley) showing the proposed ecclesiastical district of Apsley End. 1871
S235 - Information given to me at various times by Dennis Bell-Taylor of Westwick Row Farm.
S236 - Who's Who in the Middle Ages, by John Fines, published in 1970 by Anthony Blond.
S237 - Hemel Hempstead, The Archive Photographs Series, by Eve Davis, published by Chalford 1995.
S238 - Ancient Bronze Implements of the British Isles, by John Evans, published 1881 (Only available on special loan from the British Library - a photocopy of the relevant section should be in the Chronicle file at Leverstock Green Library)
S239 - Abbots Langley, A Hertfordshire Village, by Scott Hastie & David Spain
S240 - HALS Herts Topographical File 29a - Landlords Names from Victuallers Recognisance's, transcribed by W. Branch Johnson
S241 - The London Gunners Come to Town, by Bertha and Chris Reynolds. Published October 1995
S242 - The 9th Hertfordshire Battalion Home Guard, A History 1940-1945 by Major D.H. Neale. Published 1946 and kindly lent to me by Mr. Tony Shuffrey
S243 - Letter from Mary Clarke concerning Breakspears, dated 1.11.95
S244 - Photographs and information connected with them collected for my own publication The Archive Photograph Series, Leverstock Green & Bennetts End, to be published by Chalford in 1996. Of a total of about 285 different pictures, only just over the 200 can be used in the final publication.
S245 - Letter from Audrey Baillie with Annotated photocopies of photographs concerning the Children's Mission (1969) and the Good Friday Workshops. Dated 7.12.95
S246 - Notecard from Jill Ray (Jan. 1996) with returned photocopy of 1947 class photo, also giving details about the Parkins family - also Seabrook and Ashwell family.
S247 - Interpreting the Landscape - Landscape Archaeology and Local History, by Michael Aston (i.e. Time Team's Mick Aston) 1995 edition (Batsford).
S248 - Copy of Parish leaflet for Holy Trinity dated March 1919. The original was the property of Edmund Perkins, and discovered amongst his effects after his death.
S249 - The Archive Photograph Series: Leverstock Green & Bennetts End. by Barbara Chapman Published Easter 1996.
S250 - Copy of Press cutting (1968) concerning the Golden Wedding of Mr & Mrs Sidney Simmons. Original property of Margaret Shuffrey.
S251 - Copy of Press cutting concerning William Lucas, taken from the Evening Echo ? 1967/8. Original property of Margaret Shuffrey.
S252 - Copy of press cutting concerning Doris Dunkley, ?c. 1960. Original property of Margaret Shuffrey.
S253 - Copy of press cutting from the Evening Echo 28 June 1968 concerning Bill Powell & his topiary. Original property of Margaret Shuffrey.
S254 - Copy of press cutting from the Evening Echo 19 November 1968 concerning the Golden Jubilee of Leverstock Green's W.I. Original property of Margaret Shuffrey.
S255 - Copy of press cutting ? Gazette, 19 November 1968 also re Leverstock Green's WI's Golden Jubilee. Original property of Margaret Shuffrey.
S256 - Hertfordshire Record Society Newsletter, Spring 1996. - Article re Rev. John King, Vicar of Abbots Langley in the 17th century.
S257 - Letter from Alan French dated June 1996 concerning Belswains Farm.
S258 - HALS document D/EX 569/P39 being an undated Land use Survey of St. Michaels parish. (Probably c. 1960-1980)
S259 - HALS reference D/EX7 T2, being a large number of documents relating to Coxpond Farms 1759 - 1911.
S260 - HALS reference D/E Md 27, being the architects plans and drawings for Leverstock Green Church.
S261 - Monumental Inscriptions: Holy Trinity Church Leverstock Green, by the Herts. Family & Population Hist. Soc.
S262 - Monumental Inscriptions of St. Lawrence Abbots Langley, by the Herts. Family & Population Hist. Soc.
S263 - The Monumental Inscriptions: St. Marys Hemel Hempstead, by the Herts Family & Population Hist. Soc.
