PAGE 324
March 11th - I entered upon my duties as Mistress of Leverstock Green School

Florence Caroline Tisoe
Rev. G. Finch opened school and brought the examination schedule, consequently altered Standards before commencing work. Admitted five children viz Sophie Young, Emily George, Freddy Wells, Nellie Hill & Jane George.
13. Rev. G. Finch and Mrs. Finch visited the school in the afternoon.
14. Elllen Bailey entered upon her duties as P.T. of this school.
15.- Rev. G. Finch visited the school in the morning and took 1st class to Holy Scripture. Taught the children a new song "The Living." Average attendance 59.3
18 - Admitted E. Halsey.
20 - Rev. G. Finch & Mrs. Finch visited the school in the afternoon.
21 - Taught the school a new song - "School Discipline."
22 - Rev. G. Finch visited the school and took the 1st class to Holy Scripture.
25 - Rev. G. Finch visited the school in the morning.
29 - Rev. G. Finch visited the school and took the first class to Holy Scripture. Very small attendance on account of its being a very snowy day. Average attendance 49.
April 1 - Admitted David Birchmore.
5 - Rev. G. Finch visited the school in the morning and took the first class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 63.6.
8 - Admitted Alfred Maunders, Alfred Howard, Annie Carter, Annie Ginger, and Fanny Ginger.
11 - Very wet day, small school in consequence, average attendance for the week 63.2.
18 - The Rev. G. Finch and Mrs. Finch visited in the morning. Broke up for a week's holiday.(Easter)
29 - Returned after the week's holiday. Rev. G. Finch opened school. Mr. Heath the School Board Officer visited to enquire absentees. Admitted Sarah Ashwells.
May 3rd - Rev. G. Finch visited the school in the morning to take the first class to Holy Scripture.
6 - Readmitted Robert Cox.
10 - Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning and took the first class to Holy Scripture.
The school is in good order and the elementary work is well done. The first standard have been accustomed to read in rather too easy a book and have a habit of slurring over words which they do not know. Geography is a failure.
The names of R. Woodwards, A. Harrowell H Cooper and J. Sherfield have been struck off the Examination Schedule under article 19(B) 1.
I am to request your particular attention to article 32 (c)
J.S.Jago is now qualified under article 79, but not under article 60. Miss Lowe will shortly receive her certificate.
Florence Caroline Tisoe. Probationer. Certificated Mistress.
Ellen Elizabeth Bailey - Candidate.
PAGE 327
The names of R. Woodwards, A Harrowell and H. Cooper, have been struck off by mistake, were afterwards replaced, and payment made for them by Committee of Council on Education.
May 17th - Mrs. Finch visited the school in the afternoon. Deviated from the Time Table by teaching Standard II a new rule in Arithmatic, instead of Spelling. Admitted Julia Sears the begining of the week. Average attendance - 64.8
20th - Admitted James Wheeler. No. of Infants attending rather small on acount of it being a wet day.
24 - Rev'd G Finch visited the school in the Morning and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Several children absent with the Measles.
27 - Admitted Leonard Osbourne, James Wheeler and James Woodwards.
31 - rev G. Finch opened school and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Several children still away ill.
June 7th - Rev G. Finch visited and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Broke up for the Whitsuntide holidays.
17th - Reopened school after a week's holiday. Admitted Annie Charge, Emily Wilson, Albert Wilson and Laura Cousins.
21st - Rev. G. Finch took 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 66.2 68
24th - Admitted Albert and Harry Snoxall. Several boys away hay-making.
28th - Rev. G. Finch took 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for week 63.2
July 3rd - Mrs. Finch visited the school in the afternoon.
4th - The School Board Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited and enquired after absentees.
6th - Rev. G. Finch visited and took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 68. Deviated from Time Table, having........
.....Needlework all the afternoon as a great many of the boys were away hay making.
12th - Deviated from Time Table by having Needlework the whole of Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons asz there were very few boys. Thursday I took the 1st & 2nd Classes together to a
reading and writing lesson as there were very few children. Average attendance for the wekk 63.4 64.3
15th - Admitted Elizabeth and Harry Taylor. Mr. Heath School Attendance Officer visited and paid for the Maundery Family (4 children).
19th - Rev. G. Finch visited and took the First Class to Holy Scripture.
24th - Received 2 doz. books for the 1st Standard reading. Average Attendance for the week 75.6
29th - Admitted John Taylor, aged 12 as a half-timer.
31st - Shut up School for the day as the Choir went to a Choral Festival in St. Alban's Abbey.
August 2nd - Rev'd G. Finch visited and tooke the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the wekk
9th Broke up for the Harvest Holidays.
September 9th - School re-opened after a months holidays. Very small school throughout the week on account of the gleaning not being finished. School Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead inquired after absentees. Mrs. Finch visited in the Morning and took the club Money.
16th - Admitted two boys in Hemel Hempstead District, John and Harry Greystoke. Number increased in attendance.
19th Half-holiday given for the children's School Treat. Average for the week 61.7
23rd - Admitted George and Emily Cane.
27th - Rev. G Finch visited in the morning and took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Average for the week 69.4.
Sept. 30th - Admitted Albert Rose.
Oct.1st - Very small school. Several Children away blackberrying. Mrs. Harrowell came to the school and was very abusive. She seemed to think her child was not to be punished as she deserved. I thought her a very ignorant woman, and told her I could not waste my time to talk to her so wished her "Good Afternoon".
4th - Rev. G. Finch took the !st Class to Holy Scripture Lesson. Average for the week 62.9 (69.4. crossed out)
7th - Admitted Emily and Jesse Grey.
8th - Children had a half-holiday.
10th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
11th - Rev. G Finch visited in the Morning. Sent notice of absentees to the Attendance Officers for Watford and hemel Hempstead.
(1)9th - Pupil Teacher returned returned, her eyes being much better. Average for the week only 49.6 Several children away blackberrying and acorning.
September 20th - The Rev. C. J. Robinson, H.M.I. visited in the afternoon just before School. He gave me permission to extend the needlework......
....time to 3.30 PM instead of 3 o'clock, and the two succeeding lessons on the Time Table for the remainder of the afternoon to be taken alternately each week.
14th - Admitted James Fox, and Martha Seabrook.
18th - Better attendance this week. Average 75.2.
21st - Three boys who had not attended since Harvest returned this Morning.
25th - Average for the week much lower than otherwise would have been on account of Thursday being a very wet day. Had needlework all the Afternoon instead of taking alesson the last half hour, as there was so much to be done, and not very many boys.
Nov. 1st - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Average for the week 85.8.
4th - Admitted George Odell.
6th - Mrs. Finch and two lady visitors visited in the afternoon, and looked at eh Needlework; thought it was done nicely.
7th - Rev. G. Finch visited and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. average attendance for the......
PAGE 333
A few minutes late in commencing school on account of a new clock being put up in school.
I certify that I have carefully verified a sufficient number of the entries in the Registers and am satisfied of the accuracy of the Returns. George Finch, Manager.
12th - Two Infants have left for the Winter Months as they have a long way to come to school. Omitted the Singing 
Lesson, continuing the previous lesson as the First Class were learning a new rule in Arithmetic which was rather 
13th - Good work but very little according to the Time Table on account of the ceiling being mended in the Class Room, and the Infants consequently having to come into the school room for the day.
15th - Smaller attendance today on account of it being wet, - 72 & 66. Average for the week 80.7
PAGE 334
19th - Mrs. Finch and her visitor Miss Royd visited in the Afternoon & heard the children sing.
22nd - The attendance Officer for St. Michael's Parish St. Albans's visited to look up absentees. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon, looked at boys' writing, remarked that they wrote nicely. Average attendance for the week 87.4
25th - P.T. opened school, as I did not return from home until 10 o'clock, having been allowed to absent myself on account - of illness in my family. Mr. Finch visited in the afternoon. Received a basket for Needlework, made for the purposes.
27th - Continued Needlework the whole of the Afternoon as there were not many children and I was busy fixing 
Examination work.
29th - Average Attendance for the week 75.1
Dec. 2nd - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
4th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning.....
PAGE 335 say that the Missionary meeting which was to have been held in the Schoolroom in the Evening was postponed 
until the New Year.
6th - Rev. G Finch took the First Class to Holy Scripture in the Morning, and stayed to hear the First Class Parse with 
which he was pleased.
9th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in the Class Room.
13th - Rev. G. Finch visited and took First Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 70.2
16th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in the Class Room.
17th - Took First Class to Arithmetic instead of Singing in the afternoon, giving them an Examination in it as it was the last week before the Christmas Holidays.
20th - Rev. G. Finch visited and took then First Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 62.8. Broke up for the Christmas Holidays - a fortnight.
PAGE 336
January 6th (1879)
Reopened school after the Christmas Holiday. Rev. Finch took Club money in Class Room.
7th - Rev. G. Finch exempted me from School duties the rest of the week on account of a death in the Family. School carried on by P.T. Conduct of Children very satisfactory. Average attendance very poor owing to the severity of - the weather. No of Infants about 1/8 the usual No.
8th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
10th - Rev. G. Finch and Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon. Average attendance 46.
13th - Recommenced school duties. Rev. G. Finch took Club Money.
14th - Deviated from Time Table in order to give Class I and II a Writing Lesson together.
17th - Rev. G.Finch visited and took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Average for the week 52.2
20th - Jane Child absent being ill with Scarletina.
21st - I exempted Pupil Teacher's from the Singing Lesson that she might study as her exam takes place on Saturday and she has lost much ground, through her eyes being week in the Summer. Mrs. Finch visited in the morning.
23rd - Allowed Pupil Teacher to study from 11 to 12 o'clock as the No of children present was very small, the weather - being still very severe. Deviated from Time Table so that I could superintend the Lower Classes during this hour. Amelia Atkins absent from sore throat.
January 15th - Received the Notice of Pupil Teacher's and Children's Examinations. (Presumably this entry was entered on Jan. 23rd or 24th, having been omitted at the correct time; at the bottom of the page is the entry for February 3rd.)
24th - Average attendance for the week 53.7
27th - Deviated from the time Table in the Morning giving First Class an Exam in Arithmetic, Grammar and Dictation. The work in the Second Class had to be altered in consequence. Some of the papers were done very well. others carelessly. A great improvement in Grammar. Mr. & Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon, brought the new Registers.
29th - Commenced Afternoon School at 12.45 P.M. on account of an entertainment being held in the schoolroom in the morning.
31st - Rev'd G. Finch visited and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 60.3.
February 3rd - Commenced the new Registers. Harry & John......
PAGE 338

