Monday 9th January 1865
- Commenced school after the Xmas Holiday.
Tuesday 10th
- Visit from Rev. R. Helme - Miss Kate assisted with the needlework.
Wednesday IIth
- Numbers rather small -
Thursday 12th
- Market day - examined 2nd class found them deficient in numeration - improvement in reading.
Friday 13th
- Visit from Rev. R. Helme - Miss Kate assisted with needlework.
Monday 16th
- Visit from Rev. R. Helme.
Tuesday 17th
- Numbers better than in the previous week.
Wednesday 18th
- School visited by Mrs. Helme who assisted with the needlework.
Thursday 19th
- Miss Nina came in the afternoon to help with the work.
Friday 20th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon - Miss Nina assisted with the needlework.
Monday 23rd
- School visited in the afternoon by Rev. R. Helme.
Tuesday 24th
- Mrs. Helme came into help with the needlework.
Wednesday 25th
- Rev.R. Helme visited school: numbers smaller than previous week owing to coughs and colds
among small children.
Thursday 26th
- Heavy snow all day - only 13 children present.
Friday 27th
- Snow falling all day - no children - Rev. R. Helme visited school.
- On account of the very mad measles no children came - consequently School was closed for the whole week.
- February 6th. Rev. R. Helme visited the school. Received notice of Inspection.
Tuesday 7th
- Examined first three classes in numeration. Rev. R. Helme visited.
Wednesday 8th
- Miss Nina visited the school to see about the needlework.
Thursday 9th
- Rev. R. Helme came in for a short time - Market Day.
Friday 10th
- Mr. Ambler examined M.A.Miles & gave medical certificate of health. Miss Key visited - also Rev. Helme.
Monday 13th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school - very cold and snowy all day - numbers rather small - examined 2nd class arithmetic.
Tuesday 14th
Helen Key Purvis certified Mistress of the 3rd division, of the 2nd degree if merit.

Mary Anne Miles, Pupil Teacher of the 3rd Year.
Wednesday 15th
- Very cold all day but numbers very fair. Rev. R. Helme visited the school.
Thursday 16th
- Market day - Miss Key visited school.
Friday 17th
- Heavy snow falling all day - so few children came in the morning that school was closed.
Monday 20th
- School visited by Rev. Helme - several children away through illness.
Tuesday 21st. - Fall of snow - numbers fair.
Wednesday 22nd
- Miss Kate came in the afternoon to assist with the needlework.
Thursday 23rd
- Market day - several children have leave.
Friday 24th
- N. & T Gromac have had leave last 2 days owing to death in the family - this afternoon so few Childe came owing to the rain - that did not account for them in the registers.
Monday 27th
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme - Miss Kate came in the afternoon.
Thursday 28th
- Numbers fair - several children away on account of the cold. -
- March 1st being Ash Wednesday 1st & 2nd classes went to Church.
Thursday 2nd
- Numbers small owing to rain.
Friday 3rd
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme - numbers better all day - 13 workers and 5 plaitters.
- ( N.B. Rest of pages 32 & 33 were left blank.)
March 3rd
- Summary of Inspector's report of the school. "Miss Purvis' industry & skill are highly commended."
March 6th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school - several children away ill.
March 7th
- Weather very cold - several children away ill.
March 8th
- First & 2nd classes went to Church at II 0'clock.
March 9th
- Market day - numbers small.
March 10th
- 1st & 2nd classes went to church - examined 3rd class in arithmetic.
Monday 13th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school.
Tuesday 14th
- Rev. Gee inspected the children - He considered the school progressing favourably in every respect.
Wednesday 15th
- 1st, 2nd & 3rd, classes went to the II o'clock service.
Thursday 16th
- Numbers small owing to the market.
Friday 17th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school - part of the children went to church.
Monday 20th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school - admitted 4 new children.
Tuesday 21st
- Weather extremely cold enough - wind rough. new children.
Wednesday 22nd
- First three classes went to Church with Marion - weather still very cold.
Thursday 23rd
- Market day - numbers rather small.
Friday 24th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school - part of the children went to church.