S264 - Monumental Inscriptions of Non-Conformists Burial Grounds in Dacorum, by the Herts. family & Population Hist. Soc.
- Hertfordshire Militia Lists: Hemel Hempstead, by the Herts. Family & Population Hist. Soc.
S266 - Hertfordshire Militia Lists: St. Albans, St. Michael's Ward, by the Herts. Family & population Hist. Soc.
S267 - Letter from USPG re Revd Richard Helme, Oct.'96.
S268 - Copy of Dacorum Borough Council Planning Dept's report, recommending refusal
of application 4/1524/95FL, concerning Floodlighting at Leverstock Green FC.
September 1996.
S269 - Copy of letter concerning proposed development of green belt around L.G., including
various copies of relevant newspaper articles, from D.Davy. 16.10.96
S270 - Original and transcript (undertaken Oct., 1996) of HALS document IA45 - being a rental of the Manor of Gorhambury, Westwick & Prey, 1655.
- Archaeology of Dacorum, Exhibition Handbook 1996. Pub. by Dacorum Heritage Trust.
S272a & b - Letter from Council with enclosure: Dacorum Borough Council Resolution on the County Structure Plan Review 9 October 1996.
S273 - Letter dated November 19 1996 from David Clarke concerning Wood Lane End Farm.
S274 - Letts Educational: Key Stage Three History
S275 - LGVA accounts, 31 August 1996
S276 - Agenda for LGVA AGM November 19 1996 - -including Minutes of previous AGM
21 November 1995, and proposed new committee.
S277 - Leverstock Green Amateur Dramatic Society Information sheet.
S278 - Programme for LADS production Big Bad Mouse, 25th and 26th October 1996.
S279 - Letter from USPG dated 14 October 1996
S280 - Crockfords Ecclesiastical Directories (dates vary, both 19th & 20th century).
S281 - HALS documents D/ELs B400, being two large bundles of documents connected with
Lockers in Hemel Hempstead and Bennetts End Farm. 17th-19th centuries.
S282 - HALS document IL1 - being the lease of various property to Richard Field by Thomas Meawtys etc., 24 February 1637. Referred to land off Westwick Row, later associated
with Westwick Hall.
S283 - Letters, (undated, but sent in December 1996), sketch map, and photographs concerning Woodlane End Farm in 1936-38, sent by David Clarke of Witney.
S284 - Copy of Hertfordshire Conservation Society Response to Deposit HCC Structure Plan
14th October 1996.
S285 - Copy of Herts. Conservation Society reply to Hertsmere BC re Local Plan Consultation Draft 1996 - dated 28th October 1996.
S286 - Copy of CPRE press release dated 9 October 1996 concerning Hedgerows and projected new hedgerow legislation.
S287 - Copy of Schedule 1, Regulation 4 - Criteria for Determining "Important Hedgerow". (Published December 1996)
S288 - Copy of the Response by the CPRE & CPRW in December 1996 to the Hedgerow
Protection Scheme - Joint Consultation Paper.
S289 - Letter dated March 6th 1997 from Rosalind Niblett, District Archaeologist for St.
S290 - Westwick Row-The Archaeological background - notes by Rosalind Niblett 21/1/97
S291 - Set of 4 maps from Tony Bolino of "The Cottage, Frogs Island", at various dates from 1853 and concerning the Red Lion Inn and the property next to it, including the Bolino's House.
S292 - Information concerning the Time Capsule planted beneath the War Memorial, Leverstock Green, March/April 1997.
S293 - Periodic Electoral Review - Submission of Dacorum Borough Council to The Local Government Commission for England, March 1997. (Includes letters sent by residents regarding proposed removal of Northend Estate from Leverstock Green Ward.
S294 - Register of Baptisms, Marriages, Burials for St. Mary's Church Hemel Hempstead,
beginning 1568.
S295 - The Oxford Companion to Local & Family History, by David Hey. OUP 1996
S296 - Copy of letter from Robert Jones MP to Colin Gage concerning Hedgerow legislation,
dated 24 March 1997, together with copy of a Press Release and Analysis of Responses to the Consultation on the Draft Hedgerows Regulations and Joint
Consultation Paper Feb. 1997.