.....Gravestock returned to school after having left the village for a short time. The Attendance officers for Watford and Hemel Hempstead visited enquiring for absentees.
4th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
7th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 56.9
10th - Rev. G. Finch took Money for Club.
13th - Rev. G. Finch visited and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Deviated from Time Table in order to take Classes - I & II to a Writing Lesson, after Playtime in the Morning.
14th - Gave Class I a Trial Examination on Paper in the Morning - result very fair. Continued Needlework the whole of the Afternoon, Standard IV being very backward with their Exam work. Average attendance for the week 64.7
18th - Deviated from Time Table in order that the Girls might have Needlework in the Afternoon. Also on Thursday 
Afternoon and Friday Morning.
PAGE 339

Average attendance for the week 69.
24th - The day appointed for the Annual Inspection. Half Holiday in the Afternoon. No present 94.
25th - Rev. G. Finch and Mrs. Finch visited in the Morning.
26th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
28th - Rev. G. Finch visited taking the First Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 72.2
March 7th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Received the Duplicate Exam Schedule. Opened School at 1.30 P.M. instead of 2 o'clock as I wished to go home. Average attendance for the week 78.

School Songs Prepared for the Examination

1. Give me a draught from the Crystal Spring.

2. In the Silvery Moonlight Rowing
PAGE 340

3. The Miller of the Dee

4. The Shepherd Boy

5. Before all Lands in East and West

6. Early Attendance

7. Lightly Row

8. The Pilot

1. Here beneath an Oak Tree's Shade

2. Who on the wall is seated

3. The Old Black Cat

4. On Children, On


Children in Standard IV and upwards are to write on paper without lines.
March 10th
Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room.
12th - Pupil Teachers and the Monitor both absent on account of attending a Confirmation held at Boxmoor. Afternoon - School Commenced at 1.30 P.M. instead of 2 o'clock.
13th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon and brought the New Time Table, the old one having to be altered....
PAGE 341 Needlework is continued for 1 '2 hrs. on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, instead of 1 hr. thus being obliged to omit one lesson on these afternoons.
14th - Rev. G. Finch visited and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 73.7
24th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning; received H.M.I's report of the Exam.
26th- Day appointed for the Children's Holy Scripture Exam. Postponed owing to the illness of the Examiner.
28th - Rev. G. Finch visited and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 64.2
April 2nd - Rev. G. Finch and Mrs. Finch with the Vicar of Apsley End visited.
4th - Average attendance for the week 81.6
7th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
PAGE 342