Monday 27th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school - Miss Nina came in the afternoon to assist with the needlework.
Tuesday 28th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school - numbers better.
Thursday 30th
- Market day - numbers smaller than usual.
Friday 31st
- Miss Nina assisted with the needlework - very fair number of workers.
Monday April 3rd - Rev.R. Helme visited the school - Marion Miles absent from her school duties on account of bad feet.
Tuesday 4th
- The same - not well enough to receive her own lessons.
Wednesday 5th
- 1st & 2nd class went to church with S.Kingham who acted as monitor. Rev. R. Helme visited.
Thursday 5th ( this was the date given, and I think a day out.)
- Market Day - numbers very fair.
Friday 6th
- Children went to church - Marion Miles out of school all the week - foot not well enough to stand upon it.
Monday 10th
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme -
Tuesday IIth
- Miss Nina visited for a short time in the afternoon.
Wednesday 12th
- Two first classes went to the church - Marion obliged to sit down in school to teach - owing to her foot.
Thursday 13th
- Closed school at 4 o'clock for the Easter holidays.
- School reopened May 1st being May Day had only 40 children.
Tuesday 2nd
- Rev. R. Helme visited school, numbers better, 56 present.
Wednesday 3rd
- Miss Nina visited for a short time in the afternoon.
Thursday 4th
- Market day - snowing all day - several children had leave.
Friday 5th
- School visited by Miss Keys, and Miss Sophie Cooper to see the children at lessons and hear them sing - Rev. R. Helme also visited.
Monday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school in the morning - numbers better than usual.
Tuesday 9th
- Miss Nina came in for a short time in the afternoon.
Wednesday 10th
- Very wet all day - numbers in consequence very small.
Thursday IIth
- Still wet and cold - numbers small.
Friday 12th
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme & Mrs. Masterman in the afternoon.
Monday 15th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon, numbers very fair - two children absent (Wilsons) owing to the measles.
Tuesday 16th
- Numbers good - 65 present - Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Wednesday 17th
- Numbers fair - commenced teaching the first class "reduction".
Thursday 18th
- Miss Nina came in the afternoon - read to the children for half an hour from the book "Harriette Clifford".
Friday 19th
- Rev. Cox visited the school - examined some of the first class copybooks - heard third class reading - Miss Nina came in the afternoon for a short time.
Monday 22nd
- Numbers very fair 58 present in morning - order of 3rd class improving.
Tuesday 23rd
- Rev. R Helme visited school in the afternoon - Miss Kate came to supervise with the needlework.
Wednesday 24th
- Read to the children in the afternoon - Heard Marion's Holy Scripture Lesson - found her manners much improved - questioning deficient.
Thursday 25th
- Being Ascension Day first two classes went to church at II 0'clock.
Friday 26th
- Heard Marion's Holy Scripture lesson to lower Division - voice too loud - power of fixing attention very fair.
Monday 29th
- Numbers fair
- readmitted two children.
Tuesday 30th
- Heard Marion's Holy Scripture lesson - want of energy and quickness.
Wednesday 31st
- Examined 3rd class in writing - care wanted in the joining of letters - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Thursday June 1st
- Examined lower division Holy Scripture - answered very well - heard Marion's lesson - use of eye only moderate. Miss Nina came in for a short time in the afternoon.
Friday 2nd
- Marion - for first time gave catechism lesson ( from notes) order of class not so good as usual - three Wilson's absent on account of measles.
Monday 5th
- Being Whit Monday 1st class went to church - Rev. R. Helme visited the school.
Tuesday 6th
- Upper division went to church. Five children (Wilson's) still absent from measles being in the family.
Wednesday 7th
- Miss Nina visited for a short time in the afternoon.
Thursday 8th
- Market Day - second children had leave - improvement in 1st class reading.
Friday 9th
- Marion's Lesson ( catechism ) was an improvement upon the first - although not so well as might have been if the teacher had better studied the notes and attention to order needed - in the afternoon with the boys.
Monday 12th
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme in the morning - readmitted two children.
Tuesday 13th
- Readmitted two children. Three Wilsons still absent through measles.