S297 - Copy of Draft Statutory Instrument - The Hedgerows Regulations 1997, coming into
force 1st June 1997
S298 - Results of dendrochronological testing and surveying undertaken in 1997. These tests were instigated by Richard Bond of English Heritage and Adrian Gibson, a well known expert on timber buildings. These two experts were called in by Alan Greening an Architectural Historian hired by Sheila McQueen to investigate the history of her house - Westwick Cottage. They first visited Westwick Cottage, also Westwick Row Farm and King Charles II Cottage on January 28th 1997; and again several times later throughout the year taking samples etc.
S299 - Register of Baptisms, Marriages, Burials for St. Lawrence’s Church Abbots Langley, beginning in 1538.
S300 - “Westwick Cottage, in the Parish of St. Michael, St. Albans, Hertfordshire - An Initial Historic Survey and Initial Documentary Search for Mrs. Sheila Macqueen”. By Alan Greening November 1997
S301 - Parish registers for Holy Trinity Leverstock Green.
S302 - Information gleaned by Jennie Saunders about Dorothy Durrant and family and the Clayton family.
S303 - Information told me by Betty Thomas in connection with the Durrant family.
S304 - Clergy List 1904 (Kelly’s)
S305 - National Newspapers/ Magazines etc. referred to at the British Library’s National Newspaper Library at Colindale NW London. Name and date of publication given with each reference.
S306 - Archaeology Review 1996-97 published by English Heritage early 1998. (Page 50 refers to dendro testing results on Westwick Cottage.
S307 - Vintage Aircraft Magazine, No. 28, Autumn 1983; pp12 -15 “Boddy on Brooklands”.
S308 - Flight magazine -September 21st 1933
S309 - Letter from Ted Vaisey to “Looking Back” , March 1998
S310 - Information given me by Mrs. Elen Graham, researching her family’s history. (Telephoned 20/4/98) Her Grandfather was a James Rolph who lived in Westwick Row.
S311 - Copy of the Last Will and Testament of Lorna Durrant, dated August 1939
S312 Everyday Life in Medieval England by Christopher Dyer; published by Hambledon Press 1994.
S313 Villages in the Landscape by Trevor Rowley, Orion pbk 1994 (first pub. 1978 by Dent)
S314 Roads & Tracks of Britain by Christopher Taylor pub. Orion 1982 (first pub. Dent 1979)
S315 - Fixtures & Fittings in Dated Houses 1567 - 1763 -Practical Handbook in archaeology 11 pub by Council for British Archaeology 1994
S316 - Historic Farm Buildings by Jeremy Lake pub by Blandfors (with the National Trust) 1989
S317 -Title deed relating to the land on which the Baptist Chapel Leverstock Green was built. Dated 1939, and the property of Keith Goddard of Bedmond Road Leverstock Green, lodged at the Angus Library Oxford. (Full transcript now undertaken.)
S318 - Dacorum Heritage Trust Ltd.
S319 - Article entitled Some Local Brickfields by Peter Ward and published in the May 1998 edition of Chambersbury News.
S320 - Draft Trust Deed for the Leverstock Green Parish Hall Trust, dated October 1919. Original now lodged with the Dacorum Heritage Trust. Full Transcript undertaken.
S321 - “90 Years Young - A Celebration of Scouting in the Hemel Hempstead District” by Michael Stanyan, published by Dacorum Heritage Trust, 1998.
S322 - Telephone conversation with Bill Boddy, 7th May 1998
S323 - Religion in Hertfordshire 1847-1851 Ed. by Judith Burg. Hertfordshire Record Publication XI,
pub 1995.
S324 - Various correspondence from March-September 1998, including written quotations and e-mails, in connection with a geophysical survey to be commissioned by LGVA at Westwick Cottage and on the tithe barn site. Copies of most of this correspondence and e-mails are kept in Barbara Chapman’s LGVA files.