The Attendance Officer for St. Michael's Parish, St. Albans's visited to enquire after absentees. The Attendance 
Officer from Hemel Hempstead also visited.
Closed School for a week, being Eastertide. Nos. fewer than usual today. Average attendance for the week 67.2. 
Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning.
Reopened school after the Easter Holiday. Jane Child substitute for P.T. who was obliged to leave on account of 
defective eyesight. Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning. Admitted nine children from the Hemel Hempstead District.
Rev. Fisher examined the children in Religious Knowledge. No. Present 90. Admitted another child in H.H. district. 
Work in Standard I very laborious as the greater no. of chrn. admitted are too old for the Infant Room and have had 
no, or very little schooling and are therefore obliged to be placed in this Standard. The consequences therefore are 
over 40 in this Standard whereas in accordance with.....
PAGE 343

..the accommodation provided there should be about 24. Some are obliged to be sent into the Infant room to learn 
their Alphabet. Rev. G. Finch present during the Exam.
Average attendance for the week 86.8

Report of the H.M. Inspector

Discipline is good. Handwriting and spelling are very fair: the arithmetic is weak: The Infants are not nearly forward 
enough: The Mistress has been without sufficient assistance!

An assistant Teacher or a Transfer Pupil Teacher should at once be engaged (Article 32(c)

Better results will be required next year in order to secure the grant under Article 19 (B)1 (a)

H.M. Inspector reports that in addition to E.E. Baileys inferior attainments, her eyesight is so defective that he could 
not recommend her admission.
George Finch, Manager
Florence Caroline Tisoe,
Probationer, C.M.
Annie Sinfield} Stipendiary Monitresses
Jane Child }
A Transfer pupil Teacher Emily Grace Breed was engaged June 30 1879.
PAGE 344
April 28th
Admitted four new children, under 7 years of age.
May 2nd
Rev. G. Finch visited and took Class I to Holy Scripture. Spent half an hour in the Infants' Room. They are 
certainly improving but it is very uphill work owing to fresh arrivals nearly every day. Monitor is very painstaking. 
Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon. Average attendance for the week 82.6. Average attendance for the Quarter 73. 
Jane Child is certainly most efficient as a Teacher, both as regards discipline, and also manner of instruction.
Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room. Received a visit from Mr. Heath (Watford School Attendance 
Officer), and Mr. Bailey (Hemel Hempstead) to enquire concerning absentees. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon. 
Admitted Lily Stokes (Infants) and readmitted Leonard Osborn.
Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning....
PAGE 345

.....Nos larger than they have ever been since I took charge of the school. One afternoon in the week there were 
104 children present. Average attendance for the week also the largest yet viz, 91.5
Rev. G. Finch took Club money in Class Room. Nos. very high Monday and Tuesday averaging 100, but owing 
to the inclemency of the weather decreased towards the end of the week.
Average attendance for the week 93.5. Continued Needlework the whole of the afternoon, as there was a good deal 
to see to.
Rev.G.Finch visited during the dinner hour and brought the New Code.
Rev. G. Finch visited and took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Continued Needlework the whole of the afternoon.

Average attendance for the week 88.5
Continued Needlework the whole of the afternoon.
Had Needlework in the Afternoon instead of Lessons in order to finish some work before the Holidays.

PAGE 346
May 30th
Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning, and took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. J. Child absent with leave in the 
Morning. Broke up for the Whitsuntide Holidays ( a fortnight)
June 16th
Reopened the school after the Whitsuntide Holidays (a fortnight). Admitted five new children.
Continued Needlework all the afternoon.
Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon. Rev. G. Finch took the First Class to Holy Scripture in the Morning. Average 
attendance for the week 86.5
Admitted one new child.
Average attendance for the week 90.6
Miss Cockane visited in the afternoon.
July 1st
Very wet days. Nos. in attendance 31 & 51, whereas the day previous they were 96 and 102.
Mr. Finch visited in the afternoon.
Continued Needlework the whole of the afternoon. The Infants are certainly making......
PAGE 347

....... great progress in their studies. Some are particularly bright. Standard I are very slow at their arithmetic 
(Subtraction). Received notice of the Date of Examination being altered from February to November. Average 
attendance for the week 82.3.
Rev. G. Finch took Club money in Class Room. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon and assisted with the 
Miss Cokyane * visited in the afternoon.

* Possibly the same person as mentioned on June 30th, but spelt differently.
Had a singing lesson instead of an Object Lesson as I was prevented preparing it. Rev. G. Finch took Class I to 
Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon and assisted with the Needlework. Afterwards heard the children 
sing. Pupil Teacher's work in School very creditable and painstaking. Average attendance for the week 92.1
Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon and assisted with the needlework. Very few children present compared with the 
general No. owing to its being the day appointed for.....
PAGE 348

...the Sunday School Children's Treat who attend the Chapel; and several of the elder boys having obtained 
employment for the Hay and Harvest Season.
Deviated from Time Table by taking the 1st Class to an Arithmetic Lesson instead of Reading for the 1st Lesson after 
play in the Morning, there being so much to do in that subject.
P.T. gave an object lesson on a "Table" to the Infants who appeared much interested and answered brightly. Average 
attendance for the week 84.2. Rev. G. Finch took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture in the Morning. Mrs. Finch 
assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon. Mr. Finch also visited. Continued Needlework all the Afternoon.
P.T. gave a lesson to the Infants on......
PAGE 349

..."A Pin"; myself giving an Object Lesson to the 1st and 2nd Classes on "Needles". Average attendance for the 
week 78.6
Took the 1st Class to Arithmetic for the rest of the morning after the Registers were closed, there being three 
Standards to work, and so much to be done in a short time owing to the Exam coming three months earlier. 
Continued Needlework all the Afternoon.
August 1st
Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning and took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 
71.6. Average attendance for the quarter 85.2
August 4th
Rev. G. Finch exempted me from school duties in the afternoon; work in school continued as usual, Mrs. Finch 
kindly assisting with the Needlework.
First Class had an Arithmetic Lesson instead of Geography for the 1st Lesson after recreation in the Morning.
Average attendance for the week 78.1
A Sinfield (Monitor) absent from school all day with permission. Mrs. Finch.....
PAGE 350