Wednesday 14th - Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon - also Miss Nina for a short time.
Thursday 15th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - children went for an hour in the afternoon into Cooper's Meadow to see the hay making - then some games.
Friday 16th
- Heard Marion's catechism lesson - children answered better.
Monday 19th
- Several children still away through sickness - admitted one child.
Tuesday 20th
- Numbers fair - Miss Nina visited for a short time in the afternoon.
Wednesday 21st
- Several children have permission to go home half an hour before 12 o'clock to take father's dinner being hay time.
Thursday 22nd
- Market day
- numbers rather small - examined third class in writing on slates.
Friday 23rd
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school in the afternoon.
Monday 26th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to hold the coal club in the Infants Room - readmitted three children.- Louisa had leave in afternoon.
Tuesday 27th
- Several children away through illness - measles still in several families.
Wednesday 28th
- Examined classes in reading - 2nd improving.
Thursday 29th
- Market Day
- Very wet in the afternoon.
Friday 30th
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme in the afternoon.
Monday 3rd July
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning to take the club.
Tuesday 4th July
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme - Miss Cooper and Miss Nina - saw the children at lessons.
Wednesday 5th
- Miss Nina came in for a short time in the afternoon.
Thursday 6th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - Miss Nina came in the afternoon.
Friday 7th
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme.
Monday 10th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to hold club in Infant's Room.
Tuesday IIth
- Miss Nina came in for a short time in the afternoon.
Wednesday 12th
- Rev. R. Helme visited for a short time.
Thursday 13th
- Market Day - numbers rather small.
Friday 14th
- Examined 2nd class in arithmetic.
Monday 17th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to hold club in Infants Room - readmitted two children.
Tuesday 18th
- Miss Nina came in foe a short time in the afternoon.
Wednesday 19th
- Two Franklins absent through measles - also James Parkins.
Thursday 20th
- Market Day
- several children had leave in the afternoon to assist in gathering fruits.
Friday 21st
- Took catechism throughout the school in the morning
- rather more plaitters than usual.
Monday 24th
- Anne and William Sears both taken with the measles at school on the Friday previous.
Tuesday 25th
- Three Dixons absent through measles - also Joseph Cooper.
Wednesday 26th
- Charles Woodwards complained this afternoon of feeling very sick - rather close and warm.
Thursday 27th
- C. Woodwards taken with measles - Marion Miles out of school in the morning with face ache. Examined third class - numeration improving.
- William Carrol taken with the measles.
- Average decreased by 10 owing to the measles which are very much about in the village.
Monday 31st
- William Gurney - Ellen Wynch - fallen with the measles - not so many children as ought to have been owing to the measles.
Tuesday August 1st
- Annual treat of the day and Sunday scholars was held this afternoon and evening in the Parsonage Meadows - the children accompanied by their teacher went to church at 3 o'clock to take part in the Litany - and to hear a short address from their minister from their minister on the necessity of "openness and speaking the truth." Rev. R. Helme was pleased to notice a great improvement in the general behaviour of children - who were plentifully regaled with cake - bread and butter and tea - racings and swings - and many other amusements at 9 o'clock - all in the meadow joined hands in singing the "National Anthem" - after which cheers being given to Mr. & Mrs.Helme, Mrs & Miss Keys - they quickly separated.
Wednesday 2nd
- School closed at 4 o'clock for a month - on account of the measles.
Monday September 4th
- Commenced school after a months holiday - 46 present in the morning - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Tuesday 5th
- Numbers better today - Mrs. R. Helme - also Miss Keys visited for a short time in the afternoon.
Wednesday 6th
- Several children have leave for the morning,noticed an improvement in Marion's teaching. Miss Kate came in to bring some work.
Thursday 7th
- Market day - numbers smaller than usual.
Friday 8th
- School visited by Mrs Helme in the afternoon for a short time. Weather very warm.
Monday IIth
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school in the morning to hold a club in the Infant's Room.
Tuesday 12th
- Numbers better than they have been since the holidays - Rev. R. Helme visited for a short time.
Wednesday 13th
- Miss Kate came in for a minute in the afternoon - weather very hot and close.