S325 - Copy of the Project design for an archaeological desk-based assessment of Westwick Row by Christopher Currie of CKC Archaeology for the Crown Estate. (August 1998)
S326 - Copy of the Archaeological Evaluation at Handpost Lodge, Westwick Row, dated 4th August 1998. Produced for Berry Bros & Holmes by Bedfordshire County Archaeology Service
S327 - Conversations with Christopher Currie, Archaeological consultant of CKC Archaeology.
S328 - Ancient Monument Laboratory Report 77/97, 1997 “Tree-ring Analysis of timbers from Westwick Row Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead , Hertfordshire by R. Howard, R.Laxton, & C. Litton.
S329 - “The Sunne in Splendour”, “Falls The Shaddow” &“The Reckoning” - historical novels by Sharon Penman.
S330 - “A report for the Leverstock Green Village Association on a Geophysical Survey carried out at Westwick Row August 1998” - Author PP Barker C.Eng MICE MIWEM AIFA (STRATASCAN - geophysical and specialist survey services)
S331 - Four A4 sides of notes written by Fred Buglass and given to Barbara Chapman shortly before his death in August 1998. (In Documents Vol 6 folder)
S332 - Printed Order of Service for the life of Fred Buglass , Thursday 27th August 1998
S333 - Copy of the tribute given by Richard Goss at the above service.
S334 - Map showing the Area of Benefit for the Leverstock Green Village Association .
S335 - A Catalogue of all the live & Dead stock, Implements of Husbandry and effects, late the property of Mr. Hollinshead, deceased at Kittlewell’s Farm - to be sold at auction October 4th 1815 - original held at the Dacorum Heritage Store.
S336 - A Catalogue of the Household Furniture, Live & Dead stock and effects, late the property of Mr. W. Hollinshead, Deceased at Kettlewells Farm, to be sold by auction on Wednesday May 15th 1816 - original held at the Dacorum Heritage Store.
S337 - A catalogue of the live and dead stock, farm and barn implements etc. which will be sold by auction on Monday October 9th 1848 by order of the executors of the late Mr. Hollingshead. - Original held at the Dacorum Heritage Store.
S338 - Copy of the Last Will and Testament of Frederick William Buglass of Green End Leverstock Green dated 1991. Fred Buglass died August 17th 1998 - Leverstock Green Village Association & Holy Trinity Church Leverstock Green was legatees.
S339 - Document giving the charges for the letters of administration of Mr. William Holinshead deceased, levied in August 1814, totalling £74 4s 6d. - original held at the Dacorum Heritage Store.
S340 - Official Document of Legacy on Duty of Residues of Personal Estate - Register No 2 1814 Folio 387 (of William Holinshead who died 4th December 1813)
S341 - Catalogue of the Sale of Live and Dead Stock at Kettlewells on Friday June 12th 1874 -- original held at the Dacorum Heritage Store.
S342 - Catelogue of the Sale of Mr, Thomas Holinshead’s Furniture etc. October 28th 1874 - original held at the Dacorum Heritage Store.
S343 - Numerous documents papers etc including wills, bills receipts official probate documents etc. connected with the Holinshead family of Kettlewells Farm (19th century) - also of Norcot Farm Northchurch and the Marlowes Hemel Hempstead - - originals held at the Dacorum Heritage Store.
S344 - Report to the Crown Estate: An Archaeological desk-based assessment of Westwick Row Farm estate, Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire centred on NGR: TL 093066 by Christopher Currie, September 1998.
S345 - THE BUGLASS ARCHIVE ( Leverstock Green ) This archive catalogues the numerous documents belonging to the Buglass Archive. That is the papers etc. relating to Leverstock Green, its Parish Hall & Trust, and the early years of the subsequent Village Association and new Village Hall. Most were held in the possession of Fred Buglass until his death on August 17th 1998, aged 93.
This archive includes several documents given to local historian Barbara Chapman by Fred Buglass in the months before he died, and the many documents found in his home Green End, after his death. For these Barbara Chapman is indebted to his executrix Madge Cheesbrough, who rescued them and passed them on so they could be documented and preserved.