....visited in the Afternoon to assist with the needlework.
Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon and assisted with the Needlework. Continued Needlework the whole of the 
Rev.G. Finch visited in the Morning and took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Mr. Payne also visited with Rev. G. 
Finch. The 1st Class had a Grammar Lesson instead of an Object Lesson, the 2nd Class in the meantime, having 
a Dictation Lesson. Average attendance fro the week 80.6.
Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon to assist in the Needlework.
Very wet day. Nos. very small in consequence.
Half holiday in the afternoon it being the day appointed for the Annual Sunday School Children's Treat.
Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and took the 1st Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 
Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon to assist with the Needlework.
PAGE 351
Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Broke up school for the Harvest 
Holidays (three weeks). Average attendance for the week 60.
Sept 22nd
Reopened the school after the holidays. Nos of chrn. attending very small , several being away in the Harvest Field. 
The Attendance Officers from Watford and Hemel Hempstead visited in the morning to inquire after absentees.
Numbers very small being a very (wet) day.
Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon, assisting with the needlework.
Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 
53.5. Admitted two new children this week - Alfred Wells and Rosa Woodwards (Infants).
Admitted another Infant, Anna Perry.
Oct. 2nd
P.Tr. took some of the Infants to a lesson in Arithmetic instead of Reading.
Rev. G. Finch visited and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. I gave a lesson on Coffee....

PAGE 352 the Upper Division (Class I & II). The chrn. appeared very much interested and answered brightly. The First 
Class also wrote a very good Abstract from it, instead of Writing in their Copy Books. Continued Needlework all the afternoon on Wednesday. Average attendance for the week 62.6.
8th -Continued Afternoon School at 1.30 P.M. instead of 2.0 P.M. Continued Needlework all the afternoon.
10th -I gave the Upper Division a Lesson on "Pens". the Infants had Arithmetic instead of a Natural History Lesson. 
Average attendance for the week 68.2
13th -I took Club Money in the Class Room Rev. G. Finch being away.
17th - 1st and 2nd Classes had Arithmetic instead of an Object Lesson for the 1st Lesson after Recreation in the Morning. 
Alfred Woodwards, Janie George, and Fred Poulter away ill. Average attendance for the week 85.2
20th -Emily Breed (P.T.) did not return to her duties today.
PAGE 353
21st - Dr. Steele pronounced P.T's illness to be Scarlet Fever.
22nd - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework.
23rd -Class II had Tables instead of Writing an Abstract, the 1st Lesson in the morning after Registers were closed.
24th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon to assist with the needlework. Nos. higher than they have ever been. Average attendance for the week 94.3. John Ostler, Millicent Wilson, and Sarah Timson away, being ill with Scarletina. Jane Child , Monitress in the place of P.T. during her absence.
27th - Taught Infants a new Song in the Class Room, Jane Child having charge of chrn. in Schoolroom. The Infants are very dull with their Arithmetic.
28th - 1st Class learnt Definitions of Grammar, and 2nd Class wrote in their Copy Books instead of having Geography, the First Lesson after Recreation in the Morning.
29th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon to assist....

PAGE 354

.....with the needlework.
31st - Last day of School year. Average attendance for the week 82.
I certify that I have verified a sufficient number of the entries in the register & am satisfied of the accuracy of the Return.

George Finch, Manager
November 3rd - Commenced the New Registers. Continued Needlework all afternoon.
4th -Class I & II had Arithmetic instead of a Geography Lesson.
6th -Rev. G Finch visited in the morning and took the First Class to Holy Scripture.
7th - Continued Needlework all the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 85.1
10th -Continued Needlework all the Afternoon, it being the last afternoon for Needlework before the Examination.
11st -The First Class looked over their Arithmetic Tables, also the 2nd Class, instead of having a Geography lesson from 11- 11.30 A.M.
12th - A Half-Holiday in order that the School might be cleaned.
13th - The School was visited by H.M. Inspector...
PAGE 355

.... Rev. C.J. Robinson with his Assistant Mr. Baldry. No present 90. Holiday in the afternoon.
14th -Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and took the First lass to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 
17th - Rev. G. Finch opened School in the Morning myself arriving at 9.45 A.M. Received Dup. Exam Schedule.
18th - 1st Class had Reading Lesson and the 2nd Class an Arithmetic Lesson instead of Geography from 11.00 - 11.30.A.M. Two boys, James Latchford and Harry Gravestock left having passed standard III in all three Subjects and being over 10 years of age. Some of the children away ill with Scarletina.
19th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the afternoon.
20th - Class II learnt 8 times Tables instead of having a Grammar lesson from 2.30 - 3.00 P.M.
21st - Took Standard VI to an Arithmetic lesson while the other children were having a Spelling Lesson Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon assisting with the Needlework. Rev. G. Finch visited Thursday Afternoon. Average attendance poor being snowy and wet during the week. 70.9
PAGE 356
24th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon to assist with the Needlework.
26th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon, and assisted with the Needlework.
27th - Missionary from British Guiana visited in the Morning with Mrs. Finch to see the Working Drill etc. of an English National School. Remarked that the children were well disciplined. He had presided at a Missionary Meeting held in the Schoolroom the previous Evening and gave a most interesting account of the Country and People of British
Guiana. Standard II learned 8 Times Table instead of having a Grammar Lesson from 2.30 to 3.0.P.M.
28th -Received my Parchment. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework which was continued all the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 73.4. The number in the Infants' Room commences to decrease owing to the Winter, and consequent cold weather coming on.
Dec.1st - Rev. G. Finch took Club in the Class Room. Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
2nd. - Class I had an Arithmetic Lesson instead of...

PAGE 357

...Writing an Abstract from 2.45 - 3.15.P.M.
Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning, taking class I to Holy Scripture. I gave Standard VI a lesson in Arithmetic 
from 11 - 11.30 A.M., the Monitress meanwhile taking the rest of the children in Schoolroom to a Spelling Lesson.
Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon which was continued until 3.30 P.M. Average attendance for the week 61.9
8th -Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
10th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon and assisted with the Needlework. The Rev. G. Finch also visited.
11th - Standard II learned 9 Times Table from 2.30 to 3 P.M. instead of having a Grammar Lesson as there were so few present.
12th - Continued Needlework all the afternoon. Average attendance for the week 64.5
15th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon.
19th - Broke up for the Xmas holidays (a fortnight) Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning. Average attendance for the week 62.7.
PAGE 358
Report of H.M. Inspector

The progress in the nine months considering all the circumstances has been very fair. A special Medical Certificate 
should be forwarded for E.G. Breed next year. Mrs. Tisoe will shortly receive her Certificate.