Thursday 14th
- Market day - several children have leave.
Friday 15th
- Weather still very hot, Miss Abercrombie & Miss Key came to see the children at lessons & hear them sing.
Monday 18th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to hold Coal Club. Numbers rather small in consequence of Hempstead "Statty Fair" and tea meetings.
Thursday 19th
- Several children still have leave to g o to the fair - no one visited the school today.
Wednesday 20th
- Numbers rather better - weather very fine.
Thursday 21st
- Market day - numbers very small on account of the rain - Rev. R. Helme visited for a few minutes. Miss Nina came in the afternoon.
Friday 22nd
- Numbers better - fine but cold.
Monday 25th
- No one visited the school today - numbers fair.
Tuesday 26th
- Examined 1st class in arithmetic - no so well as usual - slow and inaccurate.
Wednesday 27th
- Numbers better - weather very fine - order of 2nd class good - teacher not quick enough in her movements.
Thursday 28th
- Market day - Mrs. Helme came in for a few minutes t look at the children's work.
Friday 29th
- Numbers better - more workers than plaitters during the week - the children commenced working( shirts and aprons) for the Xmas prize.
Monday 2nd October
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school in the morning - Miss Kate came in the afternoon for a few minutes.
Tuesday 3rd
- Weather still very fine. Miss Key visited the school in the morning.
Wednesday 4th
- Today being the choir treat we closed school a little earlier to allow several of the girls to go - Rev. R. Helme came in the morning.
Thursday 5th
- Market day - Miss Kate visited in the afternoon.
Friday 6th
- Needlework much improved during the last few weeks - more girls work lately.
Monday 9th
- Rev. R. Helme visited this morning to hold club. Numbers much better today - 58.
Tuesday 10th
- Weather wet and dull - Miss Kate came in for a short time in the afternoon.
Wednesday IIth
- Commenced this morning to give 3rd class a few lines of dictation.
Thursday 12th
- Market day - also St. Alban's Fair - numbers rather small - especially in afternoon - only 30 present.
Friday 13th
- Weather set in quite cold - but very fine - had to keep the children in nearly half an hour in consequence of a funeral.
Monday 16th
- Rev. R. Helme left home for some weeks - also Miss Kate - numbers fair.
Tuesday 17th
- Miss Key visited the school for a few minutes - weather wet and cold.
Wednesday 18th
- Miss Key came in previous to her departure with Mrs. Key for Portsmouth.
Thursday 19th
- Market day - weather very wet & cold - numbers rather small.
Friday 20th
- Fine but extremely cold - numbers better - two children - Wilsons left on account of the measles.
Monday 23rd
- Weather very wet - numbers rather small in consequence.
Tuesday 24th
- Commenced teaching 2nd class compound addition.
Wednesday 25th
- Rained fast all day - numbers still small.
Thursday 26th
- Market day - very wet - no one visited.
Friday 27th
- Weather a little finer - children able to go out to play - first time during the last fortnight.
Monday 30th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school previous to his going to Brighton.
Tuesday 31st
- Very wet and cold - numbers not very large.
Wednesday 1st November
- Miss Nina came in the..............
the afternoon - to take orders for work.
Thursday 2nd - Market day - weather fine - Miss Kate came for a few minutes in the afternoon.
Friday 3rd
- Weather cold but very fine - Miss Kate came in for a few minutes in the afternoon.
Monday 6th
- Rev. R. Helme visited for the purpose of holding a club - left home same day.
Tuesday 7th
- Miss Nina came in to take needlework orders in the afternoon.
Wednesday 8th
- Numbers rather better - examined upper classes in numeration - fair on the whole.
Thursday 9th
- Market day - weather very fine but cold - Miss Nina came in for a few minutes.
Friday 10th
- Needlework improving - not so many plaitters as usual - weather very fine.
Monday 13rd
- Rev. R. Helme came to take the club. - went to Brighton by middle day train.
Tuesday 14th
- Numbers very fair - weather fine - took the evening class for boys - 8 present.
Wednesday 15th
- Miss Kate came in for a few minutes - very cold - plaitters had to sit round fire in Infant's room - read and learned spelling.
