Monday January IIth
- Re-opened school after Xmas holidays - 67 children present - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Tuesday 12th
- 74 children present today - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Wednesday 13th
- 75 children present today
- roads bad - several little one away in consequence.
Thursday 14th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - Rev. C.F. Frampton visited in the afternoon - remained during prayers.
Friday - No one visited school today - numbers very fair -67.4 average.
Monday 18th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club - numbers good.
Tuesday 19th
- Examined 2nd class in numeration - Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning.
Wednesday 20th
- No one visited school today - numbers very fair.
Thursday 21st
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning numbers rather small being market day.
Friday 22nd - Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon - average for the week 72.4.
Monday 25th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers fair.
Tuesday 26th
- Numbers not so good today owing to the weather.
Wednesday 27th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - numbers fair - commenced new set of reading books - for standard I.
Thursday 28th
- Being market day several children have leave - Mrs. Helme visited in the afternoon - Rev. R. Helme in the morning.
Friday 29th
- Numbers not so good this week - weather extremely cold - average 63.7.
Monday 1st February
- Commenced new registers. Rev. R. Helme visited both morning and afternoon.
Tuesday 2nd - Numbers much better today - Miss Key came in for short time.
Wednesday 3rd
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - very wet today.
Thursday 4th
- Being market day - several children have leave - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 5th
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme both morning and afternoon. Average 66.7.
Monday 8th
- Pupil Teacher exam at St. Albans on Saturday 6th - numbers
very fair.
Tuesday 9th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school -numbers good today.
Wednesday 10th
- Being Ash Wednesday - upper classes went to the morning service.
Thursday IIth
- Being market day - numbers small - school visited by Rev. R. Helme.
Friday 12th
- Very wet - numbers small in consequence Rev. R. Helme visited.
Monday 15th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 16th
- Numbers much better today - Miss Key visited school.
Wednesday 17th - Miss Key visited school in the afternoon.
Thursday 18th
- Being Market day several children have leave - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 12th
- Weather very fine - The Confirmation being at Hempstead - several children have leave - average for week 71.7.
Monday 22nd - Several little ones away ill - no on visited school.
Tuesday 23rd
- Mrs. Helme & Miss Key visited school - numbers very fair today.
Wednesday 24th
- Examined upper division in numeration - Miss Key visited.
Thursday 25th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - several children have leave being market day.
Friday 26th
- Examination day - Rev. C. J. Robinson visited school -81 children present.
1869 Helen K. Purvis. Certified Teacher of the 3rd division of the 2nd degree.
Alice Bynoth, Pupil Teacher of the 1st Year.
Monday 1st March
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme - numbers rather small owing to the weather.
Tuesday 2nd - Heavy fall of snow - numbers small in consequence - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Wednesday 3rd.
- No one visited school today.
Thursday 4th
- Market day - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 5th
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme - numbers better today.
Monday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school - numbers very fair today.
Tuesday 9th
- Miss Nina Key came in the afternoon to attend to the needlework.
Wednesday 10th
-Rev. Helme visited school.
Thursday IIth
- Being market day - numbers smaller - Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning.
Friday 12th
- Numbers fair throughout the week.
Monday 15th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club - numbers fair.
Tuesday 16th
- Miss Nina came in the afternoon to take the older girls for needlework.
Wednesday 17th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers very fair.
Thursday 18th
- Being market day numbers small - Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning.
Summary of Inspector's Report:"The school continues to do good work in the district." Rob. Helme
Friday IIth
- Numbers good today 71 present - numbers throughout the week 75 - Rev. Helme visited in the morning.
Monday 22nd - Being Holy week - morning service at II - Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Tuesday 23rd - Miss Nina came in the afternoon to take needlework - Rev. R. Helme visited .
Wednesday 24th
- Closed school at 4 o'clock for the Easter Holidays.
Monday 12th
- Re-opened school after a fortnights holiday - Rev. R. Helme visited previous to his going away for the week.
Tuesday 13th
- Numbers small this week. Miss Nina came in the afternoon to take older girls for needlework.
Wednesday 14th
- Miss Nina came in the afternoon.
Thursday 15th
- Being market - numbers small.
Friday 16th
- Numbers rather better today - admitted several children this week.
Monday 19th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - went away for the rest of the week.
Tuesday 20th
- Numbers better today - Miss Nina came in to take the needlework.
Wednesday 21st
- Miss Kate visited in the afternoon - to take the needlework.
Thursday 22nd - Market day - numbers rather smaller.
Friday 23rd
- Numbers throughout the week rather better - Miss Nina visited in the afternoon to take needlework.
Monday 26th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school previous to his going away for the week.
Tuesday 27th
- Numbers better today - no one visited.
Wednesday 28th
- Miss Kate came in the afternoon to assist with needlework.
Thursday 29th
- Being market day several children have leave.
Friday 30th
- Weather very fine - numbers throughout the week much better.
Monday 3rd May
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - went away for the week.
Tuesday 4th
- Very wet all day - numbers small in consequence.
Wednesday 5th
- Miss Kate visited in the afternoon - to assist with the needlework.
- Being Holy Thursday took the children to church in the morning - holiday in the afternoon.
Friday 7th
- Numbers for the week very fair - Rev. R. Helme visited in morning.
Monday 10th
- Rev. R. Helme went away for the week - numbers better today.
Tuesday IIth
- Miss Kate came in to assist with the needlework.
Wednesday 12th
- No one visited today.
Thursday 13th
- Being market day - numbers smaller.
Friday 14th
- Miss Kate visited school today - numbers for the week good.
Monday 17th
- Rev. R. Helme visited - children had their annual tea - 90 present - singing and recitation in the evening at which the parents were present - Rev. R.H. gave 21 prizes for attendance - 3 for needlework.
Tuesday 18th - Very wet all day - numbers small in consequence - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Wednesday 19th
- Miss Key visited school - expressed great pleasure in the improvement of the children's singing and recitation.
Thursday 20th
- Being market day numbers smaller.
Friday 21st
- Weather finer today - no one visited - numbers throughout the week better.
Monday 24th
- Rev. R. Helme visited this morning - numbers fair.
Tuesday 25th
- Miss Nina came in for short time in the afternoon to assist with the needlework.
Wednesday 26th
- The Diocesan Inspector visited the school and expressed much gratification at the general tome of the school.