Florence Caroline Tisoe: Certificated Mistress

Emily Grace Breed. Pupil Teacher. 3rd Year
January 5th 1880 - School was reopened by E.G. Breed, P.T. myself being prevented returning through illness until the evening. She 
has quite recovered from the Scarlet Fever.
6th - Mr. & Mrs. Finch visited . Admitted 5 new children, three of whom had not been to school before, and two who came form Boxmoor School.
7th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the afternoon.
9th - Continued Needlework the rest of the Afternoon.
12th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon,......
PAGE 359

....assisting with the Needlework
13th - Standard II had an Arithmetic Lesson instead of writing an Abstract from 2.30 - 3 P.M. Rev. G. Finch visited in the afternoon.
16th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Half holiday in the afternoon in order that the Schoolroom might be prepared for an Entertainment which was given in the Evening by Mr. Peel and Family. Average attendance for the week 68.2
21st - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
23rd - Standards IV & VI had an Arithmetic Lesson from 11 to 11.30 A.M. instead of a Spelling Lesson. Average attendance for the week 68.2.
21st - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
23rd - Standard IV & VI had an Arithmetic lesson from 11.30. A.M. instead of a Spelling Lesson. Continued Needlework the whole of the afternoon. The Infants have not had Needlework the last few weeks as there have only been two or three girls attending, the weather being so severe, and a P.T. could not be spared for so small a No. Average attendance for the week 75.
26th - Admitted a new child, Alice Spencer. Continued Needlework all the afternoon.
PAGE 360
28th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
29th - Class II had an Arithmetic Lesson instead of writing an Abstract from 2.30 to 3.0. P.M.
30th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Scripture Lesson. Average Attendance for the week 74.7.
Feb. 2nd -
Commenced Afternoon School again at 2.o'clock instead of 1.30.P.M. Nos. higher owing to the weather being milder. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon and assisted with the Needlework.
4th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
5th - Nos. fewer today owing to the weather and it being Market Day.
6th - Rev. G. Finch opened School in the Morning and took the First Class to Holy Scripture. Continued Needlework all the afternoon. Average attendance for the week 79. Arithmetic in Standard I is improved. Children on the whole working hard and painstaking.
9th - Rev.G.Finch took Club Money in Class Room....
PAGE 361

.....Mrs. Werith School Attendance Officer, from St. Albans's visited to enquire after absentees. Mrs. Finch assisted 
with the needlework in the afternoon.
10th - Mr. Bailey, School Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead, visited also in the Morning.
11th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon to assist with the Needlework.
13th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to take Class I to Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Needlework continued all the Afternoon. Average Attendance for the week 78.6.
16th - Admitted one new child. Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon and assisted with the Needlework.
18th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
20th - Rev. G. Finch visited and gave Class I a Scripture Lesson Continued Needlework all the Afternoon Average
Attendance for the week 74.5.
23rd - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework which was continued the whole of the....
PAGE 362

Afternoon. The Attendance Officer from St. Albans and Abbot's Langley visited in the Morning to enquire after 
26th - P.T. Absent from her duties in the Morning; not being very well.
27th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Scripture Lesson. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 92.7
March 1st - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in the Class Room in the Morning. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
2nd - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
3rd - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
5th - Rev. G. Finch opened School in the Morning and gave Class I a Scripture Lesson. Several children away having whooping cough. Average Attendance for the week 88.5.
8th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room in the Morning.
10th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Rev. G.Finch and Mrs.Rayds also visited. Rev.G.Finch visited and gave Class I a Lesson......
PAGE 363 Holy Scripture. The Monitress J.Child was absent during the week owing to a slight spring illness. Average 
Attendance for the week 71.3
15th - Admitted two new children Harry Sherfield and Edith Rose. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework which was continued all the Afternoon.
17th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon and assisted with the Needlework which was continued all the Afternoon.
18th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning.
19th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Scripture Lesson. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Average Attendance for the week 87.9
22nd - Admitted Sarah Ann Carter, a girl in Standard IV from Abbots Langley School. Took Standard to Arithmetic, found great improvement both in Notation and Addition. Mrs. Finch assisted with Needlework.
23rd - Admitted Ellen Abbott from Bennetts End.
24th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
25th - Opened Afternoon School at 1.30.P.M. instead of 2 o'clock. Mrs. Finch and Miss Cockayne visited in the Afternoon.
PAGE 364
25th - Closed School for the Easter Vacation a week. Average Attendance for the week 81.3.
April 5th -
Reopened the School after the holiday. Admitted three new children. Rev.G. Finch took the Club Money in Class Room. Mrs. Finch visited with the Afternoon.
7th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon to assist with the Needlework which was continued the rest of the Afternoon.
9th - Rev. G. Finch gave Class I a Scripture Lesson. Average attendance for the week 87.7. The children have lost much ground the week they were absent and are inattentive.
12th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room. Admitted one new child.
14th - Gave the children two hours' Holy Scripture Lesson, the Exam being on Friday. Class I had an Arithmetic Lesson 
instead of spelling from 11.30 - 12.0A.M.
15th - Holy Scripture continued from 9.10 - till 10.45 A.M.
16th - " " " " " " " ". Rev. Fisher Examined the Children in Holy Scripture in the Afternoon.

No. present 104. Improved in order and Attention. Average Attendance for the week 94.7. Higher than ever.
PAGE 365
26th - Admitted three new children in the first Class. Mrs. Finch assisted with the needlework in the Afternoon. Receivedthe Report of the Holy Scripture Exam which was Very Good.
27th - No. present in the Afternoon 117.
30th - Rev. G. Finch opened School in the Morning and took Class I to Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon to assist with the Needlework. Average attendance for the week 107.8. Needlework continued the whole of the Afternoon. Mr. Bailey, Attendance Officer, visited to enquire after absentees in the morning.
19th - Admitted three new children. Gave the Infants a writing lesson in the Morning.
20th - Took Standard II to a Dictation Lesson from 11.30 to 2. A. M.; found improvement.
21st - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
23rd - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to take Class I to Holy Scripture. Average Attendance for the week 100.7 
I have carefully verified a sufficient number of the Entries made in the Registers & found them correct.