Thursday 16th
- Market day - several had leave in the afternoon.
Friday 17th
- very wet but warm.
Monday 20th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school for the purpose of taking the club - left home for the week.
Tuesday 21st
- Very wet all day numbers fair - no one visited.
Wednesday 22nd
- Miss Kate came in for a few minutes - let the elder boys write letters in the afternoon - very well for the first time.
Thursday 23rd
- Market day - numbers larger than is usual for that day - wind very high and cold.
Friday 24th
- Commenced teaching children some new songs for Xmas Treat.
Monday 27th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school for a short time in the morning.
Tuesday 28th
- Very wet and cold all day - numbers fair.
Wednesday 29th
- Mrs. & Miss Keys came in to hear the children sing - expressed themselves much pleased with the improvement.
Thursday 30th
- Market day - Missionary meeting held in the evening. Dr. Smith presided. Well attended.
Friday December 1st
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning for a short time - numbers very fair throughout the week.
Monday 4th
- School visited by the Rev. R. Helme & Rev. R. Gee, for the purpose of taking clubs in the Infant's Room.
Tuesday 5th
- Very wet all day, numbers fair.
Wednesday 6th
- School visited by Miss Kate for a few minutes - still wet and dull.
Thursday 7th
- Market day - several children had leave to go to Hempstead to get the club clothes.
Friday 8th
- James Parkins died last evening of scarlet fever - he had not been to school for some time.
Monday IIth
- Very bright morning
- fair school.
Tuesday 12th
- Miss Kate came in for a few minutes - numbers better - two girls away through illness.
Wednesday 13th
- Weather still fine
- attendance more regular.
Thursday 14th
- Market day - every child present in the morning - several left at half past II 0'clock.
Friday 15th
- Miss Kate came in for a short time - very few plaitters.
Monday 18th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school - numbers fair.
Tuesday 19th
- Children came to school all day - had their Tea in the afternoon -
parents came to hear them sing - prizes given to those who had attended 350 times during the year.
Thursday - Closed school for Xmas holiday
Monday January 8th 1866.
- School opened after a fortnights holiday - numbers fair.
Tuesday 9th
- Several children in first class left to go to work.
Wednesday 10th
- Numbers fair - very cold all day.
Thursday IIth
- No school owing to the heavy fall of snow.
Friday 12th
- " " " " " " " " "
- Weather better - numbers fair - one or two children ill - several not able to come on account of the bad roads.
Tuesday 16th
- Very wet all day - numbers small. Miss Keys came in for a few minutes.
Wednesday 17th
- Rained all day - numbers small - Mary Anne Miles inattentive at lessons - showed a great want of thought - so as one hour and 53 minutes over a grammar lesson that need not have taken 1 hour.
Thursday 18th
- Market day
- very wet all day. Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning.
Friday 19th
- Miss Kate came in for a short time - needlework improving.
Monday 22nd
- Very wet all day - numbers fair.
Tuesday 23rd
- Numbers better - weather fine.
Wednesday 24th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon - also Miss Nina to assist with needlework.
Thursday 25th
- Market day - Rev. R. Helme came in the morning - Miss Nina assisted with work.
Friday 26th
- Examined upper division in Catechism.Mrs. Helme came in the afternoon to attend to the needlework - took the boys for numeration and addition.
Monday 29th January
- Being ill the school was carried on by Miss A. Miles - assisted in the afternoon by Mrs. Helme and Miss Keys - Rev. R. Helme coming in every day to superintend.
Monday - February
- the same.
Monday - March
- the same.
Tuesday 20th
- went in school for first time since my illness for half an hour to hear P. Teacher's Holy Scripture lesson.
Wednesday 21st
- School inspected and examined by Rev. C.J. Robinson - did not go in.
Thursday 22nd
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme in the morning. I went in for three quarters of an hour to superintend P. Teacher's teaching and management.
Friday 23rd
- Went in school for short time in the morning - upper division children went to church.
Monday 26th
- Went to school - numbers rather small. First class went to church - Miss Kate came in the afternoon to take needlework.