The archive was catalogued by Barbara Chapman between September 1998 and June 1999 using Lotus Approach ’97 software. Full catalogues of the archive are available at local libraries and The Dacorum Heritage Store in Berkhamsted. The original documents catalogued for the archive are for the most part deposited at HALS, with the exception of some original minute books which are still in the possession of Barbara Chapman until full transcription can be completed.
S346 - Catalogue for Phillips Auction Sale No: 30,797 held at 1pm Friday 16th July 1999 at 101 New Bond Street London. IN particular Lot 111 (photos included on page 17) of letters from Aleister Crowley to Mrs. Anne Macky of Pancake House Leverstock Green in 1943 and 1944.
S347 - THE LEVERSTOCK GREEN VILLAGE ASSOCIATION ARCHIVE. i.e. All the old documents relating to LEVERSTOCK GREEN VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, at the time of this original entry (Nov 1999) the archive is in the process of being catalogued by Barbara Chapman.
S348 - Almost A Century - a History of the Leverstock Green Cricket Club (published 2000)
S349 - Information supplied by Chris Reynolds in an e-mail dated 7 February 2001 concerning William Bennett of St. Albans who had bequeathed his brickfield in Leverstock Green.
S350 - Information supplied by correspondents on the Hertfordshire Forum http://www.hertfordshire-genealogy.co.uk
S351 - Copy of letter to David Wilkinson of Autumn Glades Leverstock Green from Mary Claisen, dated 15 January 2001
S352 - E-mail dated 16 February 2001 from John Ambrose in Toronto Canada, concerning the Hannell family from Leverstock Green/St. Albans.
S353 - “Handpost Lodge, Leverstock Green, Hertfordshire - Assessment of Potential & Updated Project Design” by Bedfordshire County Archaeology Service. Dated 6th March 2001
S354 - Rebuttal dated 8th May 2001 from DBC concerning Policy 114 of the Local Plan, Archaeological Remains, which agrees to an extension of Site 61 to include the whole of the Westwick Farm site, the football club and the school playing fields.
S355 - Information supplied by e-mail correspondents. (Messages saved in my computer folder: ( C/My documents/LG Chronicle/Web sent info and questions )
S356 - Hertfordshire Monumental Inscriptions - St. Albans, the Parish Church of St. Michael (HF&PHS)
S357 - Hertfodshire Militia Lists - Abbots Langley (HF&PHS)
S358 - Berkhamsted & Hemel Hempstead PLU burials 1800 - 1851 - floppy disc(HF&PHS)
S359 - Berkhamsted & Hemel Hempstead PLU burials 1800 - 1851 - Alphabetic index - printed version. (HF&PHS)
S360 - Hertfordshire 1828-29 Trade Directory - CDROM by Stepping Stones
S361 - National Burial Index for England and Wales 1st Edition CDROM - Federation of Family History Societies & Association 2001
S362 - Population, economy and family structure in Hertfordshire in 1851 - Vol 2 St. Albans and its Region by Nigel Goose, [published by University of Hertfordshire Press, Sept. 2000
S363 - 1881 British Census & National Index - set of CD’s from the Family History Resource File of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
S364 - Hertfordshire Inns & Public Houses by Graham Jolliffe & Arthur Jones.
S365 - E-mails from John Powell, resident at Danehurst 1964-1985.
S366 - E-mails from Pat Field.
S367 - E-mail from Dr. R Niblett dated 17th July 2002 concerning supposed Roman site at Beechtree Cottages.
S368 – 1851 census returns as compiled by the Centre for Regional & Local History at the University of Hertfordshire.
S369 - www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk
S370 – document prepared by Alan Dell re the Dell/Seabrook families.
S371 - e-mail from Joan Seabrook (Saskatchewan) delineating the Seabrook family tree from 18th century to present as far as she had details to date (mid Sept 2002).
S372 – Document compiled by Barbara Chapman on the Seabrook families of Leverstock Green. 16th September 2002
S373 – Information on the Webster family obtained via e-mail contact with the following: jeff@formby-clocks.co.uk; theodora@u-net.com ; rita@shentonbooks.com ; secretary@ahsoc.demon.co.uk ; keeper@clockmakers.org; gw@boxkite.demon.co.uk
S374 – Website for the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers http://www.clockmakers.org/index.html
S375 – English Domestic Clocks by Herbert Cescinsky, and Malcolm R Webster., first published 1913, currently in print and published by the Antique Collectors Guild. Has been constantly reprinted in various forms since first publication.