George Finch, Manager
PAGE 366
May 3rd -
Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
5th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework which was continued in the afternoon.
7th - Rev. G. Finch gave Class I a Scripture Lesson in the Morning. Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
10th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Needlework was done by some of the girls every 
Afternoon this week in order to get it completed to send to the Needlework Show at St. Albans.
14th - Closed School for the Whitsuntide vacation (a week). Average attendance for the week 103.3
24th - Reopened School after a week's holiday. Readmitted Ellen Buxton and Anna Perry who had been away owing to sickness. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework which was continued all the afternoon. Rev. G. Finch also visited.
26th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework.
28th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to take Class I to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 95.9.
PAGE 367
May 31st - Admitted three new children named Franklin. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
June 2nd - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework.
4th - Half-holiday in the Afternoon in order that myself and teachers might attend the Needlework Show at St. Albans. Rev.G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Scripture lesson. Average Attendance for the week 102.4
7th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room.
11th - Rev. G. Finch gave Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson in the Morning. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 97.4.
14th - Class I had an Arithmetic Lesson instead of Spelling. The Arithmetic in the Upper Standard's is worked very
carelessly. Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room.
15th - Class I & II had an Arithmetic Lesson instead of Geography from 11.0 - 11.30 A.M.
16th -Mrs. Finch assisted with the needlework in the afternoon.
18th - Rev. G. Finch visited to give Class I a Holy......
PAGE 368

..... Scripture Lesson. Average attendance for the week.
21st - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon to assist with the Needlework.
22nd - Class I & II had an Arithmetic lesson instead of Geography from 11 o'clock to 11.30 A.M.
23rd - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon.
25th - Rev. G. Finch opened School and took Class I to Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for week 98.6.
28th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the needlework in the afternoon.
29th - Admitted Martha Howe, and readmitted Lucy Bateman.
30th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework
July 2nd -
Rev. G Finch gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture in the Morning. Average attendance for the week 93.5.
July 5th -Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in the Class Room. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon.
PAGE 369
8th - Monitress absent with leave in the Afternoon.
9th - Rev. G. Finch gave Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson in the morning. Several children away just now doing necessary work in accordance with the time of year. Average attendance for the week 93.3.
12th - Rev. G.Finch took Club money in Classroom. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon.
16th - Monitress absent with leave. Examined Standard I - found improvement but children still very backward in Reading. Average attendance for the week 80.
19th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Admitted two children of the name of Poulter (twins), Infants.
23rd - Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 94.
26th - Children who attend Chapel absent today, it being the day appointed for their Annual Treat.
28th - Mrs. Finch visited to assisted with the Needlework..
PAGE 370 the afternoon.
30th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson. Last day in the third quarter of the School Year. Average attendance for the week 83.4 Average attendance for the Quarter 95.4
August 2nd - Rev. G. Finch visited to take Club Money in the Class Room.
4th - Half-holiday in the afternoon being the day appointed for the annual Sunday School Treat.
6th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon to assist with the Needlework. Very wet afternoon. Number of Infants small in consequence. Average attendance for the week 86.
9th - Rev. G. Finch took Club money in Class Room.
13th - Rev. G. Finch took Class to Holy Scripture. Broke up after morning school for the Harvest Holidays. Average attendance for the week 76.5.
September 13th - Recommenced school after the Harvest Vacation. Several of the children not returned.
15th - Mr. Heath, Attendance Officer visited to enquire....
PAGE 371

....for absentees.
17th - Average attendance for the week 68.2
20th - Admitted a new child, Sydney Snoxall. Several children absent in the afternoon, it being Hemel Hempstead Statute Fair. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the needlework.

I have carefully verified a sufficient number of the Entries in the Registers and found them correct.
21st - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Afternoon. to bring some Child's Book for me to sign.
24th -Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Scripture Lesson. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon. Received the form for the Approximate number of children to be presented at the forthcoming Exam; to be filled up. Average attendance for the week 94.2
27th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
30th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning, and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture.

School Attendance Officers from Hemel Hempstead and St. Albans visited to enquire for absentees.

Average attendance for the week 102.4
4th - Mrs Finch took Club Money in Class Room
5th - Classes I & II had Dictation lesson instead of Geography from 11-11.30 A.M. Continued Needlework all the
8th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 100.4
11th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
13th - Received notice of P.T's and Children's Exam. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework.
15th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Examined Infants in Arithmetic from 11.30 - 12.A.M. Continued with Needlework all the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 101,9
18th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
21st - P.T. absent from her duties being allowed to go ....

home owing to the death of her father.
22nd - Rev. G. Finch visited to give Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Examined Classes II & IV in Reading, and found great improvement in the latter. Also worked Arithmetic with the Infants. The weather on Wednesday and two following days being very snowy and wet, causes several of the Infants to be absent, and thus lowered the average attending for the week. Average attendance for the week 96.9
25th - Miss Cokyane assisted with the needlework in the Afternoon in the absence of Mrs. Finch.
27th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework.
29th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework, which was continued all the Afternoon. Very wet week, causing average Attendance of the children to be poor, only 88.2. Average Attendance for the Quarter 90.7. Average Attendance for the Year 86.5. P.T. returned to her duties.
Nov. 2nd- Day appointed for the Annual Inspector's visit. No. present 113. Half Holiday in the Afternoon. P.T. again absent
for a short time.
3rd - Deviated from Time Table by taking up time.....

to rearrange Standards, and place children in their sizes etc. Several children absent just now gathering acorns. Mrs 
Finch visited in the afternoon and Mr. Finch in the Morning. Admitted three new children of the name of Orchard.
5th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon. Rev. G. Finch took Club money in the Classroom in the Morning. Average attendance for the week 94.1
8th - Readmitted Albert Wilson. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Classroom in the Morning.
10th - Mrs. Finch and Miss Royals visited in the afternoon.
12th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon. School Attendance Officer from Watford visited.
Average attendance for the week 87.4
15th - School Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited in the Morning. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Very wet week. Average Attendance only 78.7
22nd - Needlework Continued the whole of the Afternoon.
26th - Needlework continued the whole of the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 94.4

The results of the examination are scarcely so good as last years. The Reading was fairly good, but writing and 
especially Spelling and Arithmetic should improve. The Grammar grant is just obtained! The order is quite satisfactory. E.G. Breed has passed fairly.

Florence Caroline Tisoe, Certified Mistress

Emily Grace Breed, Pupil Teacher 4th Year
29th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room.
Dec. 3rd - Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning to give Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 85.
6th - Rev. G. Finch took Club money in Classroom in the Morning. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework.
9th - The Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead attended in the afternoon.
10th - Rev. G. Finch visited to give Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. The Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited to enquire after absentees. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon.