Thursday 27th
- Being Hempstead Fair day - numbers rather smaller - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 28th
- Very wet during the morning - also in the afternoon - numbers small in consequence.
Monday 31st - No one visited school today - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 1st June
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon - Miss Nina assisited with the needlework.
Wednesday 2nd - Numbers very fair today - no one visited.
Thursday 3rd - Being market day several children have leave - Rev. R. Helme came in the afternoon.
Friday 4th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - numbers throughout the week very fair.
Monday 7th
- Numbers good today - Rev. R. Helme visited to hold club in Infant's room.
Tuesday 8th
- School visited in the morning by Rev. & Mrs. Frampton - heard children sing and recite - very much pleased with the clean and orderly appearance of the children.
Wednesday 9th
- Rev. R. Helme visited both morning and afternoon - numbers good.
Thursday 10th
- Being market day several children have leave - Rev. R. Helme visited - average for week 72.8 - closed school at 4 o'clock.
Tuesday 15th
- School closed on Friday and Monday owing to my being in London.
Wednesday 16th
- Miss Nina came for a part of the afternoon to assist with the needlework.
Thursday 17th
- Being market day numbers small - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 18th
- No one visited school today - average for week small.
Monday 24th
- School visited by Mrs. Henry and Miss Key - expressed great pleasure in the clean appearance of the children.
Tuesday 22nd
- No one visited school today - numbers much better.
Wednesday 23rd
- Mrs. Helme came in the morning to hear the children sing & recite pieces - Miss Nina in the afternoon to take needlework.
Thursday 24th
- Being market day numbers smaller - Rev. R. Helem visited in the morning.
Friday 25th
- No one visited school today - average 64.4 for the week.
Monday 28th
- Rev. R. Helme came in the morning.
Tuesday 29th
- Numbers good today - Miss Nina came in to assist with needlework.
Wednesday 30th
- Numbers fair today -Miss Nina visited.
Thursday 1st July
- Being market day several children have leave.
Friday 2nd - Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers very fair.
Monday 5th
- School visited by Miss Keys in the morning.
Tuesday 6th
- Numbers very fair today - Miss Nina visited with the needlework in the afternoon.
Wednesday 7th
- No one visited school today.
Thursday 8th
- Being market day - numbers small.
Friday 9th
- Several children away not well - with the blisters. Rev. R. Helme visited.
Monday 12th
- Numbers rather small today - anniversary at the chapel.
Tuesday 13th
- Miss Nina came to rake needlework in the afternoon.
Wednesday 14th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Thursday 15th
- St. Albans Choral Festival - school closed for the day.
Friday 16th
- No one visited today - average for the week rather small.
Monday 19th
- School visited by Rev. R. Helme to take the club.
Tuesday 20th
- Numbers much better today - no one visited.
Wednesday 21st - Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - Miss Kate visited with the needlework.
Thursday 23rd
- No one visited school today - several children away ill.
Monday 26th
- No one visited school - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 27th
- Rev. R. Helme came in the morning- Miss Nina visited with needlework.
Wednesday 28th
- Being very wet all day - 24 children came - did not mark registers no one visited.
Thursday 29th
- Market day - several children have leave.
Friday 30th
- Rev. R. Helme came in the morning - numbers very fair.
Monday 2nd August
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take club - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 3rd - Very wet all day numbers small.
Wednesday 4th - Numbers much better - no one visited.
Thursday 5th
- Being market day - several children have leave - no one visited school.
Friday 6th
- Numbers much better today - average small owing to Tuesday's wet weather.
Monday 9th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school 70 children present.
Tuesday 10th
- Miss Nina came to assist with the needlework - Rev. R. Helme visited both morning and afternoon - read prayers in the afternoon.
Wednesday IIth
- Day and Sunday school had their Annual Feast in the Parsonage Meadows. Went to church - sang Te Deaum & Hymns - after spending a happy evening left the grounds about 9 o'clock - sang National Anthem.
Thursday 12th
- Closed school for harvest holiday.
Monday September 13th
- Re-opened school after a months holiday - 60 children present - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Tuesday 14th
- Very wet all day - numbers small.
Wednesday 15th
- Numbers better today - no one visited.
Thursday 16th
- Being market day several children have leave - no one visited.
Friday 17th
- Rev. R. Helme visited - average for the week rather small.
Monday 20th
- Numbers small today being the annual fair at Hempstead.
Tuesday 21st - Numbers rather better today - no one visited.
Wednesday 22nd - Miss Nina came in for short time today.
Thursday 23rd - Being market day several children have leave - commenced part II Munby's Reading Bk. for standard II.
Friday 24th
- Miss Key visited school for short time in the afternoon - numbers fair throughout the week.
Monday 27th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - Miss Nina took needlework in the afternoon.
Tuesday 28th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - numbers not so good owing to the children gathering blackberries.
Wednesday 29th
- Rev. R. Helme came in the afternoon.
Thursday 31st ( these are the dates given, can only conclude Miss Purvis began the Autumn term with the wrong date, and only now chose to correct herself.)
- Being market day numbers rather smaller - no one visited.
Friday 1st October
- Numbers fair during the week - no one visited.
Monday 4th
- Numbers better today - Miss Key visited school in the morning.
Tuesday 5th - Miss Keys came in to bring needlework - previous to their going away for 6 weeks.
Wednesday 6th
- Numbers good today - no one visited.
Thursday 7th
- Several children have leave today being the market.
Friday 8th
- Average for the week 60.6 - several children away ill - no one visited.
Monday IIth
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club - numbers fair.
Tuesday 12th
- Being St. Albans pleasure Fair numbers rather small.
Wednesday 13th
- Several children away not well.
Thursday 14th
- Being market day numbers smaller - no one visited.
Friday 15th
- Average for the week rather small - no one visited.
Monday 18th
- Took the Coal Club - Rev. R. Helme left home - very wet all day.
Tuesday 19th
- Numbers much better today.
Wednesday 20th
- Several children away acorning - no one visited school.
Thursday 21st - Being market day numbers rather smaller than usual.
Friday 22nd - Weather very cold - little ones unable to come - no one visited school all the week.
Monday 25th
- Numbers very fair - no one visited.
Tuesday 26th
- Weather very cold - several children unable to come.