S376 – Copy of the will of Ann Field of Chambersbury, nee Pope 1760-1835, widow of Thomas Field. (PRO document) Copy sent me by Pat Field.
S377 – Copy of the will of John Field of Chambersbury, son of Thomas & Ann ( nee Pope). Dated 1844. (PRO ref: PROB11/1994) Copy sent me by Pat Field.
S378 – The Percy Webster Collection by James Oakes – from Antiquarian Horology, Vol 1 No 3 pp31-32.
S379 – The Percy Webster Collection by James Oakes – from Antiquarian Horology, Vol 1 No 5 pp62 –63
S380 – The Webster Family of clockmakers by Bruce Maclean – from Antiquarian– from Antiquarian Horology, Vol 1 No 7 p 93-96 & Antiquarian Horology Vol 1 No8 pp 109-112
S381 – Percy Webster by Percy G. Dawson - from Antiquarian Horology Vol 12 No 2 pp 175-177
S382 – Experts & Collectors by John Plowman - from Antiquarian Horology Vol 23 No 3 p260 [Taken from The Antique Collector January 1939]
S383 – Obituary for Percy Webster from The Times. (Unsure date of publication, PW died November 16th 1938)
S384 – Records belonging to G Hall & Son Funeral Director’s, Hemel Hempstead. The early records of this company are kept at the Dacorum heritage Store, Berkhamsted where the curator, Matt Wheeler, kindly shared the information with me as put on their data-base. However, having looked at the record/order books themselves, anyone tracing their family history who finds this information useful, may wish to look at the original records as they hold some additional information to that given.
S385 – The following website which allows conversion of monetary values through time. http://www.eh.net/hmit/ppowerbp/
S386 - The Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr Abbots Langley – booklet issued by the PCC.
S387 - Copy of Letter from Harold Greenwood dated 21st May 1997 to Thomas Hall of the Leather Bottle in Leverstock Green concerning early references to the Leather Bottle
S388 – Copy of HALS document ASA 25/4738, being “An Inventory and Appraisement of the goods and Chattles of the late Mr. Robt. Fellows Deceased at the sign of the Leather Bottle at Leverstock Green” dated 2nd April 1763
S389 - "Some descendants of Captain John Gorham of Plymouth Colony in New York State and the Western Reserve,” Compiled by Helen Hester King, B.S. and Linetta Ainsworth Daniels, 1955, WALKER PRINTING SERVICE, INC., CLEVELAND, OHIO. #22 and signed, To Virginia Gayle Gorham, Helen Hester King, 12-23-55. Information from the book sent me by e-mail from ginnywagner@austin.rr.com
S390- a website found by Ginny Wagner that is a critique of an historical novel by a German man I found quite interesting. He started with Geoffrey and Christina and the Psalter then followed the Psalter throughout its journey through England and into Germany where it now resides. He calls it the Albini Psalter, a name which (Albini), interestingly, turns up in my Gorham research in another context. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.berliner-lesezeichen.de/lesezei/Blz99_06/text07.htm&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dchristina%2Bmarkyate%26start%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DN
S391 – Additional information concerning Abbot Geoffrey de Goreham and his family sent me by Giny Wagner: ginnywagner@austin.rr.com
S392 – SMR printout for Leverstock Green area – April 2003
S393 - http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm
S394 – Diary of Reginald Shuffrey of Leverstock Green farm.
S395 – The St. Albans Psalter website. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/stalbanspsalter/
S396 – “Time & Chance – The Story of Arthur Evans and His Forebears” by Joan Evans published 1943 by Longmans. I am indebted to Mike Stanyon for the loan of this precious rare book.
S397 - Photographs and information from John Avery of “Avery Art & Antiques”, USA - http://www.trocadero.com/averyart/
S398 – The Penguin book of Classic English Folk Songs, 2003, p.136 & 11 re Emily Joiner. Unpublished research by Alison Macfarlaen of St. Albans.