Tuesday 27th
- Went in school in the morning for about an hour - first classes went to church. Miss Nina came in afternoon to assist with needlework.
Wednesday 28th
- Went in school for short time - children went to the II o'clock service - Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon.
- Market day - numbers small - closed school at 12 o'clock for the Easter holiday.
March 21st 1866
- Helen K. Purvis , Certified Mistress of the 3rd Division of the 2nd degree of merit.
Mary Anne Miles. Pupil Teacher of 4th year.
Monday 16th April
- School reopened by Rev. R. Helme assisted by Mrs. Helme and Miss Key.
Tuesday 17th
- Commenced school myself - numbers small. Miss Key came in the afternoon.
Wednesday 18th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning.
Thursday 19th
- Market day - several children have leave.

Summary of Inspector's Report of the school, "there is creditable progress in the school."
Rob't. Helme.
Friday 20th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning.
Monday 23rd
- Numbers much better than previous week - no one visited.
Tuesday 24th
- Commenced giving children home lessons.
Wednesday 25th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - number of workers increasing.
Thursday 26th
- Market day - numbers rather small.
Friday 27th
- Numbers better - no one visited the school - took boys in the afternoon for poetry reading.
- Rev. R. Helme visited both morning and afternoon.
Tuesday 1st
- May Day - number of children so small that Rev. R. Helme said they were not to be counted.
Wednesday 2nd
- Weather very cold and damp. No one visited the school today - numbers very fair.
Thursday 3rd
- Market day - numbers small - Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - Mrs. Helme in the afternoon.
Friday 4th
- Numbers better - Miss Key came in the afternoon for a few minutes.
Monday 7th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school in the morning to hold club.
Tuesday 8th
- No one visited the school to day - weather very fine.
Wednesday 9th
- Miss Kate came in - numbers fair taught VI standard "Practice."
Thursday 10th
- Ascension Day - Upper division went to church.
Monday IIth
- Very wet in morning - so few children came could not mark them in registers - afternoon better.
- Weather fine - taught VI standard "Bills of Parcels"
- No one visited school this week - children went out for play time.
- Market day - numbers small - several children leave before 4 o'clock to go home with mothers coming from Hempstead Market.
- Weather warm - numbers better - good number of workers during the week.
Monday 21st
- Whitsunday
- holiday because of the annual fair on the Green.
Tuesday 22nd
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon - numbers very fair.
Wednesday 23rd
- Mrs. Helme visited school in the afternoon to receive orders for needlework.
Thursday 24th
- Market day - numbers small in consequence.
Friday 25th
- Numbers fair - no one visited school today.
Monday 28th
- Rev. R. Helme visited - admitted two children - re admitted two.
Tuesday 29th
- No one visited today - numbers larger than have been any previous week since the holidays.
Wednesday 30th
- No one visited - children came earlier today.
Thursday 31st
- Market day - fair at Hempstead - numbers small.
Friday June 1st
- Weather showery - thunder storm in afternoon - no one visited.
Monday 4th
- Rev. R. Helme visited visited to hold club in Infants Room - numbers fair.
Tuesday 5th
- No one visited the school.
Wednesday 6th
- Very wet in the morning - several children away in consequence - Rev. R. Helme came in the afternoon.
Thursday 7th
- Market day - children later in the morning than usual - no one visited today.
Friday 8th
- Weather very fine - Rev. R. Helme came in the morning - numbers fair - reprimanded and punished T. Cromac for telling lies.
Monday IIth
- Rev. R. Helme visited to hold club - the two Cromac's taken away and sent to Hempstead School on account of Friday's punishment.
Tuesday 12th
- Hot all day - numbers small - several boys have leave to go to work weed picking.
Wednesday 13th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning.
Thursday 14th
- Market day
- several children have leave to go with brothers to market - no one visited.
Friday 15th
- No one visited school today - numbers fair.
Monday 18th
- Rev.R.Helme came to hold club in Infant's room - very wet all day - so few children could not mark registers.
Tuesday 19th
- No one visited today - admitted two children - numbers much better.