Wednesday 27th
- Numbers very fair - examined second class in arithmetic - good.
Thursday 28th
- Being market day several children have leave for half day.
Friday 29th
- Numbers very fair - 70 present throughout the week.
Monday 1st November
- Took the Clothing Club at II o'clock - Rev. Helme being absent.
Tuesday 2nd - Numbers very fair - weather cold.
Wednesday 3rd - Examined 1st class in arithmetic - examination good.
Thursday 4th
- Being market day several children have leave.
Friday 5th
- Weather very cold - numbers fair - average for week 56.
Monday 8th
- Took Men's Club at II o'clock - Rev. R. Helme being away.
Tuesday 9th
- Numbers very fair today.
Wednesday 10th - Weather extremely cold - numbers fair.
Thursday IIth
- Being market day several children have leave.
Friday 12th
- Fall of snow preventing three or four children from coming.
Monday 15th
- Took the Coal Club - Rev. R. Helme still away from home.
Tuesday 16th
- Numbers very fair - weather wet.
Wednesday 17th
- Weather still damp and foggy.
Thursday 18th
- School visited by Miss Kate & Mrs. Heale - numbers fair.
Friday 19th
- Weather wet and dull - several children away ill.
Monday 22nd
- Very wet all day - numbers small in consequence.
Tuesday 23rd
- Numbers much better today.
Wednesday 24th
- Miss Nina visited school today.
Thursday 25th
- Being market day several children have leave - Miss Key visited.
Friday 26th
- Numbers very fair throughout the week.
Monday 29th
- Numbers good today - weather cold.
Tuesday 30th
- Being very cold several children unable to come.
Wednesday 1st December
- Miss Nina came to assist with the needlework.
Thursday 2nd - Market day several children have leave for half a day.
Friday 3rd - Weather very cold 71 children present throughout the week - average 60.
Monday 6th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club.
Tuesday 7th
- Numbers good today - no one visited.
Wednesday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme came in school in the morning.
Thursday 9th
- Being market day several children have leave.
Friday 10th
- Weather very damp and foggy - little ones unable to come.
Monday 13th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club - numbers very fair.
Thursday 14th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school with Rev. Drake to see the working of the school.
Wednesday 15th
- Weather very rough today - several children away in consequence.
Thursday 16th
- Being market day several children have leave - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 17th
- Closed school for the Xmas holiday. Rev. R. Helme & Miss Keys visited.
Monday January 10th 1870
- Re-opened school - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Tuesday IIth
- Several children away not well - Miss Key visited.
Wednesday 12th
- Very heavy fall of snow - roads bad.
Thursday 13th
- Being market day - children rather later at afternoon school - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 14th
- Received £2 for needlework - made by the children during the last quarter.
Monday 17th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 18th
- Numbers better today - weather so very cold - little ones not able to come.
Wednesday 19th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning.
Thursday 20th
- Being market day several children have leave for half a day.
Friday 21st - No one visited school today - numbers for the week fair.
Monday 24th
- Numbers rather better today - no one visited.
Tuesday 25th
- Miss Nina came in the afternoon - for a short time - numbers better.
Wednesday 26th
- Miss Nina took the girls for needlework in the afternoon.
Thursday 27th
- Being market day several children have leave - no one visited.
Friday 28th
- Weather bitterly cold - numbers smaller in consequence - throughout the week 68 present - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Monday 31st - Commenced new registers for 1870 - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 1st February
- Miss Nina came to take older girls for needlework.
Wednesday 2nd - Very wet all day - several children away all day in consequence.
Thursday 3rd - Being market day - numbers smaller - examined IV class in reading - great improvement.
Friday 4th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - put up the clock - Pupil Teacher's exam on Saturday.
Monday 7th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school - numbers very fair - Miss Nina took older girls for needlework.
Tuesday 8th
- Rev. Douglas Dodd read prayers in the afternoon - Missionary meeting in the evening.
Wednesday 9th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon - numbers very fair.
Thursday 10th
- Being market day - several children have leave - Miss Kate visited.
Friday IIth
- Weather bitterly cold - heavy fall of snow - Miss Nina visited school.
Monday 14th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take the club - numbers small owing to the snow.
Tuesday 15th
- Miss Nina took older girls for needlework - Rev. R. Helme read prayers.
Wednesday 16th
- Numbers much better today - Rev. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Thursday 17th
- Being market day numbers small - Miss Keys visited school.
Friday 18th
- Average for the week smaller than usual owing to the weather.
Monday 21st
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take Coal Club.
Tuesday 22nd - Numbers very fair today - no one visited.
Wednesday 23rd - Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers good.
Thursday 24th
- Being market day several children have leave in the afternoon.
Friday 25th
- Weather extremely cold - but fine - Rev. R. Helme visited - numbers throughout the week better than last.
Monday 28th
- Re-admitted several children.
Tuesday March 1st
- Numbers good - Miss Nina came to take older girls - needlework.
Wednesday 2nd
- Rev. R. Helme visited school both morning and afternoon - Miss Nina took girls for needlework in the afternoon.
Thursday 3rd - Being market day - numbers rather smaller - Rev. R. Helme visited - Miss Nina took older girls for needlework.
Friday 4th
- Very wet all day - so few children came could not mark registers. Rev. R. Helme visited.
Monday 7th
- Took the Clothing Club at II o'clock.Rev. R. Helme being away - weather very cold - numbers fair.
Tuesday 8th
- Examined II class in Reading - no one visited school.
Wednesday 9th
- Numbers very fair - 3 children away ill - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Thursday 10th
- Rev. C.J. Robinson examined the school today - 73 children present - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Helen K. Purvis, Certified Teacher of the 1st

division of the 2nd class.

Alice Bynoth, Pupil Teacher of the 2nd year.
Friday March IIth
- First class went to church in the morning 72 children present. Rev. R. Helme visited.
Monday 14th
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take club - admitted two children
Tuesday 15th
- Numbers good today - Annie Martin & Hannah Wilson absent through illness.
Wednesday 16th
- First class went to the II o'clock service. Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Thursday 17th
- Several children have leave being market day - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 18th
- 74 children present throughout the week - older children went to morning service.
Monday 21st
- Rev. R. Helme visited school - two or three children away ill.
Tuesday 22nd
- Numbers very fair - no one visited.