Average attendance for the week 87.1
13th - Admitted a new child Thomas Cole. Attendance Officer from Abbots Langley visited in the afternoon to enquire after absentees. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework.
17th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a lesson in Holy Scripture. Average Attendance for the week 96.6. Closed school for the Xmas vacation, a fortnight.
Jany. 4th 1881 -Reopened school after the Holiday. Attendance very fair.
7th - Rev. G. Finch opened school in the Morning and took Class I as usual. Average attendance for the week 83.
10th - Admitted a boy from Hemel Hempstead School. Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited...

in the Morning.
14th - Rev. G. Finch gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture in the Morning. Average Attendance for the week 83.9.
18th - Very severe snowstorm during the Morning. No of children present in the Afternoon in consequence only 22.
19th - Only 7 children answered the bell this Morning the fall of snow having been so great, the roads were impassable. Were compelled therefore to close the school for the rest of the week.

Average attendance for the week (2 days) 54.2
28th - Very small school this week owing to the inclemency of the weather. Friday Morning the Children were obliged to be grouped together on the Gallery in Class Room, it being the only place where the wet was not penetrating through the ceiling. Were obliged to close the school in the afternoon as the ceiling above the Gallery became damp.
Rev. G. Finch opened the school in the Morning. Average attendance for the week 46.5. Average attendance for the Quarter 82.1
Feb. 4th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture.

Average attendance for the week 64.3
7th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room.
8th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
11th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson. Average attendance for the week 64.3
14th - Rev. G. Finch took Club money in the Class Room in the Morning. Admitted 4 new children.
16th - The Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited to enquire after absentees.
18th - Rev. G. Finch opened School & took Class I to Holy Scripture.

Average attendance for the week 87.1
25th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch visited in the
afternoon. Average attendance for the week 74.3
28th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the afternoon.
March 2nd - Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited in the Afternoon to enquire after absentees. Mrs. Finch also visited.
4th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give...

Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson.

Average attendance for the week 90.9
7th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room in the Morning.
11th - Rev. G. Finch opened School and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.

Average attendance for the week 94.6
14th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room. Admitted 1 new child.
18th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture.

Average attendance for the week 93.4
25th - Rev. G. Finch visited and gave Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson in the Morning.

Average attendance for the week 98.9
30th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
April 1st - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon. Average attendance for the week 99.6
April 4th -
Admitted a new boy. Rev. G. Finch took Club Money.
5th - Admitted a new girl.
6th - Rev. G. & Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
April 8th -
Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning & took a Holy Scripture Lesson with Class I.

Average attendance for the week 102.3
11th - Mrs. F. assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon, Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in the Class Room in the Morning.
14th - Closed School for the Easter Vacation. Average attendance for the week 84.7
25th - Reopened school, some of the boys away at work.
29th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the afternoon. Average attendance for the week 91.7.

Average attendance for the Quarter 87.2
May 2nd -
Rev. G. Finch took Club money in Class Room in the Morning.
4th - Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited to enquire after absentees.
6th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Rev. G Finch took Holy Scripture with Class I in the Morning. Av. Att. for the wweek 99.9
9th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in the Morning a gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon.

Average attendance for the week 101.6
20th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a lesson in Holy Scripture.

Average attendance for the week 96.3
23rd - Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited in the Morning to enquire after absentees. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
26th - Class I went to Church in the Morning being Ascension Day. No School carried on in the Afternoon.
27th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture.

Average attendance for the week 102.
30th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
31st - Attendance Officer from Abbott's Langley visited in the Morning.
June 1st - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
3rd - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and took Class I to Holy Scripture. Diocesan Inspection by Rev. Lane in the Afternoon, Rev. G. Finch present. Afterwards closed school for Whitsuntide Holidays, one week.
13th - Reopened school after the Holidays. Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon assisting with the Needlework.
16th - Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited to enquire after absentees.
17th - Admitted two new children this week. Average attendance fro the week 91.8
24th - Class I had a Grammar Lesson from 11.30-12.P.M. instead of Dictation, being rather dull in understanding the Cases of Nouns & Pronouns. Average attendance for the week (Not filled in.)
27th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the afternoon.
29th - Mrs. Finch assisted with Needlework in the afternoon.
July 1st - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Half Holiday in the afternoon there being a meeting of Sunday School Teachers at St. Albans which the P.T. Monitress and myself attended, being also Sunday School teachers. Average attendance for the week 90.7
4th - Mrs. Finch took Club Money in Class Room in the Morning. Also assisted with the Needlework

in the Afternoon.
8th - Rev. G. Finch gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture in the Morning. Several of the boys absent at work bird keeping etc. Average attendance for the week 78.6
11th -Very small attendance today it being the day appointed for the Sunday School Children's annual holiday, attending the Baptist Chapel. Rev. G.Finch took Club Money in Class Room. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon.
15th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon. Average attendance for the week 86.4
25th - Mr. Heath & Mr.Thurnham, Attendance Officers from Watford & Hemel Hempstead visited in the Morning to enquire after absentees. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon to assist with the Needlework.
28th - Half holiday in the afternoon, it being the day appointed for the Annual Sunday School Festival.
29th - Average attendance for the week 88
August 1st - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in the Class Room.
5th - Closed the school in the Morning for the Harvest Holidays. (1 month.)
September 5th - P.T. opened school, myself having permission to be absent until Tuesday.
10th - Rev. G. Finch opened School and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited to enquire after absentees. Average attendance for the week 54.7
13th - Mr. Heath, Attendance Officer, visited in the Afternoon.
15th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
16th - Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited.
17th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Average Attendance for the week 75.4. Several of the boys have not returned from Harvest work owing to the bad weather having

caused it to be late before the crops could be gathered in.
20th - several of the children still away, some ill with measles.
22nd - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework which was continued all the afternoon.
24th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning as usual. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework.

Average attendance for the week 78.5
Sept. 30th - Visited without notice. Registers marked but not added. Three absent children marked present. These attendances
were cancelled. Staff present.

W. Daldrey. HMI Assistant
October 3rd - I have carefully verified a sufficient number of the entries in the Register and find them correct.
Oct. 4th 1881 - Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited to enquire after absentees.
7th - Rev. G. Finch, with two gentlemen, visited in the Morning. Attendance Officer from Abbots Langley visited in the afternoon. Average attendance for the week 82.7
10th - Mrs. Finch with another lady visited in the afternoon.
11th - Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead again visited.
12th - Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon.
14th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 76.2
17th - Mrs/ Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
18th - Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited in the Afternoon to enquire after the absentees.
19th - Needlework continued all the afternoon.
21st. - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and took Class I to Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 87.1
Oct.28th 1881-Several children absent with Measles. Last day of School Year. Average attendance for the week 84.9. Average attendance for the Quarter 78.7
Oct. 31st -
Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
Nov. 1st -Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited in the Morning.
2nd -Rev. G. Finch visited in the afternoon. Continued Needlework in the Afternoon.
4th -Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework. The Infants have made great progress in writing during the past week, and Standard I in Arithmetic. The Reading in Standard II is also improved. More children absent with Measles.