S399 – Folk song Journal Vol V no 19, 1915 p125 ~ I am indebted to Alison Macfarlane for the above two extracts.
S400 – Letter from Alison Macfarlane dated 20th January 2004.
S401 – The Church & Parish of Abbots Langley by Raymond Stewart Wilkinson. Published by the PCC of St. Lawrence’s Church Abbots Langley. No date of publication is given, though the style and publishing price (3s 6d) suggest the 1950’s. The latest publication date mentioned in the bibliography is 26th June 1954 and refers to an “Octo-Centenary Exhibition of Documents and Records by the National Register of Archives.
S402 – Memoirs of Alderman Jarman, published on behalf of the Executors of the late Alderman A H Jarman by Clunbury Press, Berkhamsted. (?1954)
S403 – Letter from Dennis Bessant to Rev. Parry dated 28th June 1998 – to be found in Vol V of Documents.
S404 – Photographs of the Bessant Family of Tile Kiln, loaned by Denis Bessant.
S405 – Watercolour painting of Tile Kiln painted in 1929 by John Bessant.
S406 – Numerous extracts of title, and other documents relating to Church cottages, loaned to me by Pauline Spendlove, owner of 4 Church Cottages. Most of which I have scanned and digital images stored in My Documents/My Pictures/Leverstock Green Chronicle/Church Cottages
S408 – Printout of Bessant family tree, provide by Brenda Davis who is conducting a “one-name” study. brenda.davis2@virgin.net
S409 – Envelope in Peter Ward’s collection, originally sent on 25th August 1851 to the Rev. R. Richardson in Leverstock Green, and redirected to Midford in Beckington.
S410 – Letter dated 29th Feb 2000 from Royal Acadamy of Arts, together with photocopies of extracts from their summer exhibition listings for the name Durrant.
S411 – “Reading Old Handwriting” by Eve McLaughlin
S412 – One Place Genealogy by David Hawgood ISBN 0-948151-22-6
S413 – Reading Old Title Deeds (2nd edition) by Julian Cornwall. Pub by Federation of Family History Societies. ISBN: 1 86006 060 9
S414 – Making Use of the Census by Susan Lumas. 4th Revised edition including 1901 census. National Archive Publication. ISBN 1-903365-35-X
S415 – Photocopies of the relevant sections of the Auction by Knight Frank and Rutley of the Gorehambury Estate 25th September 1930 – document number 485 from the Historic Monument’s Commission collection, Swindon.
S416 – “Family History The Basics & Beyond” published October 2004 by the National Archives in Association with the BBC
S417 – “Royalty to Commoners” Four Hundred Years of the Box Moor Trust” by Joan & Roger Hands pub. November 2004.
S418 – Particulars of Sale belonging to the late William Fellows in 1819. These included property in Hemel Hempstead as well as Leverstock Green. Details kindly sent to me by Chris Reynolds who purchased the documents in November 2004.
S419 – Numerous photographs, postcards and other material loaned me by Linda Lancaster nee Steers relating to the Steers family, WW1, and Will Childs as well as some more recent photos. (November 2006)
S420 – Numerous photographs, press cutting, menus etc. relating to the Leno and How families loaned me by Angela How (April 2007)
S421 – extracts from History of the Hertfordshire Baptists, by D R watts 1978
S422 – A Hertfordshire Valley, by Scott Hastie &David Spain. Pub 1996
S423 – 100 Not Out – A History of the Leverstock Green Cricket Club 1908-2008 -by Michael Wood and Barry Deadman, published by LGFC 2008-08-04
S424 - Numerous photographs etc. sent me by Terry Philips concerning the Phillips and Dogget & Seabrook families. (summer 2008)
S425 – Photographs and information concerning Traction Engines know to have been used by Leverstock Green and other local farmers, including the ORCHARD family. The photographs belong to the ROAD LOCOMOTIVE SOCIETY (http://www.roadloco.org.uk/ ) and were lent me temporarily y from their archive in April 2009.