Wednesday 20th
- Rev. R. Helme came in the afternoon - weather still showery.
Thursday 21st
- Market day - several children have leave - no one visited.
Friday 22nd
- No one visited school today - weather still showery - numbers fair.
Monday 25th
- Weather very fine - Miss Keys came in for a few minutes.
Tuesday 26th
- Several boys have leave to go haymaking - numbers not so large in consequence.
Wednesday 27th
- Weather very hot - numbers small.
Thursday 28th
- Market day - Miss Key came in for a few minutes.
Friday 29th
- Teacher's Tea meeting at Abbots Langley - left at 3 o'clock to attend.
Monday July 2nd
- Rev. R. Helme visited to hold club in Infant's Room.
Tuesday 3rd
- Showery all day - numbers fair.
Wednesday 4th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in morning.
Thursday 5th
- Market Day - very wet - Rev. R. Helme came in the morning.
Friday 6th
- Still wet all day - numbers fair - no one visited today.
Monday 9th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take Club in the Infant's Room - numbers better.
Tuesday 10th
- Mrs. Helme came in the afternoon to take the orders for needlework and to receive the money for sale of the same - Matthew Luck returned.
Wednesday IIth
- Numbers very fair - weather very warm.
- Market day - small school.
Friday 13th
- Several children have leave - Emily Dell kept at home the last three days because her mother said she died.
Monday 16th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning to hold the club - numbers good.
Tuesday 17th
- Numbers very fair - several children have to leave at half past II - to take their fathers dinner - to the fields.
Wednesday 18th
- Weather very fine - numbers fair - no one visited today.
Thursday 19th
- Market day - numbers better than usual on this day.
Friday 20th
- Miss Kate came in for a few minutes.
Monday 23rd
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 24th
- Rev. R. Helme came in for short time.
Wednesday 25th
- Had to keep school in Infant's room in the afternoon - carpenters moving desk.
Thursday 26th
- Market day - kept school in small room - girls room wanted for the concert to be held in the evening.
Friday 27th
- Children had their Annual Tea in the Meadow - closed school for holidays.
Monday August 27th
- School re-opened after months holiday - but as the gleaning was not over only 8 children came on the Monday so that registers could not be opened during the whole week.
Monday September 3rd
- Commenced school with 48 gleaning not finished yet.
Tuesday 4th
- Very wet all day - numbers small in consequence.
Wednesday 5th
- The same - Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Thursday 6th
- Market day - rather small school.
Friday 7th
- Numbers better - no one visited today.
Monday 10th
- Rev. R. Helme came to take club in Infant's Room - numbers better.
Tuesday IIth
- Raining very heavily - only a few children came - did not count them in the morning.
Wednesday 12th
- Miss Key came in for a few minutes - very wet all day - two little ones absent with whooping cough.
Thursday 13th
- Market day several children away.
Friday 14th
- Weather little more settled - two elder girls absent with sore throats - several absent to go blackberrying.
Monday 17th
- School visited by Revs. Helme and Grey - sermon preached on Sunday on behalf of the school by Rev. F.H. Grey - being Hempstead "Statty Fair" numbers small.
Tuesday 18th
- Numbers much better, several little ones away with whooping cough & blisters.
Wednesday 19th
- Miss Key visited in the morning - 56 children present.
Thursday 20th
- Market day
- numbers small in consequence.
Friday 21st
- Numbers fair - Miss Key visited in the morning.
Monday 24th
- Weather rather fine - several children still away with whooping cough & blisters.
Tuesday 25th
- Rev. R. Helme came in the morning - questioned upper division on Holy Scripture.
Wednesday 26th
- Miss Nina came in for a short time - weather very wet.
Thursday 27th
- Market day - several children have leave.
Friday 28th
- Very wet damp and foggy - no one visited.
Monday October 1st
- Several children had leave owing to sickness.
Tuesday 2nd
- Weather very damp and foggy - numbers not so large owing to sickness.
Wednesday 3rd
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme and Miss Burney - numbers not large.
Thursday 4th
- Market day - Festival at St. Alban's Abbey. School taken by Marion.