Wednesday 23rd - First class went to morning service. Rev. R. Helme visited in afternoon.
Thursday 24th - Being the Feast of the Annunciation went to church with three upper classes Rev. R. Helme visited.
Monday 28th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 29th
- No one visited - numbers good.
Wednesday 30th
- First class went to morning service - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Thursday 31st
- Numbers good for market day - only 3 have leave - 70 present.
Friday 1st April
- Rev. R. Helme visited.

Summary of Inspector's report:

"The school is efficient in management,

Discipline and Instruction,"

No grant is payable under article 54 as

section (b),2, is not satisfied.
April 4th 1870 - Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 5th
- Miss Nina visited for short time in the afternoon.
Wednesday 6th
- First class went to the morning service - Miss Kate visited in the afternoon.
Thursday 7th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - several children have leave.
Friday 8th
- Numbers very fair throughout the week - no one visited - 73 present.
Monday IIth
- First class went to morning service - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Tuesday 12th
- Upper division went to morning service - numbers very fair.
Wednesday 13th - Rev. R. Helme visited in morning - children went to the service.
Thursday 14th
- Took Upper class to morning service. Closed school in the afternoon for Easter holidays - at 3 o'clock.
May 2nd
- Rev. R. Helme visited school - numbers small owing to children going Maying.
Tuesday 3rd - Numbers much better - 74 children present - no one visited.
Wednesday 4th
- Miss Nina visited in the afternoon.
Thursday 5th
- Several children have leave being market day.
Friday 6th
- Numbers very fair - no one visited - average for week 67.4
Monday 9th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club - previous to leaving home.
Tuesday 10th
- Numbers good - 75 present - Miss Nina took the needlework.
Wednesday IIth
- No one visited today - numbers good.
Thursday 12th
- Very wet in the afternoon - numbers smaller in consequence - 67 present.
Friday 13th - 78 children present this week - weather very wet all day - 71.7
Monday May 16th 1870
- Took the Coal Club for Rev. R. Helme - no one visited.
Tuesday 17th
- Numbers of children very good today 78 present.
Wednesday 18th
- Miss Scrivenor visited the school with Miss Nina - heard the children sing - expressed great pleasure.
Friday 20th
- Numbers of children throughout the week - average for week 74.4
Monday 23rd - Numbers very fair today - no one visited.
Tuesday 24th
- Numbers good - 78 present.
Wednesday 25th
- No one visited - several children have leave in the afternoon to make up their plait for market.
Thursday 26th
- Being Ascension Day - no school all day - went to church.
Friday 27th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - average for the week 74.4
Monday May 30th 1870
- Numbers good today no one visited - Rev. R. Helme being away.
Tuesday 31st - Numbers very good - no one visited.
Wednesday June 1st
- Miss Nina took elder girls for needlework in afternoon.
Thursday 2nd - Being market day - numbers rather smaller in afternoon.
Friday 3rd - 79 present throughout the week - average 74.3. Rev. Lovick Cooper visited school in the afternoon.
Monday 6th
- Being Whit Monday - children had their annual tea in the school room - 90 present at tea - in the evening Rev. R. Helme examined children in Holy Scripture - in the presence of parents and friends - children after gave recitations and singing - 28 prizes given for attendance and work.
Tuesday 7th
- Numbers very good - 75 present.
Wednesday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme visited.
Thursday 9th
- Being market day several children have leave - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 10th
- Average 72.8 for the week.
June 13th 1870
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take club - numbers very good.
Tuesday 14th
- Miss Kate Key assisted in the afternoon with needlework.
Wednesday 15th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon - numbers very fair.
Thursday 16th
- Being Hempstead Pleasure Fair - number of children smaller today.
Friday 17th
- Several elder children away this week assisting in the hay field.
Monday 20th
- Rev. R. Helme visited the school in the morning to take club.
Tuesday 21st - Miss Kate assisted with the needlework in the afternoon.
Wednesday 22nd - Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning previous to his going away for the day.
Thursday 23rd - Being market day - numbers smaller.
Friday 24th
- Several children away this week - not well with blisters - others gone bird - keeping - average in consequence smaller.
June 27th
- Numbers very fair today - several children away not well.
Tuesday 28th
- Numbers better - Miss Key came in to assist with needlework.
Wednesday 29th
- Being the choir festival school was closed at 12 o'clock.
Thursday 30th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in morning - numbers very fair today.
Friday July 1st - Average not so good this week - owing to many of the children being at work. 68.0
Monday 4th
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take club - number of children fair.
Tuesday 5th
- Miss Nina assisted with the needlework in the afternoon - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Wednesday 6th
- Numbers better today 72 present.
Thursday 7th
- Being market day numbers small.
Friday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school - average very fair 67.3
Monday July IIth
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - 73 children present - Rev. D Ingles inspected the school.
Tuesday 12th
- Numbers very fair - Miss Nina assisted with needlework in the afternoon.
Wednesday 13th - No one visited - numbers good.
Thursday 14th
- Being market day - several children have leave.
Friday 15th
- Average for week 67.3 - no one visited.

The school was inspected by diocesan inspector who seemed satisfied with the school.
Monday 18th
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take club - numbers good today.
Tuesday 19th
- Miss Nina assisted with the needlework in the afternoon.
Wednesday 20th
- School closed today - went with choir girls to the Crystal Palace.
Thursday 21st - Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers very fair.
Friday 22nd - Average for week 70.3 - no one visited school today.
Monday 25th
- Numbers very fair today - no one visited.
Tuesday 26th
- Numbers good - no one visited.
Wednesday 27th
- Miss Nina assisted with needlework in the afternoon.
Thursday 28th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning numbers good today - 74 present.
Friday 29th
- Average for week 71.0 - 81 children present throughout the week - Scarlet fever, being in one family (Sear's) 5 of them obliged to remain at home. Miss Cooper visited school in morning.
Monday August 1st
- Numbers smaller today - on account of the gleaning.
Tuesday 2nd - Miss Nina visited school today.
Wednesday 3rd - Mrs. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Thursday 4th
- Miss Nina visited school today.
Friday 5th
- Numbers small throughout the week - average 58.4 - no one visited. Received £2 9s. 10d ha'penny for needlework since Easter - during 12 months the money received by needlework has been £6 - being larger than any previous year.