Average attendance for the week 87.
7th - Rev. G. Finch took the Money in Class Room. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
8th - Examined Standard I in Arithmetic & writing. Found them very careful in their work.
Nov 10th 1881-Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited to enquire after absentees, in the Morning.
11th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 89.6
14th - Rev. G. Finch took Club money in Class Rooms in the Morning.
15th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning. Attendance Officer from Watford visited between Morning and Afternoon School.
16th - Day appointed for Her majesty's Inspector's Annual visit. Half Holiday in the Afternoon.
17th - Rev. G. Finch opened School, and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Average attendance for the week 95.7
21st - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the needlework in the afternoon.
23rd - Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited in the morning. Received the Duplicate Examination Schedule.
25th - Rev. G. Finch opened school in the Morning..
Dec 1881
and gave Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson. Admitted several children this week. Average attendance for the week 100.5.
29th - P.T. absent from her duties, not being well.
30th - P.T. also absent today, not being well enough to attend.
Dec 1st -
P.T. absent in the Morning, resumed school duties in the Afternoon. Class I had Arithmetic Lesson from 3.5-3.40 P.M. as well as the previous Lesson. Taught Standard III a new Rile. Rev. G. Finch opened school in the Morning and took Class I to a Holy Scripture Lesson. Mrs. Finch visited in the afternoon. Monitress absent today with a bad cold. Admitted several children again this week making in all 22 since the Exam.
Nov. 16th. - readmitted two children. Average attendance for the week 114.2
7th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
8th - Attendance Officer from St. Albans visited in the Morning. Average attendance for the week 111.1
13th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room.

School Songs prepared for Examination 1881
Now from every bush and tree
The Farewell
Oh! tell me pretty river.
The Bugle Horn.
The Rivulet.
The Old Year.

The Snowdrop
Now from every bush and tree.
Winter goodbye.
The Fountain.

P.T. had a half holiday in the afternoon by permission.
16th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 109.4.
19th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room.
Dec. 1881
Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the afternoon.
21st - Closed School for the Xmas Holidays in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 87.3
Jany. 9th 1882-Reopened School after the Vacation. Admitted 3 children. Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room. 
Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited.
10th - Admitted 1 child Amelia Sinfield, Monitress Jany 9th 1882.
11th - P.T. absent with leave in the Morning. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon.
13th - Average attendance for the week 102.9
18th - Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited in the Afternoon. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework.
20th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Half holiday in the Afternoon.

Average attendance for the week 93.3
27th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning, taking Class I to Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 94.3
31st. 30th
-- Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead...........
Jany. 31st 1882
Report of H.M. Inspector

There is a marked improvement especially in Arithmetic which is now good. Grammar is well rendered. The infants are backward and should decidedly improve. They require a larger and more advanced Reading Book.

E.G. Breed has passed fairly. She should be informed that she will on the termination of her apprenticeship be qualified under Article 79 but not under Article 60.

F.C. Tisoe Certified Mistress

Jane Child Pupil Teacher 1st Year
visited in the Morning. P.T. left after Afternoon School, having completed her apprenticeship. Alice Child appointed Monitress.
Feb 1st - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
2nd - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning
3rd - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture.

Average attendance for the week 98.2
6th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room. Admitted one child.

I have carefully verified a sufficient number of the Entries in the Register and find them correct.
Feb. 7th 1882 - Admitted one child.
10th -Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson. Mrs. Finch visited and assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 101.4
13th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in the Class Room.
15th - Very wet in the morning, only 42 children present.
16th - Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited in the Morning to enquire after absentees.
17th - Attendance Officer from St. Albans also visited. Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning to give a Lesson in Holy Scripture to Class I. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the afternoon. Average attendance for the week 93.
20th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
Feb 24th 1882 - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch assisted with the 
Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance foe the week 96.5
28th - P.T. absent all day with leave. Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited in the afternoon.
March 3rd - Rev. G. Finch gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture in the Morning. Mrs. Finch visited and assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon. Average attendance for the week 98.9
6th - Rev. G. Finch took Club money in Class Room.
8th - Mrs. Finch visited in the Afternoon.
10th - Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead and St. Albans visited to enquire after absentees. Rev. G. Finch also visited to give a Holy Scripture lesson. Average attendance for the week 96.4
13th - Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room. Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
March 17th 1882 - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning to give Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture.

Average attendance for the week 110.7. No. of children present on Tuesday Morning 128.
20th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the afternoon.
21st -Class I had arithmetic for the first Lesson Tuesday Afternoon instead of writing, also from 3.5 to 3.35 P.M. being very careless in their working.
22nd - P.T. absent from her duties in the afternoon not being well.
24th - Rev. G. Finch visited in the Morning and gave Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon. Change of Monitresses on Monday in this week, the former one leaving the place.

Average attendance for the week 108.1
27th - Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the needlework in the Afternoon.
29th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework.
31st - Rev. G. Finch opened school in the Morning
April 1882
and gave Class I a Holy Scripture Lesson. Average Attendance for the week 102.1
3rd - Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead visited in the morning. Rev. G. Finch took Club Money in Class Room in the Morning. Mrs. Finch visited to assist with the Needlework in the Afternoon.
6th - Closed school for the Easter Vacation.
18th - Rev. G. Finch reopened school in the Morning having granted me leave of absence until 10.30. A.M.
20th - Class I had an Arithmetic Lesson instead of Tables from 3.0 - 3.35 P.M.
21st - Rev. G. Finch visited in the morning & gave Class I a Lesson in Holy Scripture. Mrs. Finch assisted with the
Needlework in the Afternoon. Average attendance for the week 99.3
24th - Mrs. Finch assisted with the Needlework in the afternoon. Rev. G. Finch also visited.
25th - 128 children present in the Morning and...
April 1882

............112 in the afternoon through pouring with rain.
26th - Class I had Arith. instead of Dictation from 11.0 - 11.25 A.M. Attendance Officer from Watford visited in the afternoon. Attendance Officer from Hemel Hempstead also visited.
28th - Average attendance for the week 110.5