Friday 5th
- Rev. R. Helme came in the morning.
Monday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme left home this morning for three weeks - took Abbots Langley Club.
Tuesday 9th
- School visited by Miss Key for a short time.
Wednesday 10th
- Several children have leave - to make up their plait.
Thursday IIth
- Market day
- Market day - school smaller than usual.
Friday 12th
- Weather, snow settled - numbers better.
Monday 15th
- Took Coal Club - weather very fine.
Tuesday 16th
- Three children absent through whooping cough.
Wednesday 17th
- No one visited school today - numbers fair.
Thursday 18th
- Market day - very wet - umbers rather small in consequence.
Friday 19th
- Still wet and foggy - no one visited today.
Monday 22nd
- Wet all day - numbers very fair - several children away through sickness.
Tuesday 23rd
- Numbers fair - 3 Wilsons ( Norris' Kiln) left to go to plaitting school - Sarah Bell left to plait at home.
Thursday 25th
- Market day - Miss Key came in for short time.
Friday 26th
- Wet and damp - several boys have leave to go acorning.
Monday 29th
- Numbers fair - no one visited school today
Tuesday 30th
- Weather very wet - received letter from home - left school in charge of Marion- was at home the rest of the week with Rev. R. Helme's sanction.
Monday 5th November
- returned back today - found school had been going on all right
Tuesday 6th
- Weather finer today - numbers fair.
Wednesday 7th
- Miss Key came in for a few minutes.
Thursday 8th
- Market day - numbers small in consequence.
Friday 9th
- Numbers better - weather fine but cold.
Monday 12th
- Rev. R. Helme left home for the week - received letter about Susana Abbott.
Tuesday 13th
- Raining heavily - only 12 children present..... the morning - did not mark them in registers.
Wednesday 14th
- Numbers better - no one visited today.
Thursday 15th
- Market day - several children left at half past three.
Friday 16th
- Whooping cough very much about - 5th class small in consequence.
Monday 19th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school today - also Rev. Frampton with Mr. & Miss Key.
Tuesday 20th
- Numbers fair - very cold.
Wednesday 21st - Miss Keys visited school in the afternoon - also Rev. R. Helme.
Thursday 22nd
- Market day - numbers much better than usual on this day.
Friday 23rd
- Wet and cold - no one visited.
Monday 26th
- Several children absent with whooping cough - or bad colds.
Tuesday 27th
- Rev. R. Helme came in the afternoon.
Wednesday 28th
- Examined 3rd class in writing.
Thursday 29th
- Market day - S. Abbott's parents declined sending her as Pupil Teacher.
Friday 30th
- Very fine but cold - Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Monday December 3rd
- Revs. Helme and Gee used Infant's Room for the Club.
Tuesday 4th
- Very wet all day - only a few children came in the afternoon.
Wednesday 5th
- Still wet - numbers better.
Thursday 6th
- Market day -7 children left school at half past three o'clock - no one visited.
Friday 7th
- Numbers better - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Monday 10th
- Numbers small in consequence of weather.
Tuesday IIth
- Desks taken up in the afternoon for missionary meeting in the evening..
Wednesday 12th
- Very wet all day - several children absent.
Thursday 13th
- Market day - very wet - no one visited.
Friday 14th
- Fine but cold - numbers fair.
Monday 17th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school - several children still absent from coughs.
Tuesday 18th - The Diosecan* Inspector visited the school and expressed himself much pleased with the progress of the school.

* This is the spelling used by Mr. Helme.
Wednesday 19th - No one visited today - Miss Keys in Infant's Room preparing decorations.
Thursday 20th
- Market Day - closed school at 12 - for Xmas holiday.
N.B. Education in the19th Century. Most early Victorian Schools were set up by religious groups. The most prominant being the National Society which was run by the Church of England. The National Society had a code of regulations and employed "Her Majesties Inspectors" Leverstock Green schol was a National Society School. Full state control of education was only established by the Elementary Eduation Act of 1870, and was not made compulsory until 1880. A charge was levied for each pupil until 1891 when elementary education became free; 2d a week for each child until 1876 when it was then reduced to 1d.