So few children came this week could not mark the registers - Harvest came in so quickly children were obliged to go gleaning - Annual Harvest Feast in the Vicarage Meadow - Wednesday - School closed Thursday for months holiday.
Monday September 12th
- School re-opened today. Rev. R. Helme visited.
Tuesday 13th
- Very wet all day - numbers rather small.
Wednesday 14th
- 71 children present - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Thursday 15th
- Being market day several children have leave.
- no one visited.
Friday 16th
- Miss Nina came in for short time - average for the week 64.8 - many of the children gone blackberrying.
Monday 19th - 1870
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take club - being Hempstead Fair Day number of children at school smaller.
Tuesday 20th
- No one visited today - numbers fair.
Wednesday 21st
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon.
Thursday 22nd - Being market day - numbers smaller. Mrs. Henry Key visited in the afternoon.
Friday 23rd - Many of the children have been gathering blackberries this week - average in consequence smaller than usual.
Monday 26th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 27th
- Rev. R. Helme visited today.
Wednesday 28th
- Miss Nina assisted with the needlework in the afternoon.
Thursday 29th
- Being market day numbers small.
Friday 30th
- Average for week, same as last 58.1 - children still blackberrying.
Monday October 3rd 1870
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take club - numbers fair.
Tuesday 4th
- Miss Nina came in the afternoon to assist with the needlework - Rev. R. Helme also visited in the afternoon.
Wednesday 5th
- Rev. R. Helme came in the afternoon - numbers fair.
Thursday 6th
- Being market day several children have leave.
Friday 7th
- No one visited school today - numbers throughout the week rather smaller owing to the plentifullness of the blackberries.
Monday 10th
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take club - numbers small - many of the children have leave to go acorning.
Tuesday IIth
- Numbers rather better - no one visited.
Wednesday 12th
- Being very wet all day - numbers small - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Thursday 13th
- So few children came - only 25 did not mark the registers - acorns so plentiful children sell them.
Friday 14th
- Numbers rather better this morning - lowest weekly average throughout this year 47.6
Monday 17th
- Numbers fair - took coal club for Rev. R. Helme who left home today.
Tuesday 18th
- Miss Nina assisited with needlework this afternoon.
Wednesday 19th
- Very wet in the afternoon - numbers in consequence smaller.
Thursday 20th
- Being market day several children have leave in the afternoon.
Friday 21st - Average for week still small - owing to the children acorning.
Monday 24th
- Numbers very fair today - no one visited.
Tuesday 25th
- Miss Key visited school today previous to their going away.
Wednesday 26th
- Numbers rather small being wet weather all day.
Thursday 27th
- Being market day several children have leave.
Friday 28th
- Average for week still small owing to the acorns - Scarlet Fever at Wilson's ( Norris Kiln ) 3 children away in consequence.
Monday 31st - Pupil Teacher took charge of the school today as I was in London.
Tuesday November 1st
- Numbers very fair today - no one visited.
Wednesday 2nd - Several children returned this week who have been away acorning.
Thursday 3rd - Numbers very fair - allowing for market day.
Friday 4th
- Scarlet Fever still at Norris's Kiln, Walter Wilson very bad with it - average for the week rather better.
Monday 7th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club previous to his going away for the week.
Tuesday 8th
- Numbers very fair today - 60 present.
Wednesday 9th
- Poor little Walter Wilson died this morning after much suffering - Scarlet Fever.
Thursday 10th
- Being market day - two or three children have leave in the afternoon.
Friday IIth
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon - average for week much better.
Monday 14th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school previous to leaving home for the week.
Tuesday 15th
- Several elder children returned to school.
Wednesday 16th
- Numbers much better today - no one visited.
Thursday 17th
- Miss Nina came in for few minutes - men repairing the ceiling - obliged to keep school in one room.
Friday 18th
- Average for week much better.
Monday 21st - Took the Coal Club for the Rev. R. Helme - numbers much better today.
Tuesday 22nd - Several boys returned who have been at work during the summer.
Wednesday 23rd - Numbers good - no one visited.
Thursday 24th
- Very wet all day - several children unable to come.
Friday 25th
- Average for the week 61.5 - numbers much better all the week - Rev. William Drake visited school in the afternoon.
Monday - Numbers good today - Rev. R. Helme came in the afternoon.
Tuesday - Miss Nina assisted with the needlework in the afternoon - Rev. & Mrs. Helme visited.
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning.
Thursday December 1st
- Being market day numbers rather smaller in the afternoon.
Friday 2nd - Average for week very good 66.2 no one visited today.
Monday 5th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning to take club.
Tuesday 6th
- Numbers very good - several children have leave to go to Hempstead with parents to buy their club things.
Wednesday 7th
- Mrs. Helme visited school in the afternoon - numbers good today.
Thursday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - numbers smaller in the afternoon.
Friday 9th
- Average for week 60.0
Monday 12th
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take club numbers small owing to the bad state of the roads.
Tuesday 13th
- Numbers still small - raining all day - no one visited.
Wednesday 14th
- Weather still very bad - Mrs. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Thursday 15th - Closed school at 4 o'clock for Xmas Holidays
- as Missionary meeting was in the evening, desks had to be removed - so could not keep school on the Friday.
January 9th 1871
- Re-opened school after Xmas holidays - heavy fall of snow - numbers of children small in consequence.
Tuesday 10th
- No one visited school - snowing all day - numbers still small.
Wednesday IIth
- Mrs. Helme visited school in the afternoon.
Thursday 12th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school today.
Friday 13th
- 55 children present throughout the week - weather still very cold - no one visited school today.
Monday 16th
- Took Coal Club - Rev. R. Helme being away - numbers of children very fair.
Tuesday 17th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school both morning and afternoon.
Wednesday 18th
- Numbers much better today - no one visited the school.
Thursday 19th
- Being market day numbers rather smaller --- no one visited.
Friday 20th
- Numbers very fair throughout the week - weather bitterly cold.
Monday 23rd
- No one visited school - numbers fair.
Tuesday 24th
- Many of the little ones unable to come - weather so cold.
Wednesday 25th
- Numbers of children very fair today no one visited.
Thursday 26th
- Being market day several children have leave.
Friday 27th
- Pupil Teacher's examination tomorrow - Rev. R. Helme visited school both morning and afternoon.
Monday 30th
- No one visited school today - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 31st - Weather bitterly cold - little ones unable to come.
Wednesday February 1st
- Miss Kate visited school in the afternoon.
Thursday 2nd
- Numbers good today - no children have leave.
Friday 3rd - Very wet today - numbers throughout the week very fair - Rev. R. Helme unable to visit school through illness.
Monday February 6th 1871
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 7th
- Two Bennetts absent - measles.
Wednesday 8th
- Rev. R. Helem visited school both morning and afternoon.
Thursday 9th
- Being market day one or two have leave.
Friday 10th
- Very wet all the morning - only 29 children present - few more in the afternoon - Miss Nina visited for short time.
Monday 13th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers very fair.
Tuesday 14th
- Two Bennets absent - measles.
Wednesday 15th
- Rev. R. Helme visited - numbers very fair.
Thursday 16th
- Being market - several children have leave in the afternoon.
Friday 17th
- Rev. R. Helme visited - numbers rather small throughout the week - measles in the village.
Monday 20th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school both morning and afternoon.
Tuesday 21st - Several children away ill with the measles.
Wednesday 22nd - Being Ash Wednesday - upper classes went to the morning service.
Thursday 23rd - Only 45 children present - so many ill with measles.
Friday 24th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school both morning and afternoon - numbers small.
Monday 27th
- Number of children very small - so many ill with measles.
Tuesday 28th
- Rev. C.J. Robinson, H.M.I. visited school today - only 34 children present.
Wednesday March 1st
- Rev. R. Helme visited school - numbers get smaller as children fall with the measles.
Thursday 2nd - 26 children present in morning.
Friday 3rd - 27 children present today.
Monday 6th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school today to take the club - numbers very small.
Tuesday 7th
- Three children returned well from measles - four others fallen with it.
Wednesday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme visited with Miss Nina - numbers still small.
Thursday 9th
- School closed to be cleaned.
Friday 10th
- Average for week 28.2 - Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon.
Monday 13th
- School examined by Rev. C. J. Robinson H.M. Inspector - Rev. R. Helme visited
Tuesday 14th
- Numbers still small owing to the epidemic of measles in the place.
Wednesday 15th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning.
Thursday 16th
- Heavy fall of snow prevented many of the children coming to school.
Friday 17th
- Numbers still very small owing to the measles. - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Monday 20th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club.
Tuesday 21st - Numbers rather better today - several children returned who have had measles.
Wednesday 22nd - Rev. R. Helme visited Morning Service.
Thursday 23rd - Being Market day numbers not quite as good - no one visited.
Friday 24th
- Average for the week better than the three previous weeks.
Monday 27th
- Rev. R. Helme & Miss Nina visited school today.
Tuesday 28th
- Numbers rather better - three of the older girls taken ill with measles.
Wednesday 29th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school.
Thursday 30th
- Several children have leave being market day - Rev. R. Helme visited.
- Numbers very fair today - no one visited.
Monday April 3rd 1871
- Rev. R. Helme being at the morning service, I took the clothing club.
Tuesday 4th
- Miss Nina visited school in the afternoon - numbers very fair.
Wednesday 5th
- Rev. R. Helme visited before the morning service.
Thursday 6th
- Being market day several children have leave - many of the children have not yet recovered from measles - closed school for Easter Holidays - received £3 0s 8d for needlework made by the children. Remained at school until Saturday.
Monday 24th
- Re-opened school after a fortnights holiday - Rev. R. Helme visited both morning and afternoon.
Thursday 25th
- Numbers of children good - Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning.
Wednesday 26th
- 62 children present - Rev. R. Helme visited - Miss Nina and Kate came in the afternoon.
Thursday 27th
- Being market day - 3 or 4 children have leave to go to market.
Friday 28th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon - numbers throughout the week very fair.
Monday May 1st 1871 - Rev. R. Helme went away from home today - I took the club.
Tuesday 2nd - School visited by Miss Keys.Numbers good.
Wednesday 3rd - Numbers good today - no one visited.
Thursday 4th
- Being market day several children have leave.
Friday 5th
- Numbers good throughout the week.
Monday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school previous to his leaving home for the week.
Tuesday 9th
- Numbers good - Miss Nina visited.
Wednesday 10th - Numbers very good today - taught children pieces to recite at their Festival.
Thursday IIth
- Being market day - a few children have leave.
Friday 12th
- Summary of Inspector's report:

"Miss Purvis continues to do excellent
Monday 15th
- Took the coal club for the Rev. Helme.
Tuesday 16th
- Numbers very good - Miss Kate visited.
Wednesday 17th
- Miss Key visited - numbers good - Being Holy Thursday - holiday all day to attend service in church.
Friday 19th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - numbers good all the week.
Monday 22nd
- Numbers very good - no one visited.
Tuesday 23rd
- Taught children pieces to sing & recite.
Wednesday 24th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning.
Thursday 25th
- Being market day several children have leave for part of the day - took children again for their singing and recitation.
Friday 26th
- Average for week 70.7 - 81 children present throughout the week.
Monday 29th
- Children had their annual tea in the afternoon many of the old scholars who had left came - over 100 had tea - in the evening children sang and gave recitations in the presence of parents & friends - Rev. R. Helme gave 30 books as prizes for good attendance - Mrs. Helme gave 3 prizes for needlework - children presented Rev. R. Helme with a very nice despatch box as a mark of their love for the many years of happy school days he has given them.
Tuesday 30th
- Rev. R. & Mrs. Helme visited school.
Wednesday 31st - Mrs. Helme visited school school in the morning & Mr. Helme in the afternoon.
Thursday June 1st
- Numbers very good - Mr. & Mrs. Helme visited school.
Friday 2nd - Rev. R. Helme visited school - closed school at 12 o'clock to be present with the choir at the funeral of Squire Heale, who died on Whitsun Day.
Monday 5th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - Miss Keys in the afternoon.
Tuesday 6th
- Numbers very good - Miss Nina visited.
Wednesday 7th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning.
Thursday 8th
- Being Market day - numbers rather smaller - Miss Key visited.
Friday 9th - Average for week 69.1 - number of children throughout the week 76.
Monday 12th - Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club numbers good 81 children present.
Tuesday 13th - 87 children present yesterday and today - no one visited.
Wednesday 14th - Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - 88 children present throughout the week.
Monday 19th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school in the morning - numbers good.
Tuesday 20th
- Heavy thunderstorm in the afternoon - Rev. R. Helme visited and read prayers.
Wednesday 21st - Rev. R. Helme visited - Confirmation at Hempstead made numbers of children rather smaller.
Thursday 22nd - School visited by Rev. R. Helme - very wet all day - numbers rather smaller in consequences.
Friday 23rd - Very wet today - several children not able to come -86 present throughout the week.
Monday 26th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school - being the Feast day at Hempstead - number of children smaller.
Tuesday 27th
- Mrs. Helme visited school - numbers rather better today.
Wednesday 28th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school.
Thursday 29th
- Being market day numbers smaller.
Friday 30th - Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon - numbers fair throughout the week.
Monday July 3rd 1871
- Rev. R. Helme visited school to take club - numbers very fair - considering the very wet weather.
Tuesday 4th
- Several children away ill - whooping cough.
Wednesday 5th
- Rev. R. Helme came in school today.
Thursday 6th
- Being market day - numbers rather smaller.
Friday 7th
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the afternoon - Sarah Martin - monitor - left school today to go to service - having been in the school since its commencement January 1862.
Monday 10th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school today - several children ill with whooping cough.
Tuesday IIth
- Very wet in the morning - 25 children present - Miss Cooper visited.
Wednesday - Miss Kate visited school in the afternoon.
Thursday - Rev. R. Helme visited numbers rather smaller being market day.
Friday - Rev. R. Helme visited the school - also the Miss Keys - with Miss Cooper - to hear the children sing and recite - expressed themselves much gratified - especially with the order - & nice behaviour of the children.
Monday 17th
- Took the Coal Club for the Rev. R. Helme - admitted two children.
Tuesday 18th
- Numbers better today - several children still absent with whooping cough.
Wednesday 19th
- School visited by Mr & Mrs. Helme.
Thursday 20th
- Being market day - several children have leave - Rev. R. Helme visited.
Friday 21st - Rev. R. Helme visited today - numbers for the week very good.
Monday 24th
- No one visited today - numbers fair.
Tuesday 25th
- Numbers good today.
Wednesday 26th
- Rev. R. Helme visited.
Thursday 27th
- Holiday to attend the choral festival at St. Albans Abbey.
Friday 28th
- Rained heavily all day - numbers of children small in consequence - Rev. R. Helme visited school in the afternoon.
July 31st 1871
- Rev. R. Helme visited school. Rev. C.J. Robinson H. M. Inspector paid a private visit today.
Tuesday 1st August
- Miss Nina came in school.
Wednesday 2nd - Number of children very fair - several still away with whooping cough.
Thursday 3rd - Rev. R. Helme visited - being market day numbers rather smaller.
Friday 4th
- Rev. R. Helme visited - numbers good throughout the week.
Monday 7th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school
Tuesday 8th
- Rev. R. Helme visited.
Wednesday 9th
- Numbers good today - no one visited.
Thursday 10th
- Rev. R. Helme visited - several children have permission to leave early.
Friday IIth
- Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning - numbers throughout the week good.
Monday 14th
- Rev. R. Helme visited to take the club - numbers rather smaller than usual.
Tuesday 15th
- Numbers better today - no one visited.
Wednesday 16th
- Numbers rather smaller in the afternoon - owing to children gleaning.
Thursday 17th
- Several children have leave in the afternoon - being market day.
Friday 18th
- Numbers for the week very fair.
Monday 21st - Rev. R. Helme visited school today to take the club.
Tuesday 22nd - Numbers fair - gleaning commenced.
Wednesday 23rd - Rev. R. Helme visited in the morning.
Thursday 24th - Rev. I Sharpe - H.M. Inspector - visited school today.
Friday 25th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school today -looked over books and apparatus - found them correct.
Monday 28th
- Rev. R. Helme visited school today - numbers rather smaller - children gleaning.
Tuesday 29th
- School Festival - children went from school to church - in procession singing Hymn 164 - sang Te Deum in church - Rev. R. Helme addressed the children from the chancel steps on "Reverence for Holy Names and Things - & especially in God's House - children with their teachers walked again in procession - headed by the Rev. R.H. - carrying banners to the Vicarage Meadows - singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" - the parents and friends of the children came to tea and after a very happy evening - separated 8.30 - singing ") Lord Our Pastor Bless" -
Wednesday 30th
- Rev. R. & Mrs. Helme came in school to bid children Good Bye - presented each child ( 53 ) with a book or picture - closed school at 12 o'clock. - Received £2 by sale of needlework -

Sept. 5th 1871 Robert Helme
October 23rd 1871
- I Hannah Mayhew certified mistress, re-opened this school today think the children quiet and tractable; but their attainments far below the average. Rev.G. Finch present a great part of the morning.
October 24th - Number present the same as yesterday, viz.34; half the numbers I had expected. Find it very difficult to ascertain what the children really can do. Mrs. Finch visited in the morning.
October 25th - Children in tolerable order; more real work done today! than has been done in both other days together. Had a Pestalozzean Lesson on the map of the world for a reward for the time not being so fearfully lost in respect of the three R's.
October 26th
- A most unsatisfactory day; the spelling not so much improved as one might expect;from the pains bestowed upon it. Time in this school seems sadly lost.
Oct. 27th
- The numbers the same as Monday, a very unusual thing in these schools. Gave a lesson upon the giving of the Law with some success; hope I have gained some moral influence.
Oct. 30th
- A most unsatisfactory day; eight scholars present, who have not been with me before, total number 40.
Oct. 31st
- Gave a lesson on Little Abijah with some satisfaction. Numbers present 45. Afternoon James Green had to be caned several times.
Nov. 1st
- William Sear most incorrigible! an hindrance to the whole school; at last severely caned. James Green much softened and improved.
Nov. 2nd - Not a very satisfactory day, had a deal of trouble with the boys; do not think that they improve on aquaintance as I might expect. Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning & Mrs. Finch & two other ladies in the afternoon.
Nov.3rd - Full school; so worn out by the afternoon with the wear and tear of the week; which has been very great, that I was quite spent.
- William Sears said to have left; having meddled with the clock & spoilt its going in the Sunday school; he also behaved so badly in the dinner hour to the other scholars; that I was obliged to go and lock him out. This morning totally lost with one interuption and another.
Nov. 7th - Gave a lesson on Claudia; children appeared more than usually interested. The listless idleness of the greater portion of the scholars; exceeds anything that I have met with! through my wide and long experience.
Nov. 8th - Gertrude Orchard taken very sick and ill. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon, present 44.
Nov. 9th 1871 - Present today 44; pretty fair for market day. Vexed and grieved after standing all day endeavouring by all possible means to cultivate good and kindly feelings to hear the neighbours complaining aloud of the children's rudeness & hearing Thomas Ostler calling a married woman bad names -
Nov. 10th - Children somewhat attentive to the lesson on the Law! And also to the catechism.
Nov. 13th - The same number as usual. The order much better than last Monday; but all the boys very idle at their slate work.
Nov. 14th - Felt rather at home with the children today. Rather annoyed wit Emma Child's inattention to her summing and her general demeanour.
Nov. 15th - Hannah Ostler behaved in such an unpardonable manner that I boxed her ears; being the first "girl" who has had corporal punishment from me she doubtless felt it keenly & I gave her time - but she sat three-quarters of an hour without work so was just on ( this latter crammed in tiny writing at the very bottom of the page.)
Nov. 16th
- The largest number present that I have ever had here! viz. 50
Nov. 17th - Morning as usual; afternoon very thin school.
Nov. 20th
- Several children came back, after having been at the plaiting all the week; this is a sad drawback.
Nov. 21st - Gave a lesson upon Ignatius with apparent success; two girls wrote what they could remember so well on their slates, that I allowed them to copy from their slates onto paper. Afternoon had to sit to judge two urchins who had stolen cheese in the morning. One I aquitted as being the dupe of the other, the one I caned. Mrs. Finch visited and requested the girls to sing a song as soon as we had finished prayers.
Nov. 22nd - So much affected by the intensity of the cold; that it was a great interuption - several of the children quite
paralysed with it. Afternoon in the utmost disorder at 2 o'clock; the char-woman coming to light a fire for Mrs. Finch in class room.
Nov.23rd 1871 - A very small school; being market day. Children read XXII Revelations, had a lesson from 17 verse and a text from the 11. A moral influence pervaded the school throughout the day - no need of corporal punishment. William Martin much improved in his conduct.
Nov.24th - The lowest number I have ever had here! viz. 32 & 30 - Several absent from juvenile winter ailments. And some of the Infants left for the winter.
Nov. 27th - Small school; work very irksome and plodding. Would not under any circumstances, have undertaken the charge, if I had known I should not have been treated with more respect.
Nov. 28th
- Number 35. A lesson upon the promised annexed to the fifth commandment! illustrated by the example of Isaac; who lived to be old & Absolom cut off in the midst of his rebellion. Rev. G. Finch visited.
Nov. 29th - The whole school remarkably dull at summing today; spelling improving.
Nov. 30th
- Several absentees on account of its being market day. The general tome pretty good.
Dec. 1st - Very small school, but the tone good.
Dec. 4th
- First part of the morning much hindered by the more than usual time ( on Monday's ) being taken up in getting the things together after Sunday. Yet most of the elder children appeared to be doing their best with a willing heart. Second division of the afternoon not at all satisfactory.
Dec. 5th
- Gave a lesson upon the three holy children with some success. - Second part of the morning almost obliged to give up, so many of the children crying from cold,not only little ones but some of the big ones; all in turns allowed to sit by the fire.
Dec. 6th 1871
- Gave a lesson occupying double the time I arrange for; upon the youthful days of Esther; with apparent great success. Afternoon somewhat interrupted by Bennett falling into the pond a little before bell ringing; this caused
a little helter-skelter & a delay in opening the school. Mr. Finch came and spoke from the door. Mrs. Finch came in in the afternoon.
- Worried to get the children in, scattered in all directions sliding;took no notice of the bell;had it rung the second time; when everything should have been ready for prayers. The whole morning interrupted by the apparatus not being ready. Afternoon Mrs. Finch had six girls in the class room sewing.
Dec. 8th
- Friday's routine went on rather satisfactorily. Afternoon girls brought sewing. I gave a more personal examination to the fourth class! Requiring the most leading ones to read the piece backwards. Dollimvie and Cook did it well. Doggett was quite overcome with the difficulty and cried. The others could not do it.
Dec. 11th
- Thomas Harrowall continues sly and naughty. Thomas Osler very tiresome, otherwise the tone of the school is subdued and improved.
Dec. 12th
- Gave a lesson upon Christ's love for children, as illustrated by his care for Jairus' daughter after she was raised to life. 42 present. 8 scholars are allowed to go home at the break this week in consequence of living two miles and its getting dark.
Dec. 13th
- The first division of the morning interrupted, by the time be taken up in getting coals, which are difficult to obtain being mixed with the rubbish, & requiring my fire to be made up, so as to last, as well as the school fire, till 12 o'clock. This interfered with my routine sadly till the break! William Martin caned for naughty conduct in the dinner hour.
Dec. 14th - A very small school being market day.
Dec. 15th 1871
- Morning. Friday's routine went on very satisfactorily! Emma Child and Caroline Osler gave great satisfaction in saying their home lessons; having learnt the first six articles, during my teachership, very perfectly. Afternoon rather dull, during the break, Rev. & Mrs. Finch & ladies & a gentlemen came in.
Dec. 18th
- Many absent being wanted to prepare for Christmas. Thomas Harrowall caned for being mixed up with most horrible conduct in the Sunday school. An attempt was made with great violence to burst the sitting room door open. Nearly all the school pencils taken out of the drawer although I had put them away myself on Friday. Much time lost from this cause.
Dec. 19th
- The whole day's routine gone through with much satisfaction. Lesson upon Gideon with some success. Thirty-seven present. Rev. G. Finch visited in the afternoon.
Dec. 20th
- Very small school, several absent from various ailments. - Little ones from the inclemency of the weather.
Dec. 21st - Market day and a still smaller school, altho' false reading, and bad spelling is still too conspicuous! - the children have decidedly improved in these respects & are progressing in the three R's. They sing the Christmas Hymn, and piece, very fairly. The former to two tunes new to them.
Dec. 22nd - My last day in Leverstock Green School.